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What are the chances

Submitted by Skribble on

what are the chances of opening a succesful game development company in perth? there are so many courses and stuff for programming and 3d modeling and stuf in perth u would think there would be more companies in perth. if sumone was to start a business in games dev, what would be the chance of them becoming a succesful company?

Submitted by Kalescent on Mon, 28/06/04 - 10:21 AMPermalink

Thats a pretty tough one, if your thinking about it, The only advice I can give you is spend a LONG time finding the right people, I cant stress enough how important it is to have people who share a vision.

I believe approx 90% of all business fail within the first 2 years of existance, I'm sure the games industry would also fit that category.

Posted by Skribble on

what are the chances of opening a succesful game development company in perth? there are so many courses and stuff for programming and 3d modeling and stuf in perth u would think there would be more companies in perth. if sumone was to start a business in games dev, what would be the chance of them becoming a succesful company?

Submitted by Kalescent on Mon, 28/06/04 - 10:21 AMPermalink

Thats a pretty tough one, if your thinking about it, The only advice I can give you is spend a LONG time finding the right people, I cant stress enough how important it is to have people who share a vision.

I believe approx 90% of all business fail within the first 2 years of existance, I'm sure the games industry would also fit that category.