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IGDA Sydney Xmas Beer and Pixels


Where: Club 77 - 77 William St, Sydney
When: 7pm Tuesday, 11 December 2012

IGDA Sydney's final Beer and Pixels, the catch up and meet'n greet organised by the local IGDA chapter for local games developers, for 2012 has been set at Club 77 on the 11th of December. Bring your games and work-in-progress for discussion and feedback from fellow devs over a relaxing beer or two or three.

Mark yourselves down as attending at the IGDA Sydney Xmas Beer and Pixels event page!

(From the event page)

Amazingly, it is time for our final Beer and Pixels for the year!

We've had an eventful year - the group has grown so much, companies have come and gone, awesome people have come and gone, and we've all created some amazing games.

So, please bring along your amazing games and prepare to celebrate the year that was. We're also going to celebrate the arrival of summer in the best way we know how - in a big dark room with no windows to let in any of that pesky experience destroying sunlight.

We're once again back at Club 77 - and once again we'll be using the entrance at the back.

If there's one meeting you come to all year, then it should be this one! Can't wait to see you all there!