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Rockstar to release L.A. Noire trailer on Thursday


Announced by Rockstar Games just over an hour ago is the news that the publisher will be showing off the first proper trailer for Team Bondi's 1940's era detective thriller game, L.A Noire, on Thursday, this week in the video section of the Rockstar website.

An early preview trailer for L.A Noire, a game which has been in production since 2004, was released back in 2006 which you can see below.

L.A Noire was expecting a release around September this year, however details in Take Two's fiscal report had the game as "expected during the first half of calendar 2011".

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 10/11/10 - 11:52 AMPermalink

Curious to see it. The game was absolutely terrible when I was working on it last year. Nice visuals though.