Ladies and Gentleman!!
The most exciting event of the calendar year is approaching and we encourage you to get working on your production, clear your calendar and get registered to join us for a memorable weekend of nostalgia, party time, socialising, creativity, live performances and much, much more!
Flashback is a computer demoscene party hosted once a year in Sydney Australia. Computer enthusiasts come to socialise and compete in competitions such as realtime programming, graphics running on old and new computers, homebrew hardware, pre-rendered animations, graphics and music. The word "demoparty" is globally used to describe this gathering of coders, musicians, graphic artists and creative minds under one roof which share their work and compete with others. Small prizes are given to the coolest "entry winners" which is voted for by all the attendees at the party. You don't have to enter the competitions but we encourage everyone to come along and show off what you can do. We welcome beginners to advanced talent. Your competition entries do not have to be created at the event, you can submit your pride that you have always wanted to release but never had the chance too. If you cannot make it to the party we will accept remote entries. If you have your favourite programming effects on an old or new computer platform, graphics or music then here is your chance to show it off. If you love computers, new and old, you'll enjoy Flashback, so be sure to register.
Saturday 7th June, Sunday 8th June and Monday 9th June 2014 - Queen’s Birthday long weekend!
Heart of the Sydney CBD - Bridge Business College - Sydney CBD – Level 4, 333 Kent Street Sydney.
Doors open Saturday 7th June at 1PM – This will be a nonstop event until Monday. There will be an afterhours security guard to give you access afterhours.
Free to register however we will have a $25 door cover charge for the complete 3 days!! Bargain for this much fun! You will receive a wrist band upon arrival.
The new site is live! Go check it out and be sure to keep checking the site for regular updates. Be sure to also register to receive important information about the event.
Register here: http://defame.com.au/flashback - It’s free to register
This year we will be working to bring Flashback party to you bigger than ever before and we need your support! Defame and Onslaught are in conjunction officially to deliver this year's action-packed event. Live music performances from special guests including chip music(!), retro entertainment museum with even more variety than last year and running retro nostalgia, music, graphic, animation, demo and WiLD competitions – all of this in a relaxed chilled environment to socialise or do your own thing! Last year we had over 60 entries for the competitions and this year we are expecting more! Please help support our competitions! If you cannot attend the event, remote entries are welcome also. Send to remote@defame.com.au
After the success of last year’s venue we are again hosting the party at 333 Kent Sydney right in the heart of the CBD. Flashback will be 24/7 access, with quiet sleeping rooms available (bring your sleeping bag), showers/toilets, massive outdoor barbeque area adjoining the main room, fast internet access, seminar rooms, quiet areas to work on your productions.
We have an intended agenda for the seminars that will be released shortly (register and keep checking the website). If you have something interesting to present then please apply to have a showcase at Flashback in the seminar schedule or simply submit your project into one of the competitions. There are categories for everyone!
The seminar sessions are currently being confirmed and forming to be an awesome line up of highly knowledgeable and inspiring agenda.
We have all the usual talent of musicians lined up for the live performances such as CTrix, Victoria Road, Godinpants, Chainsaw Police and many more to be announced shortly, if you are interested to perform we welcome you to get on board and drop us an email.
We welcome: More Live music performers
Seminar / workshops – You have something to show and tell? – We welcome you to join our seminar schedule.
Saturday, June 07, 2014
10:00 Party Setup
13:00 Doors open
18:00 Opening Ceremony
18:30 Live Performances - Till late - Performer schedule TBC
18:00 BBQ & Beers
23:00 Deadline - Remote Entries to remote@defame.com.au
Sunday, June 08, 2014
09:00 BBQ Breakfast – bring your own food/drinks
10:00 Computer Museum/Entertainment room
11:00 Seminars (Line up: TBC)
12:00 Deadline - All Local Entries
13:00 BBQ & Beers
15:00 Music and Graphics competitions
16:00 Live Performances
17:00 Demo and WiLD competitions
19:00 Voting
21:00 Prize giving
22:00 Live Performances (TBC)
Monday, June 09, 2014
10:00 Computer Museum Open
12:00 BBQ & Beers
12:30 Competitions playback
15:00 Closing & Clean-up
Please go to http://www.defame.com.au/compos for all information on the competitions.
All the usual competitions:
• Game development competition
• Graphics competition - modern and oldschool platforms
• Photo competition
• Short film / Animation competition
• Wild – hardware hack .
• Music Competition - speed comp - streaming - oldschool - newschoool - tracked
• 4k and 64kb intro Competition – oldschool and newschool platforms
• Demo Competition - oldschool and newschool platforms.
There are plenty of additional rooms for sleeping at the party venue if you want to do this on the cheap however there are also accommodation from back backers to hotels located on and around Kent Street CBD. Please note that this is the Queen’s birthday long weekend so be sure to book early.
There is a lot of parking available along Kent Street and easy access to drop equipment of out the front of the party venue. Please investigate free street parking or simply pay at the paid parking stations such as 431 Kent Street, 204 Sussex Street, 321 Kent Street, 383 Kent Street, and 528 Kent Street - Sydney CBD.
See you at this year’s event and we look forward to more fantastic entries in the competitions. We welcome your ideas, performances, projects and encourage newcomers to Flashback.
Thank you all for your support!! See you at the party!!!
Please register for more updates http://www.defame.com.au/flashback
Please make the effort to register!
If you are attending and have not registered or you are thinking of attending we encourage you to get on the website and register now at www.defame.com.au/flashback
By registering it gives us an indication to implement correct planning for the event.
We are wanting additional sponsors for the event to assist with additional prizes. If you or your contacts feel inspired to make a valuable contribution then we welcome you.
All inquiries – info@defame.com.au
I saw these stats and thought that's great!
But the big problem with the stats is:
1. over half of Australian studios are less than 5 years old
2. most target PC and mobiles, which IMO are pretty bad platforms for video games and unsustainable..