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Game Time

Submitted by Blitz on

Is anyone considering going to Game Time, and if so what interests you there? I'm thinking of just going to the keynote (Tetsuya Mizuguchi) on the friday night since it's only $15, don't think i'll bother with the $75 for the rest of it though.
Other thing, i think the Game Time website is one of the poorest websites i've seen in a long time! It contains very little information on what the whole thing is about, and what is happening, PLUS, at least in Internet Explorer, the popups that describe the schedule/speakers are too small to fit all the information and don't allow scrolling/resizing!!! What kind of monkeys did they get to put this website together!
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by Zaph on Sat, 09/10/04 - 7:35 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Blitz

Is anyone considering going to Game Time, and if so what interests you there? I'm thinking of just going to the keynote (Tetsuya Mizuguchi) on the friday night since it's only $15, don't think i'll bother with the $75 for the rest of it though.
Other thing, i think the Game Time website is one of the poorest websites i've seen in a long time! It contains very little information on what the whole thing is about, and what is happening, PLUS, at least in Internet Explorer, the popups that describe the schedule/speakers are too small to fit all the information and don't allow scrolling/resizing!!! What kind of monkeys did they get to put this website together!
CYer, Blitz

For the complete geeks out there I'd like to point out that Ken Perlin is *the* Perlin, of Perlin Noise fame... [url][/url]
No idea what he's talking about this time, but I saw him at GDC a few years back and he was pretty good

Posted by Blitz on

Is anyone considering going to Game Time, and if so what interests you there? I'm thinking of just going to the keynote (Tetsuya Mizuguchi) on the friday night since it's only $15, don't think i'll bother with the $75 for the rest of it though.
Other thing, i think the Game Time website is one of the poorest websites i've seen in a long time! It contains very little information on what the whole thing is about, and what is happening, PLUS, at least in Internet Explorer, the popups that describe the schedule/speakers are too small to fit all the information and don't allow scrolling/resizing!!! What kind of monkeys did they get to put this website together!
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by Zaph on Sat, 09/10/04 - 7:35 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Blitz

Is anyone considering going to Game Time, and if so what interests you there? I'm thinking of just going to the keynote (Tetsuya Mizuguchi) on the friday night since it's only $15, don't think i'll bother with the $75 for the rest of it though.
Other thing, i think the Game Time website is one of the poorest websites i've seen in a long time! It contains very little information on what the whole thing is about, and what is happening, PLUS, at least in Internet Explorer, the popups that describe the schedule/speakers are too small to fit all the information and don't allow scrolling/resizing!!! What kind of monkeys did they get to put this website together!
CYer, Blitz

For the complete geeks out there I'd like to point out that Ken Perlin is *the* Perlin, of Perlin Noise fame... [url][/url]
No idea what he's talking about this time, but I saw him at GDC a few years back and he was pretty good