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An area for local developers looking for volunteers / non-paid workers for their projects.

Mere Mortal Games seeking Programmer (Royalty)

Our game DWD needs help to complete. We are looking for someone who has UnrealScript experience or someone who is keen to dive in. DWD is well advanced and playable though some existing features need fine tuning and tweaking. If your are keen and can commit a day or 2 a week consistanly, after some initial discussion we can prepare a current build for you to try on an iPad2 or similar before you make a decision. Please contact me at or through the website. Hope to hear from you.

Submitted by Meremortal on Sat, 12/01/13 - 4:22 PMPermalink

Although we can only offer a royalty agreement we are confident that if you do have experience and can comitt the time you will be convinced when you play our current build that although iOS dev is always a risk, our game is a good bet.

Melbourne Student Game Designer & Programmer Wanted!

Hi Guys,
I'm a 3rd Year Film Student At JMC Academy in Melbourne starting a small entertainment business, looking to get some Game Designers/Programmers to come on board for a small project iIve been working on, looking to take people with me and create future employment for us so it's volunteer at this point but looking to make it paid work down the track.

Hit us up if your interested in knowing more at or on twitter @ForbiddenFilm or on Facebook at


UDK Programmer wish list


Our team will be seeking a programmer to join us in a cupla months or so after we get some more gameplay sorted using kismet and also build on our levels and assets. What I would ask is what is a programmer who has skills using the unreal engine looking for to take a leap joining an indie team with no actual funding ! We are 2 very keen, and very experienced game developers, having over 17 collective years working locally and overseas. Both of us have been involved in game development and level design since the early days of Quake and Unreal and you guessed right our game is shooter based.
We would hope to gain the interest of someone who is into the Unreal engine and UDK to help develop our first title for IOS and beyond that. Making a commitment early would ensure equal share in our startup company and that is all that can be offered as we are developing while we hold 'real' jobs so to speak. This would also allow your input into the game design itself which has already been through some changes as we try and modify our ideas as we discuss what is for the best. We are in no real rush, but we also don't want to wait until the passing of Nibiru to release our first game. you need to see a 76 page game design document ? A working prototype ? A chat over a few beers at some reasonably priced pub a few k's north of Brisbane ?

Submitted by Meremortal on Sat, 17/03/12 - 8:41 PMPermalink

Actually the 76 page design doc ain't gona happen, but the Ipad prototype is coming along nicely and those cupla beers at aforementioned pub is on the table for a programmer with unreal engine experience interested in coming onboard in the early stages of development. We are getting closer to moving into building the game levels as the gameplay becomes more obvious and settled. We would consider working remotely with someone outside the Brisbane area but the beers might have to wait...Email me.

Submitted by Meremortal on Mon, 16/04/12 - 10:47 AMPermalink


I'd like to show mere mortal games 'promo' video I've created to introduce you to the game I'm making. It includes the plot and also some game-play footage. Very interested to hear from a programmer who is interested in joining the team, preferably with Unreal engine experience and from the Brisbane area although I'm prepared to consider working remotely with the right people.…

Developer for paid research game project

Here's a little paid gig I heard about. Good for the wallet and good XP. Let me know if you take it up! From Annie Au-Yeung at UQ:

I'm seeking [multimedia designers] who would be interested in (paid work) developing an online fantasy sports game to be used in a large research project...As the project is still in its infancy, I'm afraid specs for the game have yet to be established. However, the head researcher of the project has indicated a preference for using fairly universally popular sports such as motor racing, basketball, and soccer; use of fictitious sportmen (to choose from to form 'fantasy team'); and building in fabricated statistics. Ideally, we'd like to run the game through a link online but are unsure of an appropriate platform - if possible, we'd like to host on the University of Queensland server.

I can be reached via email:

2D artist, animator and illustrator is looking for a job in Sydney


I am a freelance 2D artist, animator and illustrator passionate about bright and kind graphics for flash/iOS/mobile/etc games and applications. During last 2 years I took part at at least 5 games that are/were on App Store and several more ongoing. You could find all links and full projects description in my portfolio (also designed by me):

Feedback from my employers on (the marketplace for online workteams): , including employers from Australia, United Kingdom, Spain, Brazil, Korea, United States, etc.

Best regards,

Programmer for Collaboration - Electric Mammoth Studios

The Mammoth Needs You!
Indie Games Studio seeks C# Programmer for collaboration

Electric Mammoth Studios is a start-up indie games studio located in Melbourne. The small, passionate and talented team currently consists of five members and has all areas of 3D modelling, rigging, animating, 2D art, game design, marketing and project management covered. At present we are working remotely with a programmer based in Queensland and are around two months away from finishing and launching our first game.

What we are looking for is a Melbourne-based programmer to join our team. Using our remote contractor is fine; however, at Electric Mammoth we believe that there is no substitute for working together as a team in the same physical space. It allows for immediate sharing and consultation (both technical and artistic) and creates a more tangible sense of collaborative energy and achievement. At the moment the team meets once a week (on Sundays) and spends a full day working together. Our Sunday studio space is fully equipped with four fast workstations. We also work independently during the week but are in constant contact through Skype, Gmail etc.

We are using the Unity3D game engine and working on a fairly simple but very fun and polished game that will be launched initially as a browser game before being ported to mobile platforms and beyond. The game has an embedded capacity for revenue-raising through micro-transactions and the in-game economy.

At present the team is working on a profit-share basis and while this collaborative structure might raise inherent (and justified) concerns for you, our potential collaborator; there are some things to consider that may alleviate those concerns:

• The profit share agreement is legally binding with documentation drawn up and validated by a business accountant and a lawyer. There is no potential for getting ‘screwed over’ at Electric Mammoth.
• This is not a ‘profit’ sharing arrangement; it is a ‘revenue’ sharing arrangement. Every dollar that the game makes gets shared according to pre-set percentages. The studio founder (me) cannot, by law, claim that due to various expenses, the game’s PROFIT is far less than the game’s overall REVENUE.
• One common concern held by people entering this kind of collaborative arrangement is that the project will never see completion and that a lot of time and effort will have been invested for nothing. This game will be completed and released – end of story. A massive investment of time, energy and money has already gone into its creation and the pieces of the puzzle are starting to come together as the production process enters the last couple of months. All team members are 100% committed to the project and you will be joining a passionate, dedicated team.
• Incidentals are covered. EMS will pay for all your travel expenses and provide all the delicious, nutritious food and drinks you can handle during a Sunday session (seriously – the lunches we have are awesome).
• You will be working with a fantastic group of people who share your passion for game development. It is a great opportunity to learn, network and have fun.
• You will be joining a team that is truly collaborative. Your ideas and opinions will be valued and all major decisions (even those concerning the budget expenditure) are made with genuine consultation with the team.

This post is already far too long so I will stop there.

Please get in touch if you have any interest in joining our team or if there are any questions you would like to ask. If you could also tell us a little bit about yourself and your programming experience that would be great.


Software Developers - Immersive Technologies (Perth)

C++/C# guru? Physics programmer? Graphics programmer? Game programming experience? Simulation expert? - talk to us

Unique Product - Unique Opportunity
Global Company - Market Leader
Great Team

We’re looking for talented developers to join our growing team.

What we do:

• Immersive Technologies is the world leader in the rapidly growing area of training simulators and have revolutionised the way the global mining industry now trains its operators. Our simulator software utilises gaming technologies to simulate heavy equipment in a virtual world.
• We work on interesting 3D simulation projects with a motion base, multiple screens and realistic operator controls
• We develop object oriented application software in C++ and C#
• We run well managed projects following the SCRUM process
• We have short project cycles

What we offer you:

• A casual, friendly atmosphere with regular social events
• Both technical and managerial career paths
• A commitment to professional development and training
• A highly talented team to work with and learn from
• Flexible hours
• An attractive salary with bonuses
• Six hours a fortnight to work on your own projects or participate in study groups
• Job security in an established, financially successful global company

To apply -
Or email with a resume and cover letter.
Questions to HR via Shaun Cleaver (

Take a look at our many simulation products at

Freelance: Sound Design + Music for otherwise complete game

Note: This is a freelance off-site contract. You may work from wherever you please and will submit completed work via a temporary ftp account provided to you by Cheeky Mammoth. You should be available to begin work within two weeks (the sooner the better). There are two jobs here:

Job 1: Sound Effects for the entire game.
Job 2: Music composition for the entire game + promo.

You may apply for either or both of these jobs. There will be no preference given to those who apply for both, so don't let this deter you.

Job description

I represent Cheeky Mammoth Pty Ltd which is an Australian based startup games company focusing on the iPhone/iPad market. We have recently completed work on our first game, but, without an in-house sound effects artist or musician/composer, we are currently utilizing placeholder audio. The game's visual artwork looks very professional and we'd like for the audio to be equally impressive. We seek a skilled artist/s to replace our placeholder audio (some of which is good, but we do not own commercial rights to it).

The game is a 2D action game for the iPhone/iPod/iPad with a pirate theme. I understand that you will require specific details to give an exact quote, however, we are just looking for a rough estimate that will allow us to narrow down our search. If your estimate is within our expected price range, then we will seek a more specific quote based on the full requirements. Our main interest is to work with a great artist/s who consistently finishes what they start. However, budget restrictions apply to all, and we're no different.

The successful applicant/s will be given a description of each required piece of work and a sample from which to draw inspiration (where available). All submitted work must be your own original work. Below I will give an outline of the volume of work required, upon which you should make your initial quote:

Job 1: Sound Effects

  • < 2.5 secs long (eg A cannon firing): x34
  • < 5 secs long (eg An achievement gained): x10
  • < 10 secs long (eg A rain loop): x6
  • 30sec - 60sec (eg Tavern ambience): x10

Total: 60 sound effects.

Job 2: Music

  • Original compositions of roughly 60-90secs in length (no vocals): x3

Total: 3 music compositions.

Further Details

  • You should also provide a rough timeframe estimate for how long the entire job would take you to complete. This should be a quick estimate - we don't want you wasting time on a precise estimate only to discover that you didn't get the job.
  • There is no risk of this project not being completed. The game is fully functional and waiting only on some final graphical artwork and this audio art.
  • In the event that the selected candidate cannot complete the work, we will contact our next preferred applicant until we find an interested replacement.
  • If you complete the entire contract and we choose to use only your work in the game, you will receive full credit for the game's sound effects (this would be our ideal situation). The same would apply for the whomever completes the music (ie full credit for the game's music). If we use only a portion of your work and are forced to incorporate another artist's work to supplement your work, you will only receive partial credit. If we don't use any of your work, you will not receive any credit. None of this affects your payment, which is outlined in the terms of the contract.


The contract divides work up into different parcels/packages (although the music job has only one parcel). You will be paid upon completion of a parcel of artwork, so you do not have to go without income for the entire period of the contract. The regularity of payment rests with how timely you can complete work. Our preferred payment method is via PayPal. Your estimate should be what you would be happy with receiving for your work. We want a motivated person who feels that their input is valued and appreciated, but of course must balance that with normal budget constraints.

Email Application

  • Rough quote for work in USD.
  • Rough quote for time to complete work.
  • Example of your previous work (does not have to be commercial work). A link to your portfolio is best, but we will accept zipped portfolios of a reasonable size (~15MB or less).

Alternatively, if you don't have a portfolio of work, you can submit the following (depending on which job you are applying for):

For Job 1

Submit via email a short wav file of a cannon firing and a 30sec mp3 of a galleon sailing on the open seas. The waves can be heard intermittently buffeting the ship's bow. The boards of the ship creak as it sways back and forth. Everything is from the perspective of someone standing on the ship's deck.

For Job 2

Submit via email a 30sec mp3 of music you would expect to hear in a Tavern frequented by pirates circa 1600-1700.

Please contact us at with either "Job 1: SFX" or "Job 2: Music" or "Job 1+2: SFX + Music" in the title accordingly.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Paul McPhee


We're going to be accepting applications until 5pm on 16/06/2011. If you're working on samples to submit, it's best to get something in before that time.

Submitted by Simon Freeman (not verified) on Fri, 17/06/11 - 2:59 PMPermalink

Hello Paul.
I sent an email to you letting you know I'm interested.
Hope to hear back from you!

Thank you,


Field 3D Developer - Immersive Technologies (Perth)

Hi Everyone,
We are currently looking for a 3D Field Developer at Immersive Technologies. We are the world leaders in training simulators for the mining industry. We offer a unique, interesting and stable position in a finacially successful company. We have competative salaries and many benefits.

Here is the Seek ad:

Here is a brief description:

Field 3D Developer – Visual Database (Perth)
Our 3D Developers work side by side with our customers, travelling to their sites, capturing their site specific requirements, collating engineering and multimedia data (survey, video and photographic) and creating functional specifications and site maps. With this our developers set to work recreating 3D low poly models and terrain to give a realistic rendering of our customers site.

Apply via the Seek link.
Questions to HR via Shaun Cleaver (


2D pixel artist - conversion of GBA sprites and tile sets to iOS for NinthNinja

I am currently looking for a 2D pixel artist to convert (modernise) all the graphics assets to a unreleased GBA game to the iOS platform. The artist should be proficient in the pixel art style and can work very quickly and to deadlines.

A professional artist with gaming experience is a must AND only professionals will be considered.

This job is paid with budget.

If you are interested then contact me at:

Then we can go over the details, you can view the assets, and give a time scale.

The hourly rate will be between $20USD to $30USD/hr, depending on experience, or an allotted agreed price for the work.

2-D artist / animator needed for Footy iPhone Game

Hi, I'm looking for a 2-D artist for a sports game I'm developing for iPhone. The initial work is just simply animating the main character and opponent (run, jump etc) and there may be more work if you do a good job on that.

Will help if your a sports fan, think Australian sports and you can probably guess what it is.

For reference, style and viewpoint check out "Track and Field" for the iPhone. I'm flexible on the style, but that viewpoint is what the game will be (side scrolling).

Please e-mail me at with samples of similar stuff you've done or your online folio.

This is paid contract work (not a full time position).



Freelance level design/building work available at True Axis

Update: The position is filled

We are looking for somebody capable of helping us build levels for the sequel to our award winning iPhone game Jet Car Stunts. There is atleast 3 months contract of work on offer.

The work is to be done using a simple in house level design tool requiring little artistic training or skill, we are looking for somebody to focus on building levels that are orginal and fun to play. Its all about the game play.

All we require is somebody who can demonstrate an ability and passion for creative level design and construction, weather it be through past commercial work, or hobbie projects.

We are happy to contract ether individuals or other companies. Bonus points for anybody local to Melbourne.

Equires or applications can be sent to

Mike Nash - Character artist (Freelancer/Full-Time)


I'm a high/low poly modeler and texture artist with industry experience available for freelance work.

Will consider full-time work if the job and location is right for me.

Sculpting based on maquette or drawing for 3D Print, such as Toys/Figurines/Statue.
High poly cinematic and low poly modeling for interactive game media.
Hand painted and photo based texture map skills.


iPhone Artist vacancy at Sidhe/PikPok

We are looking for a talented and driven artist to work on a fixed-term fulltime basis within our iPhone team under our PikPok label, and based in our Wellington studio.

Operating within a highly creative and collaborative team-focussed environment, our iPhone artists work closely with other art, design and production staff to develop and realise high quality artwork for our games.

Ideal candidates should possess:

  • The ability to create both 2D and 3D art assets to a professional standard
  • The capacity to adapt and work across a diverse range of visual styles
  • A passion for maximising user experience through fluid and coherent art and design
  • The ability to communicate effectively and with confidence
  • A proven track record for contributing towards successful creative industry projects
  • The capacity to work well under pressure and to tight deadlines
  • A developed understanding and appreciation of the diverse medium of video games, and especially games targeted at portable devices
  • Proficiency in industry standard applications, such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Maya

If this sounds like you then please send your application to us - including a copy of your portfolio and CV - via the contact details provided below.

PO Box 6203
Marion Square

Web: and

Game Interface Designer/Artist at Sidhe

We are looking for a talented and driven interface designer to work on a fixed-term fulltime basis within our user interface design team in our Wellington studio.

Operating within a highly creative and collaborative team-focused environment, our interface designers work closely with other art and design staff to develop and realise, through production, interface solutions for our games.

Ideal candidates should possess:

  • A passion for user experience
  • 2+ years experience designing for user interfaces – preferably game interfaces
  • The capacity to adapt and work across a diverse range of visual styles
  • The ability to communicate effectively and with confidence
  • A proven track record for contributing towards successful creative industry projects
  • The capacity to work well under pressure and to tight deadlines
  • A developed understanding and appreciation of the medium of video games
  • Proficiency in industry standard applications, such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Maya

If this sounds like you then please send your application to us - including a copy of your portfolio and CV - via the contact details provided below.

PO Box 6203
Marion Square

Lead Artist Job Opportunity

Hueys Planet Pty Ltd is a game development company based in Sydney.

We are developing an innovative Facebook game and are looking for a lead artist to work with our very experienced game development team.

The successful applicant must be capable of creating the cohesive, overall look and feel of the game as well as generating the individual pieces of art that will be required of this isometric game. They must also be experienced in creating highly polished and detailed UI elements such as dialog box framing, user controls and icons that are essential for a next generation Facebook game.

The right artist for us must be:

• highly skilled with Adobe Creative Suite 4, specifically PhotoShop (required) and Flash Studio (a big plus)
• proficient at illustrating people and objects related to recreational activities for ‘concepting’ ideas and generating production art
• exceptionally creative
• an excellent communicator
• proficient at meeting deadlines
• willing to make a positive contribution to the team
• able to illustrate water action sports

Please email or provide links to portfolios to

iPhone Lead Programmer Vacancy

Sidhe is looking for a talented, experienced and passionate Lead Programmer to work on exciting new projects within our PikPok mobile gaming studio for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad platforms. This is a full time role based in Wellington, New Zealand.

Desired experience profile:


  • Computer science degree or equivalent
  • At least 5 years commercial experience in C++ or Objective-C
  • Professional experience leading a development team of 4 or more people
  • Experience in agile development and rapid prototyping methods
  • Release management experience
  • Strong interest in the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad platforms
  • Strong interest in games for mobile devices


  • Games programming experience
  • Experience in developing for a mobile platform
  • Experience using Mac development environments, XCode
  • Experience in one or more of Graphics, Animation or Physics programming
  • Tool development for artists or designers

All candidates should supply a full CV and also send source code, examples, or showreel on print, DVD, CDROM, or link to a complete online resource as appropriate. Candidates should send their application to or

PO Box 6203
Marion Square

If you have any questions about the roles or the submission process, feel free to email and ask.


Mario Wynands

Managing Director

Witch-Hunter: Demon Within-Needs Concept Artists


Release Date
Q3 2012 - Christmas 2013

19th Century England with Steam-Punk elements and supernatural entities.

NDAA (Narrative Driven Action Adventure, FPS/RPG)

Similar Titles
Doom (ID Software), Deus Ex (ION Storm), Thief: The Dark Project, II: The Metal Age (Looking Glass), Fallout (Interplay), System Shock (Looking Glass),

Several Unique, Steam-Punk Britain, Some other parts of Europe

1st Person 3D, with some 3rd Person elements thrown in

Plot Concept
In an Alternate reality the supernatural forces operate openly and ‘modern society’ has to call upon the forces of the Inquisition’s most feared agents, the Witch-Hunters. These Witch-Hunters are dangerous, cunning and deadly. They pride themselves with the latest technology and power; this allows them to strike down their enemies with the utmost efficiency.

20 years after the great Sabbath Wars the world is wounded and healing from the scars caused by the heretical and monstrous forces which rained terror upon the world. Most people blame the Witch-Hunters for the world’s torn state, even though the Witch-Hunter’s eventually won the great war.

The America’s are said to have hit it the hardest, they are ruined by a great plague pandemic and the southern and eastern states have seceded from the union leaving three waring factions fighting over the diseased land of Northern America. Europe is a burnt out husk with Eastern Europe torn by civil war and western Europe still fighting to hold the demons and monsters at bay. Spain is a great prison, Paris is destroyed, Italy is scared with memories of Demonic presence and England is left there being eaten away from the inside. Asia is the dominant power in the world with their magical barriers keeping the demons at bay they have claimed most of the world including Australia and Africa.

The Inquisition has returned to their job of fighting the Demon Within, the Heretic and the Beast which is in all of us. They hunt down entire Brotherhoods of Werewolves, Bloodlines of Vampires and Cults of Heretics.

Now years after the great Sabbath Wars another threat has awakened in the London Streets and calls for the most skilled of the Witch-Hunters to eradicate the threat. But one novice of the Witch-Hunters has been thrown straight into the thick of it, with a mysterious tattoo on his back and a forgotten past this Witch-Hunter is the man tasked with stamping out the threat.

This Witch-Hunter is you.

Recruited as part of a family you have grown up awaiting the day when you will be awarded with the title of Witch-Hunter. Your brother has always stood by you and you have admired him as he has been a Witch-Hunter for a few years now. The Witch-Hunters all have their specialities, your brother’s arm was severed in a battle years ago and has been replaced with a bionic one which he seems to always be tuning or upgrading. Some others have special weapons or suits and are called on personally for a different type of mission.

You are tasked with recovering a missing Witch-Hunter only to be thrown into a journey where you will encounter famous characters from stories like “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”, H.G. Wells “The Time Machine”, Secret Societies, Vampiric Bloodlines, Lycan Brotherhoods, and fellow Witch-Hunters plus many more as he searches for the cause of the threat which could change the world all-together.

Competitive Analysis:
 A Dark and mysterious 3d world played through a 1st person shooter and Role Playing view.
 Absolute 3D freedom, explore Steam Punk London where you can take missions from contacts through out the city, NPC interaction includes Conversation trees, Killer AI and Faction AI.
 In-Depth World Simulation allows players to solve problems in a variety of ways.
 Fuses two popular fantasies; Van Helsing and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and more early fantasy/horror/steam punk literature.
 NPC’s are detailed with rich back stories, habits, personalities and traits.
 The Player can choose to get through obstacles a number of different ways, whether it be stealthy or aggressive.
 Emphasis on Character Development to assure that the player character is in every way unique. This also counts for the various NPC’s which will have extremely deep psyche profiles.
 Non-Combat interaction with NPC’s is common with the search for information, engaging in conversation or recruit them to your cause, what ever the reason for it being there the interaction will be realistic and intriguing in parts.
 Clear goals, constant rewards, varied interactions with people and places as well as varied mission types (including Sabotage, Infiltration, Extraction, Rescue, Intelligence-Gathering, Thievery, Reconnaissance, Assassination, and all-out Combat) keep players coming back for more.
 Goals can be accomplished through stealth, careful planning, undercover work or conversation, through the use of unbelievably high tech equipment or brute force combat tactics.
 Many different types of environments from the ever changing environments of alternate realities, the ethereal world of ghosts, bone strewn catacombs beneath dark castles or the forgotten druidic tunnels beneath a Steam-Punk London.

 Engine: Leadwerks 2, Bullet Physics, 3D, Freedom Elements RPG, FPS
 Characters: Real Time 3D models
 Creatures: Real Time 3D models
 Surroundings: Real Time 3D models, Sprites
 Structures: Real Time 3D
 Vehicles: Real Time 3D models
 Interface: 2D models


Requirements for Concept Artists:

-Draw Well
-Ability to Colour and Shade their work
-Understanding of Game Development
-We need an Environment Artist as well as a Character Artist
-Concept Artists will work with designers, 3D artists and Level Designers to work on the visual look of the game.

About the game:
-The game has a large emphasis on religion, while not bad-mouthing religions instead it criticizes how religion can be used as a weapon.
-The game is anything but a child's game, with heavy mature themes (any by that we don't mean sexual themes, but more on the disturbing side of things).


Up-front pay is not an option at the moment, but if you work on this project to the completion of the 30 minute demo we are constructing to pitch to publishers, then you will receive compensation for your work. Also, work on the demo may lead to further employment on the actual game.


Thank-You for reading. You can contact me at:

If you do not get a reply within one day then send me a PM at the game forums:

im the lead animator need rest of the crew

Sorry im falling asleep. Its amazing how well you can draw when theres money involved
Blah blah blah blah very quick animator(looks awesome), very interesting writer make money fast
Mad game design needs a basic program like final fight or double dragon mostly just displaying toons and travelling
the game is more like an interactive point and click 2d cartoon game with fighting
im not screwing around this time