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2D Artist

Character Designs

Journal Category

Designs for characters of a harvest moon type game

Game Concept Poster Design

Journal Category

One of my favourite poster design I created. This is a concept design of characters and environment. I had done many more characters design related to this concept. If I remember correctly, this had took me 2 and half days to finished it and if I add them times I spent it together, it would have been like a took about less than 24 hours.

Escape Velocity

Journal Category

A personal piece. Soviet aircraft of the 1950’s and 1960’s have long interested me and I’ve long enjoyed the art of John Berkey and Chris Foss with their depictions of space craft and alien worlds, often inspired by the same aesthetic.

This image depicts a decrepid ship attempting (and failing?) to reach escape velocity.

Completed using Photoshop and Modo.

Ruined City Matte

Journal Category

The challenge of this personal matte was to transform a stock image of a typical downtown centre into an atmospheric piece depicting the aftermath of a major conflict. The primary image is a stock image kindly provided by Allendra3 at Deviant Art and is provided for comparison.