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Sumea Modeller Challenge #10 SoulFlame

Submitted by Soulflame on

Yup, it's me. I haven't even began my concept art, since I suck at drawing, but I did have an idea for my villain.

She's a young girl suffering Porphyria (, a group of disorders of certain enzymes. It has been suggested that Porphyria is what started the myths about vampires; as several types of the 'disease' can cause photosensitivity, hallucinations, depression, anxiety and paranoia, among other symptoms. Also, loss of heme due to Porphyria cutanea tarda, was thought to be possible to recover by absorbing it through the stomach.

Anyways, that's a lot of mumbo jumbo. All of which basically boils down to...

It's possible for someone suffering porphyria to act as if they were a vampire. Delusions, sensitivity to sunlight, and drinking blood in an attempt to restore heme to their body and ease the symptoms. My villain is one such person, carrying around a weapon (probably a dagger or knife of some kind), she wanders the streets, cutting people's necks to drink their blood in the hope of curing herself. Sort of a modern day vampires...

I know that was a bit long winded, but meh.. I'll put up a concept as soon as I get around to drawing one.

Submitted by Soulflame on Wed, 10/09/08 - 5:34 PM Permalink

Scrap that, come up with a new concept.

Name - Chris Marshall. A.K.A. Steel Phoenix.
Sex - Male.
Calling card - A long, red feather.

Backstory - Ok, so Chris is a world famous actor who plays villain characters in many of the latest and greatest films. In his latest role as the famous Steel Phoenix, arch-nemesis of NightSpark , something terrible occurred. One of the pieces of special effects equipment, malfunctioning due to misuse, exploded, showing the area in shrapnel. Chris was caught in the midst of the explosion, burnt and cut by shards of metal. Although he survived, protected to some extent by the Steel Phoenix costume he had on, several shards of steel were still lodged deep inside his skull. Driven mad by pain, Chris began to believe that he /was/ the Steel Phoenix, and stumbled forth from the studio, seeking in order to carry out his revenge.

Concepts to come soon.

Submitted by kit11 on Fri, 19/09/08 - 7:20 PM Permalink

sounds very cool, looking forward to some concept work =)

Posted by Soulflame on

Yup, it's me. I haven't even began my concept art, since I suck at drawing, but I did have an idea for my villain.

She's a young girl suffering Porphyria (, a group of disorders of certain enzymes. It has been suggested that Porphyria is what started the myths about vampires; as several types of the 'disease' can cause photosensitivity, hallucinations, depression, anxiety and paranoia, among other symptoms. Also, loss of heme due to Porphyria cutanea tarda, was thought to be possible to recover by absorbing it through the stomach.

Anyways, that's a lot of mumbo jumbo. All of which basically boils down to...

It's possible for someone suffering porphyria to act as if they were a vampire. Delusions, sensitivity to sunlight, and drinking blood in an attempt to restore heme to their body and ease the symptoms. My villain is one such person, carrying around a weapon (probably a dagger or knife of some kind), she wanders the streets, cutting people's necks to drink their blood in the hope of curing herself. Sort of a modern day vampires...

I know that was a bit long winded, but meh.. I'll put up a concept as soon as I get around to drawing one.

Submitted by Soulflame on Wed, 10/09/08 - 5:34 PM Permalink

Scrap that, come up with a new concept.

Name - Chris Marshall. A.K.A. Steel Phoenix.
Sex - Male.
Calling card - A long, red feather.

Backstory - Ok, so Chris is a world famous actor who plays villain characters in many of the latest and greatest films. In his latest role as the famous Steel Phoenix, arch-nemesis of NightSpark , something terrible occurred. One of the pieces of special effects equipment, malfunctioning due to misuse, exploded, showing the area in shrapnel. Chris was caught in the midst of the explosion, burnt and cut by shards of metal. Although he survived, protected to some extent by the Steel Phoenix costume he had on, several shards of steel were still lodged deep inside his skull. Driven mad by pain, Chris began to believe that he /was/ the Steel Phoenix, and stumbled forth from the studio, seeking in order to carry out his revenge.

Concepts to come soon.

Submitted by kit11 on Fri, 19/09/08 - 7:20 PM Permalink

sounds very cool, looking forward to some concept work =)