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Online AIE Course

Hi, Just wondering if anyone has done or recomends the online course over at aie .

I was thinking would it be worth doing since i would love to work in this industry. Im only in yr 11 so theres still a year and a bit before any big deciding. And i was thinking if i complete this i would already have my foot in the door for further courses.

Or would it be better And cheaper [:p] to learn how to use the programs and such from tutorials and just work on my portfolio ?

Thanks in advance and for your time.

Submitted by glenamies on Thu, 19/08/04 - 3:43 AMPermalink

Hi there, I have enrolled to the Certificate III in Screen and absolutely love it.

I'm a full time Computer Administrator and the modules and tutorials are such that you can work through them easily on your own. That said there are also a number of different ways that you can get help if you do get stuck.

I'm registered on a 12 month course plan so I can study at my own pace and the people I have been in touch with have been GREAT.

It IS a cheap way of getting into the area of 3D design, you can purchase a copy of 3D Studio Max 6 on an academic 7 mth lisence for about $100.00 using STORMFX. (The staff there are terrific)
I definately recommend the course and can't say enough about the AIE

GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hi, Just wondering if anyone has done or recomends the online course over at aie .

I was thinking would it be worth doing since i would love to work in this industry. Im only in yr 11 so theres still a year and a bit before any big deciding. And i was thinking if i complete this i would already have my foot in the door for further courses.

Or would it be better And cheaper [:p] to learn how to use the programs and such from tutorials and just work on my portfolio ?

Thanks in advance and for your time.

Submitted by glenamies on Thu, 19/08/04 - 3:43 AMPermalink

Hi there, I have enrolled to the Certificate III in Screen and absolutely love it.

I'm a full time Computer Administrator and the modules and tutorials are such that you can work through them easily on your own. That said there are also a number of different ways that you can get help if you do get stuck.

I'm registered on a 12 month course plan so I can study at my own pace and the people I have been in touch with have been GREAT.

It IS a cheap way of getting into the area of 3D design, you can purchase a copy of 3D Studio Max 6 on an academic 7 mth lisence for about $100.00 using STORMFX. (The staff there are terrific)
I definately recommend the course and can't say enough about the AIE

GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
