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Submitted by Nightro on

So, I see there is RSS available for individual forum categories - but is there a feed I can subscribe to for the overall forum (like in the old setup)?

Admittedly I haven't looked too deeply, but I figured I'd ask.

Submitted by souri on Thu, 13/03/08 - 1:47 AMPermalink

Yeh, I don't think there is an rss feed for the entire forum. It looks like it's something that I will have to implement though, so give me a day or two.

Having a look at your profile - if you want to get listed in the Creative members section, you need to fill out the State / Province text field, and you must put down your state like the following e.g Wa, Sa, VIC, NSW, QLD etc

You could just type in the first letter of your state and it should auto fill it in. I'll be making a post so that everyone knows about that.

I'm just about to close the old forum and redirect the traffic to here, btw.

Submitted by souri on Thu, 13/03/08 - 3:13 AMPermalink

Ok, that was relatively painless. The rss forum feed (which will show every forum post) is at:

You'll notice that the posts from the old forum show up a bit messily in the current feed, but as new posts arrive, they'll get pushed off. I will make an icon for it for the forum for others interested in subscribing.

Submitted by Nightro on Sat, 15/03/08 - 11:37 AMPermalink

Awesome news about re-directing the traffic, looking forward to it!

You may want to check up on the personal details page, for some reason my birthdate was 15/03/08 which makes me think I wasn't asked for it on registration!

Also what is the creative members section? Sounds like my kind of deal!


Submitted by souri on Sat, 15/03/08 - 5:22 PMPermalink

Thanks for the report. We're going to be having small things like this crop up with the new system, so I appreciate any bug reports so I can fix them promptly. Otherwise, I'd never have even noticed!

Submitted by Nightro on Sat, 15/03/08 - 8:46 PMPermalink

Hi Souri,

Just another quick heads up. My RSS aggregator got a few items with "n/a" for the content, with the titles being things like "tsumea forum Australia & New Zealand jobs: n".

I'm assuming this is because nothing has been posted to these forums? Not sure.

Anyway it's a heads up!

Submitted by souri on Mon, 17/03/08 - 6:27 PMPermalink

Yeh, the n/a items are because there aren't any new posts in those forums, and the old posts aren't getting picked up by the rss feed for some reason. It's not a big deal though as more new posts will push those n/a's out.

Submitted by souri on Mon, 17/03/08 - 6:31 PMPermalink

The creative section is a page that will list all our members and what field and state they're in. It's also going to show some of the activities we're going to have, and I'm planning to have a monthly profile on a member and they're work + interview, so it'll show all that stuff in that section too!

And yeh, that birthday thing is a bit of a bug. If you edit your personal details, you need to enter your birthdat (it doesn't give you an option to put nothing there). If nothing is there, it will automatically put the current date there :/ . Yeh, it's odd, and I'm hoping that the people who wrote that application get a fix on it :)

Submitted by Nightro on Mon, 17/03/08 - 9:28 PMPermalink

Hi Souri,

Something else to note about the RSS was that in the old aggregator it would have something like:

Sumea Forum
Post Subject

In the new one it has:

Tsumea Aggregator
"tsumea forum " + subject

I might be being a little picky, but I preferred the old way!

Submitted by Nightro on Wed, 13/08/08 - 1:00 PMPermalink

Hi Souri - well the website has become even sexier since I was last here (I could be imagining it) - great work.

I've been reading the posts via RSS, but I came here today and noticed that it doesn't seem to be notifying me of all posts. If you check out the feed atm it only has one post in it, when I had about 6 or 7 new on logging in. Among them the stuff in the programmer challenge - stuff I'm keen to know about!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 15/08/08 - 5:43 PMPermalink

Is there an RSS feed for the most recent comments across all posts? Essentially the blue box from the home page. That's the bit I always go to first. Would be really good to have this, if possible, please :)

Submitted by souri on Fri, 05/09/08 - 2:05 AMPermalink

Sorry for the late response. Here's an RSS feed for all comments on tsumea, including the news and forum.

I've tried isolating it so it's just the news, but it's just too much of a hassle at the moment so you can use this instead. It sorta solves the other problem with the forum feed not working (which I think I have fixed, but we'll see if it gets updated correctly this time)

Posted by Nightro on

So, I see there is RSS available for individual forum categories - but is there a feed I can subscribe to for the overall forum (like in the old setup)?

Admittedly I haven't looked too deeply, but I figured I'd ask.

Submitted by souri on Thu, 13/03/08 - 1:47 AMPermalink

Yeh, I don't think there is an rss feed for the entire forum. It looks like it's something that I will have to implement though, so give me a day or two.

Having a look at your profile - if you want to get listed in the Creative members section, you need to fill out the State / Province text field, and you must put down your state like the following e.g Wa, Sa, VIC, NSW, QLD etc

You could just type in the first letter of your state and it should auto fill it in. I'll be making a post so that everyone knows about that.

I'm just about to close the old forum and redirect the traffic to here, btw.

Submitted by souri on Thu, 13/03/08 - 3:13 AMPermalink

Ok, that was relatively painless. The rss forum feed (which will show every forum post) is at:

You'll notice that the posts from the old forum show up a bit messily in the current feed, but as new posts arrive, they'll get pushed off. I will make an icon for it for the forum for others interested in subscribing.

Submitted by Nightro on Sat, 15/03/08 - 11:37 AMPermalink

Awesome news about re-directing the traffic, looking forward to it!

You may want to check up on the personal details page, for some reason my birthdate was 15/03/08 which makes me think I wasn't asked for it on registration!

Also what is the creative members section? Sounds like my kind of deal!


Submitted by souri on Sat, 15/03/08 - 5:22 PMPermalink

Thanks for the report. We're going to be having small things like this crop up with the new system, so I appreciate any bug reports so I can fix them promptly. Otherwise, I'd never have even noticed!

Submitted by Nightro on Sat, 15/03/08 - 8:46 PMPermalink

Hi Souri,

Just another quick heads up. My RSS aggregator got a few items with "n/a" for the content, with the titles being things like "tsumea forum Australia & New Zealand jobs: n".

I'm assuming this is because nothing has been posted to these forums? Not sure.

Anyway it's a heads up!

Submitted by souri on Mon, 17/03/08 - 6:27 PMPermalink

Yeh, the n/a items are because there aren't any new posts in those forums, and the old posts aren't getting picked up by the rss feed for some reason. It's not a big deal though as more new posts will push those n/a's out.

Submitted by souri on Mon, 17/03/08 - 6:31 PMPermalink

The creative section is a page that will list all our members and what field and state they're in. It's also going to show some of the activities we're going to have, and I'm planning to have a monthly profile on a member and they're work + interview, so it'll show all that stuff in that section too!

And yeh, that birthday thing is a bit of a bug. If you edit your personal details, you need to enter your birthdat (it doesn't give you an option to put nothing there). If nothing is there, it will automatically put the current date there :/ . Yeh, it's odd, and I'm hoping that the people who wrote that application get a fix on it :)

Submitted by Nightro on Mon, 17/03/08 - 9:28 PMPermalink

Hi Souri,

Something else to note about the RSS was that in the old aggregator it would have something like:

Sumea Forum
Post Subject

In the new one it has:

Tsumea Aggregator
"tsumea forum " + subject

I might be being a little picky, but I preferred the old way!

Submitted by Nightro on Wed, 13/08/08 - 1:00 PMPermalink

Hi Souri - well the website has become even sexier since I was last here (I could be imagining it) - great work.

I've been reading the posts via RSS, but I came here today and noticed that it doesn't seem to be notifying me of all posts. If you check out the feed atm it only has one post in it, when I had about 6 or 7 new on logging in. Among them the stuff in the programmer challenge - stuff I'm keen to know about!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 15/08/08 - 5:43 PMPermalink

Is there an RSS feed for the most recent comments across all posts? Essentially the blue box from the home page. That's the bit I always go to first. Would be really good to have this, if possible, please :)

Submitted by souri on Fri, 05/09/08 - 2:05 AMPermalink

Sorry for the late response. Here's an RSS feed for all comments on tsumea, including the news and forum.

I've tried isolating it so it's just the news, but it's just too much of a hassle at the moment so you can use this instead. It sorta solves the other problem with the forum feed not working (which I think I have fixed, but we'll see if it gets updated correctly this time)