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i'm planning or rather hoping to become an animator, like in cartoons and to work for a studio like that of disney in Sydney. i'm not to big on games and stuff but i'd like to make movies or feature films or whatever u call em. problem is i don't know how to get started. i'm a year out of high school and i don't know what to start studying, weather to do graphic design or some relevent course at tafe or if i'm supposed to go to an actual school that specializes in animation and that sort of stuff. i was born here but i was living overseas while in highschool, finaly came back last year but am completely clueless as to where to go from here. at this point i'm so desperate i'd sell my soul for a little help or directions to someone who could advise me.
p.s. i live shellharbour so something around wollongong or maybe sydney would be good.

Submitted by Aven on Wed, 22/10/03 - 4:41 AMPermalink

there are multiple schools that teach 3D animation for the film industry. the only problem is that they are VERY expensive. this is mainly due to the fact that you would most probably be using Maya (maybe 3DS Max though), and a liscence to it is not cheap. put i decent computer system on top of that and then the price of an artist who would usually earn 60k+ a year for teaching and you are looking at a lot of money. i haven't looked in a while, but NSW tafe did have a course that was worth 16k a year, and it was a two year course. most places are that price. the AIE in Canberra was quite a bit cheaper than most schools, but their prices are going up to match others. plus it may not be good for you as it is in Canberra. i know this probably doesn't help you a great deal, but it is a bit of a start. just have a look around internet search engines though, and see what schools are around.

Submitted by kingofdaveness on Wed, 22/10/03 - 9:45 AMPermalink

Hmmm selling a soul huh? I have some people who can help you (evil grin).

If your really into working at large studios like Disney bear in mind that the work is very tedious and repetative for the first few years. I have lots of ex-disney friends who did their time and moved on. Take a look at other studios while your at it... one thing Australia has a lot of is small animation outfits!

While your thinking over which courses you want to do, make sure your studying drawing skills now. RIGHT NOW!!! Go get some life drawing classes and really get stuck into them... life drawing is the key to learning all animation skills. Its not just drawing people... its learning how to look properly. Anyway dude, hope it works out for ya.

Submitted by souri on Thu, 23/10/03 - 9:15 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by baba-ghranouge

i don't know what to start studying, weather to do graphic design or some relevent course at tafe or if i'm supposed to go to an actual school that specializes in animation and that sort of stuff.

If you're planning to do animation, don't do a graphic design course. You'll probably only get one subject on animation in one semester, and that'll be it. Graphic Design is a mish mash of different subjects (real life drawing, typography, photography, multimedia etc), most of which you barely touch the surface of. A graphic design course is a good course to do if you want to be a graphic designer.

i'm planning or rather hoping to become an animator, like in cartoons and to work for a studio like that of disney in Sydney. i'm not to big on games and stuff but i'd like to make movies or feature films or whatever u call em. problem is i don't know how to get started. i'm a year out of high school and i don't know what to start studying, weather to do graphic design or some relevent course at tafe or if i'm supposed to go to an actual school that specializes in animation and that sort of stuff. i was born here but i was living overseas while in highschool, finaly came back last year but am completely clueless as to where to go from here. at this point i'm so desperate i'd sell my soul for a little help or directions to someone who could advise me.
p.s. i live shellharbour so something around wollongong or maybe sydney would be good.

Submitted by Aven on Wed, 22/10/03 - 4:41 AMPermalink

there are multiple schools that teach 3D animation for the film industry. the only problem is that they are VERY expensive. this is mainly due to the fact that you would most probably be using Maya (maybe 3DS Max though), and a liscence to it is not cheap. put i decent computer system on top of that and then the price of an artist who would usually earn 60k+ a year for teaching and you are looking at a lot of money. i haven't looked in a while, but NSW tafe did have a course that was worth 16k a year, and it was a two year course. most places are that price. the AIE in Canberra was quite a bit cheaper than most schools, but their prices are going up to match others. plus it may not be good for you as it is in Canberra. i know this probably doesn't help you a great deal, but it is a bit of a start. just have a look around internet search engines though, and see what schools are around.

Submitted by kingofdaveness on Wed, 22/10/03 - 9:45 AMPermalink

Hmmm selling a soul huh? I have some people who can help you (evil grin).

If your really into working at large studios like Disney bear in mind that the work is very tedious and repetative for the first few years. I have lots of ex-disney friends who did their time and moved on. Take a look at other studios while your at it... one thing Australia has a lot of is small animation outfits!

While your thinking over which courses you want to do, make sure your studying drawing skills now. RIGHT NOW!!! Go get some life drawing classes and really get stuck into them... life drawing is the key to learning all animation skills. Its not just drawing people... its learning how to look properly. Anyway dude, hope it works out for ya.

Submitted by souri on Thu, 23/10/03 - 9:15 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by baba-ghranouge

i don't know what to start studying, weather to do graphic design or some relevent course at tafe or if i'm supposed to go to an actual school that specializes in animation and that sort of stuff.

If you're planning to do animation, don't do a graphic design course. You'll probably only get one subject on animation in one semester, and that'll be it. Graphic Design is a mish mash of different subjects (real life drawing, typography, photography, multimedia etc), most of which you barely touch the surface of. A graphic design course is a good course to do if you want to be a graphic designer.