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Gamasutra interviews Fuzzyeyes CEO, Wei-Yao Lu

Is Edge of Twilight the biggest title an Australian based developer has been involved with? Quite possibly, as a Gamasutra interview reveals, the Unreal Engine powered Steampunk title has over 200 people from three studios working on working on it.

Gamasutra has drawn some interesting facts and information from Fuzzyeyes CEO, Wei-Yao Lu, on the development behind Edge of Twilight, the Unreal engine powering the game, the costs involved in funding it all, publisher relations and support, as well as some of the ideas behind the game itself...

How large is Fuzzyeyes now in terms of employees… How many games are you working on concurrently?

WL: Fuzzyeyes has three studios open so far. Our headquarters are in Brisbane, Australia and the other offices are in Taipei, Taiwan and Beijing, China. We've got about 200 people currently working on Edge of Twilight.

Read the full interview over at Gamasutra!