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Bioshock post mortem at Gamasutra


Gamasutra has finally got a post-mortem of BioShock, the FPS hit which was in part developed by 2K Australia. As usual with all post-mortems there, it's a great insight into the development scene behind projects, providing hindsights on what went right and wrong and what could have been done to better the process. The post-mortem also gives a greater understanding on how much the Australian team contributed to the blockbuster title. From Gamasutra...

Initially, Australia was intended to supply a small core technology team that worked on the renderer, engine, and core tools and processes for console development. The Australians had a tremendous impact on development because by taking care of the core engine and pipeline tasks, the Boston programming team was free to focus on gameplay systems and production.

One of the fastest and easiest ways to staff up any newly-opened position on the BioShock project was to pull from the Australian team. By the time BioShock went gold, almost everyone in the Australian office had worked on the game in one way or another.

...And although the time difference made communication a challenge, it also meant that critical bugs could be worked on literally day and night.