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Destroy All Humans at E3

Gamespy has some coverage of Pandemic's Destroy All Humans from the E3 conference...

"One of this title's most impressive assets is its use of physics. Levitating and manipuliting animals, humans, or cars looks amazing. They can be hurled into other objects, affecting them as well. The world seems very open-ended, with plenty to interact with. Every human has a funny thought to read in their minds, and endless potential with their helpless carbon-based bodies.

Destroy All Humans was one of the few original properties with original ideas shown at E3. It's still unclear the direction of the mayhem, whether there is a grand purpose or mission structure..."

Gamespy does a step-by-step run through of the demo shown at E3, so be sure to click the link below to find out more on what Destroy All Humans is all about. There's also some footage of the game in action here!