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Questions on a game development career

Screenplay reader, Zoid, has been looking for a career change and has his eyes set on the games industry. He's written an entry for Screenplay on his findings where he's uncovered many of the uncertainties, hype, and common (mis)perceptions of working in the games industry. Zoid ends his write up with a number of questions on salary expectations, career progression, and the skillsets employers really look for...

How do you even get to the point of being able to enter the industry? There have been many discussions recently regarding the state of educational institutions in Australia for the industry, and the extent to which they actually prepare students.

Jason Hill's own comments (to paraphrase) indicate that there are too many games-related courses, and a lack of lecturers due to a shortage of developers in the workforce. Is the industry hype necessary in the short term to increase numbers in the industry to correct the shortfall in teachers?

If any developers would like to answer any of his questions, please do head on over to Screenplay and contribute!

Submitted by Zoid on Fri, 16/05/08 - 12:10 PM Permalink

Hey everyone,

Thanks Souri for the link! Found it totally by accident after finally creating an account here today, after one of the comments to my article on SMH. Tried a few times before to create an account, but that may have just been on the old sumea site. Looking forward to getting some practise work and WIP's up here soon.

It's been great so far with the number and value of comments to the article. My thanks to everyone who's contributed so far.
