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IGDA melb chapter...

Submitted by Caroo on

While I'm posting this, the event is still running. I myself was there from 10am to 2pm so I?m not sure how many others have come since then. There was about 24-30 when I left. I really wish I could've stayed. But car lessons don't pay for themselves. for the people who didn't was it?

In one word: Friendly
Friendly "g'day mate" guys and a few girls. A good sense of humour abound. No spite and no real awkwardness. I mean, sure some guys where harder to talk to then others. But I met at least 6 in dusty devs and to tell the truth for anyone who had any doubts. These guys are no different from you or me. The only diff is that they have the game job and I don't....yet! I'm worken on it XD

But not at this gathering. No job position asking or inquirers to what their working on. We did talk about what we do for jobs [and in my case my project.] And I learned a good thing or two.

Sadly due to the nature of having no drivers licence I did not bring my own computer. But it would of been futile anyway. They where still setting up when I left.

It was a fun and relaxed event. My only real. downer on the event is that for the time I was there their was more dev people then students. COME ON GUYS.. You want that job? Show some due passion and say g'day to a few of the dev guys. Some people call it networking. I call it being approachable. Remember they like all the stuff we do.

Apart from that. Good times!

Posted by Caroo on

While I'm posting this, the event is still running. I myself was there from 10am to 2pm so I?m not sure how many others have come since then. There was about 24-30 when I left. I really wish I could've stayed. But car lessons don't pay for themselves. for the people who didn't was it?

In one word: Friendly
Friendly "g'day mate" guys and a few girls. A good sense of humour abound. No spite and no real awkwardness. I mean, sure some guys where harder to talk to then others. But I met at least 6 in dusty devs and to tell the truth for anyone who had any doubts. These guys are no different from you or me. The only diff is that they have the game job and I don't....yet! I'm worken on it XD

But not at this gathering. No job position asking or inquirers to what their working on. We did talk about what we do for jobs [and in my case my project.] And I learned a good thing or two.

Sadly due to the nature of having no drivers licence I did not bring my own computer. But it would of been futile anyway. They where still setting up when I left.

It was a fun and relaxed event. My only real. downer on the event is that for the time I was there their was more dev people then students. COME ON GUYS.. You want that job? Show some due passion and say g'day to a few of the dev guys. Some people call it networking. I call it being approachable. Remember they like all the stuff we do.

Apart from that. Good times!