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Film Victoria announces The Games Investment Programme

The Games Investment Programme assists Victorian games developers to create a diverse range of games for any distribution platform with an emphasis on technical, creative or design innovation.

This programme recognises the need to support games developers to create a prototype or full game on any distribution platform. It assists games developers to create original IP, attract further investment, reach a targeted audience, and ultimately strengthen Victoria's screen industry.

Maximum funds available: Up to $100,000 for games on any distribution platform and no more than 50% of the project budget. Contact us to confirm if the program can support your project

Deadlines : Two per year – Check the website for dates, Subject to available funds
Overview : Provides funding to develop a prototype or full game on any distribution platform
Who is it for? : Games developers

Intention of the program
The aim of the program is to support the development of a diverse range of games for any distribution platform with an emphasis on technical, creative or design innovation. The program works to ensure the development of better quality projects, capable of attracting further investment and reaching an identified audience.

This program addresses the need to support games developers to pitch to distributors, publishers and other third party investors through playable prototypes which demonstrate the technical, innovative and creative elements of their game.

The program also supports the full production of games that that are intended to be sold directly to consumers through digital distribution platforms.

About the program

Up to $100,000 is available for game development on any distribution platform, and no more than 50% of the budget for the game will be funded by Film Victoria. Funding can be used to support staffing requirements and other costs associated with game development.

Funding for marketing activities can be included within the budget and is considered integral for projects that intend to sell direct to consumers.

Funding in the proposed budget can also be allocated to engage a highly experienced mentor to support key project personnel with the creative, technical and/or business elements of the project.

Applicants can only submit one application in any round of the program.

How applications are assessed
Funding is competitive and we look for original, marketable and quality projects. We also look for projects that engage the unique features of the selected development platform and applicants that have access to the development kits for that platform.

Applications should demonstrate a thorough understanding of the marketplace constraints including size limitations, approval processes, development costs and technology limitations. Applicants are also expected to undertake market analysis that clearly identifies competitors, market gaps and audience trends.

Given the highly competitive nature of both the program and the global games marketplace, applicants are expected to clearly and objectively identify the projects unique selling points.

Please contact the Administrative Support Officer no less than 2 weeks before the program deadline to ensure that your application can address the requirements of the assessment panel.

Eligibility Criteria

Individual applicants

  • Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • Lived in Victoria for at least the last six months
  • Ownership / control of 100% of copyright in a project, or shared ownership and/or control of copyright under an approved joint venture arrangement
  • Knowledge, resources and expertise required to complete the project
  • Experienced team attached to the project
  • Proof of necessary licences, approvals and development kits (where applicable)

Company applicants

  • Incorporated in Australia and based in Victoria
  • Ownership / control of 100% of copyright in the project, or shared ownership and/or control of copyright under an approved joint venture arrangement
  • Knowledge, resources and expertise required to complete the project
  • Experienced team attached to the project
  • Proof of necessary licences, approvals and development kits (where applicable)

The majority of the development work for the project must be undertaken in Victoria and use Victorian talent for the project to be eligible for investment.

Film Victoria must receive your complete application by the deadline. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Should you have any concerns about your application you must contact the Program Manager no less than 2 working days prior to the deadline.

Submitted by souri on Thu, 14/10/10 - 1:57 PMPermalink

So what does everyone think? Seems like it's perfectly suited to the more higher-range sort of indie development to the smaller established studio which Melbourne has a few of.

I think this would be the perfect opportunity for those proven smaller studios who are known for work-for-hire projects to get the additional support they need to get onto self-published digitally distributed games.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 14/10/10 - 4:21 PMPermalink

Forgive me if I have read this wrong but it looks more like a matched investment scheme now as it says no more than 50% of the project budget will be funded. I can imagine there were a lot of things funded by Film Vic in the past that never amounted to anything and this is one way of making sure the projects have a bit more viability.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 14/10/10 - 6:00 PMPermalink

This is great, but....

Shouldn't this be of benefit to the GAMES industry?

"reach a targeted audience, and ultimately strengthen Victoria's screen industry."

Gee thanks!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 15/10/10 - 11:38 AMPermalink

Any news on NSW following suit????????

Would be a great boost to the industry here.

Submitted by souri on Fri, 15/10/10 - 6:40 PMPermalink

Just a note, I couldn't find the application deadlines anywhere, but it looks like Gamespot has some more details..

First application deadline October 29.

"Applicants can make any type of game, and we'll assess it based on its innovation, marketability, and quality," Sdraulig said. "We'll fund games for any platform, including social networks, mobile, handheld, console, retail, and digital."

Submitted by bradgiblin on Sun, 17/10/10 - 2:48 PMPermalink

Hey Folks,

Souri - You're correct, we'd expect this program to cater for indie teams who are serious about building their business and smaller studios looking to complement contracting work with their own IP development. That said, given the current market conditions even larger studios should find benefit from an additional $100k towards an internal project.

Anonymous(s) - The matched investment has been introduced due to the demand on the games programs of late (an increased in applications of 45% last year). We've also seen a correlation between successful projects and significant investment by the applicant, illustrating the importance of the applicant owning most of the risk, creativity and recoupment in a project.

Also, Film Victoria defines the screen industry as including games, film and TV.

Email me if you're interested in the program and we can talk through your project.


Submitted by souri on Wed, 20/10/10 - 4:08 AMPermalink

37.5% tax credit does absolute wonders...

With its new Montreal studio, THQ is aiming high: THQ Montreal plans to hire some 400 developers across all disciplines over the next five years. 30 staffers are already employed there, general manager David Gatchel told audiences at an on-site press conference attended by Gamasutra.…

THQ's Danny Bilson lays it out pretty plainly...

"It's all about money. There's no issue with talent; it's just economics - and if the government finds subsidies there, absolutely we would build out. I wish that Los Angeles or California would give us 37.5 per cent on the labour; then we'd be building out here. If it was in Manchester we'd be building out there. If it was in Lyon, we'd be building out there."…

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 18/10/10 - 12:40 AMPermalink

As another example of how insignificant this is - check out the support that the Singapore govt has extended recently ...…

Ever wonder why Lucasfilm/LucasArts, Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, Koei are setting up big studios there instead of in Australia?

Frankly there is no way to compete with a country in our region that is hungry to establish itself as a media hotspot of the 21st century, and has a sovereign wealth fund worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

Australia cannot compete.