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Harbour Master tries to capture Flight Control success


Can't get enough of Flight Control? Bored of directing Trains? Try managing Ships!

Another title that's trying to recapture some of amazing success of Firemint's Flight Control on the iPhone is Habor Master, a game where you route vessels of various speeds and sizes to a dock. From PocketGamer...

Yes, it's a blatant clone of Flight Control, but Harbor Master still has a strong identity all of its own...

It's hard to go wrong with this game even if it's always going to play second fiddle to the original.

I realise that the idea of Flight Control isn't entirely original (hey, what's really original these days?), but it's interesting to see how a great title can spawn so many clones that bring their own improvements.

It'll be interesting to see if Firemint has a follow up planned to compete with some of the new ideas and features that these clones are implementing. Multiplayer? Social integration? Multi-touch/accelerometre/compass involvement? I'm sure Firemint can come up with something!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 03/07/09 - 3:08 PM Permalink

Flight Control is already multiplayer, they'll probably rip that off too... eventually...