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Bill OReilly Hates Games and Technology

Although I don't make a big habit of watching anything news related that the Fox channel broadcasts, I've seen enough of Bill O'Reilly's work to know that he's a bit of a nut (to put it politely).

Bill is well accustomed at causing controversy over many, many political and social issues, but the latest has been an extraordinary attack on consoles (particularly the Playstation 3 launch), games, the people who play them, and even the humble Ipod. From his radio broadcast...

In the past to flee the real world people usually chose drugs or alcohol? now you don?t have to do that, Now all you have to do is have enough money to buy a machine?

Basically what you have is a large portion of the population, mostly younger people under the age of 45, who don?t deal with reality - ever. So they don?t know what day it is; they don?t know temperature it is; they don?t know what their neighbor looks like. They don?t know anything? because they are constantly diverted by a machine. Now what this does is it takes a person away from reality because they?ve created their own reality?

If you've seen or read any of Bill's rants, I'm sure you're well used to filtering out all the "crazy talk" that such comments like the quote above causes no alarm to you whatsoever, but if you want to read on his view on games and the impending doom on society they will cause and other ramblings, then please do click the following link !

Submitted by anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 23/11/06 - 2:27 AM Permalink

  • 1. lach - Wed, 22 Nov 2006 18:14:19Z
    the danger is not in people 'buying games and creating their own reality', in fact its just the opposite-
    these people are taking on someone elses dream as their own,-

    (television only only sells you someone elses dream and a life you don't live)
    people are in more danger if they only see themselves as consumers (and not producers)

  • 2. ChrisTaylor - Wed, 22 Nov 2006 21:33:3Z
    It's odd, because if you change a few words around he's sort of describing how Fox News works.
  • 3. Anonymous Coward - Wed, 22 Nov 2006 21:55:19Z
    Replace 'machine' in that quote with film, television, comic books, rap, or rock'n roll music.
  • 4. Anonymous Coward - Tue, 28 Nov 2006 11:12:47Z
    The man is kooky, why is this even news on sumea?