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Big Ant Studios officially opens in Queensland


Just in time for the official opening of the Big Ant Studios offices that happened in Brisbane today, iTwire have published a story on the Melbourne based studio and their expansion north. The article provides the reasons on why Big Ant chose the area for their new office, what capacity the new studio will cater, and also their plans on offering programs for students...

CEO and founder Ross Symons said the company had chosen the Innovation Centre for its new studio because it was in a region with an established gaming industry sector, it has a strong student population, and is in a location that would be attractive to potential staff...

The new development studio will initially employ 30 people, rising to at least 84 over the next four years.

Submitted by Bittman on Wed, 21/01/09 - 11:09 PM Permalink

My parents recently went on a vacation to Queensland and found an article about BigAnt in the local Daily Telegraph. Said pretty much the same as the above, makes the second company in the last 2 months to expand to Brisbane (including Tantalus).

However, since Pandemic shut down they'll probably have enough devs for a while.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 22/01/09 - 5:58 PM Permalink

If you're interested in working in the industry then you should apply for it regardless of who else 'might' be applying. I knew a couple of people who work in the Melb office, and from the sounds of things it's a good place that looks after its staff. Now I've been in four companies over the last 6 years and I'll tell you it is very rare to find an actually genuine place like that. I tried there a couple of years ago and was unsuccessful, but if I still wanted to work in the industry I'd definitely go for this place. I say to anyone who's thinking about it, do it.

- Daniel.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 23/01/09 - 9:43 AM Permalink

Daniel, sounds like you been unfortunate.

I have a similar story, 2 places weren't very nice on the staff, last 2 employers have been great.

From what I've heard Big Ant are quite reasonable to their staff, free lunches, free soft drink, social events etc. Not sure how all that relates to the Queensland Office though.

Main complaints I've heard is that they are a fairly novice studio in terms of staff, a lot of juniors, but they have hired a lot of people since then, and probably picked up some more seniors.