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Mole - Now on the App store!

Journal Category



Hi everyone. After much hard work from the project mole team i'm proud to announce our game is now in the app store! Mole! You play as Mark the mole as you quest to find the fabled Terracore gem! Gameplay features: · An easy to play touch based game with no complex and cloggy GUI controllers. Simply touch any location to have Mark dig to it! · Explore the deep underground and dig through randomly generated levels. Each level is a new bite sized adventure! · Collect metal to upgrade your mining tools so Mark can dig deeper, faster, longer! · Post your best dig scores on twitter and ranked online leaderboards! · Progress through 4 different mining ranks and unlock 10 achievement medals! You can check it out in the app store here: We also have a website and online leaderboard portal. You can access the website here:

Submitted by Bobanliz on Thu, 04/02/10 - 11:28 AMPermalink

Congrats on the game mate it looks fun. Would you know when the game will be available in the Aussie App Store?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 04/02/10 - 8:38 PMPermalink


"You're standing right now with nine delegates, from a hundred gangs and there's
over a hundred more. That's 20,000 hardcore indies, 40,000 counting affiliates and
20,000 more not organised but ready to fight.! 60,000 soldiers.! Now there ain't but
13,000 games in the whole appstore. Can you dig it?"


Well done Chris + Ben, hope the appstore gods smile on thee.

-- Chuan

Submitted by souri on Fri, 05/02/10 - 12:09 PMPermalink

Give us a yell when it shows up on the appstore, I'd love to make a post on this as well.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 05/02/10 - 9:02 PMPermalink

Congrats guys! Its very encouraging for an indie-wanabee to see some local talent have a crack at the indie scene, i hope it goes well for you. If possible, let us know how well it sells and performs over time. Getting any info on iphone game sales performances is pretty difficult, almost impossible for aussie developed ones (Firemint being the exception).

Are you guys planning to market it anywhere, online publications maybe (touch arcade, etc)?

Submitted by designerwatts on Fri, 05/02/10 - 10:14 PMPermalink

Thanks for the compliments. :D

I was planning on releasing the sales data for Mole when they come about. Regardless of how good/bad the game does in that sector.

Although being the first game from our little indie group where not predicting massive sales. We want to build a reputation of making some fun, solid games. I'm predicting as we produce and market new games they'll compliment and amplify each others sales.

We're gotten expressed interest for promo-code reviews from a few apple/iPhone websites of the small-moderate size areas. When the game gets it's importent update patch we should see at least a handful of reviews materialise. :D

Submitted by NathanRunge on Sat, 06/02/10 - 12:46 AMPermalink

I know it's been said, but congratulations once more. Getting a project finished and shipped is a pretty sweet achievement. One that's been escaping me all year so I have a strong appreciation for it. I might see if I can get my fiancé to buy it for her iPod touch considering I don't have an iPhone, but there should hopefully be one more sale.

Submitted by NathanRunge on Sun, 07/02/10 - 10:24 PMPermalink

Definitely enjoyable thus-far. My fiance also commends your work. I've been happily digging down into the purplest depths of the Earth and, somehow, finding my way out again. Only criticism so far is the instructions, which I am passing on from another source without exploration of my own. My fiance, who is not a gamer, found the instructions a tad confusing as to the overall objective of the game. That said, with minimal explanation, understanding was achieved.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 08/02/10 - 2:22 PMPermalink

Buying now.

Interestingly, it seems that "Mole" is a rude word on the app store, and they censor it to be "M**e". Searching for "mole" won't bring up any responses... I had to search for "terracore" to find it.


Submitted by designerwatts on Mon, 08/02/10 - 2:29 PMPermalink

It seems to just be an Australian thing.

American buyers tell me "Mole" comes up just fine.

I think because Australians can describe someone as " A mole." as a negative term or slander they may of listed it as a bad word.

Just speculation of course. I don't really know for sure.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)