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Help these Aussie games get Greenlighted for distribution on Steam!

Steam Greenlight was recently kicked off, allowing the Steam community to be involved in the selection process of games for distribution on the Steam platform! You can help a whole bunch of Australian developed titles by logging into your Steam account, clicking the links below, and rating up the titles! All these games are actually quite awesome, and I'm sure you've heard of some of them before, so check them out and give them a thumbs up!

Aussie projects that need to be greenlit!!

Impromptu Games: InFlux

Pixel Elephant: Monstaaa!

Evil Aliens: Orbiter

Visual Outbreak: Malevolence: The Sword of Ahkranox

If there are any other local games missing in this list, post them in the comments!

Submitted by Evil Aliens (not verified) on Sat, 01/09/12 - 2:08 PMPermalink

Cheers for the shout out, from searching Greenlight ourselves we have come across some games located from Australia.

Organic Humans - Canberra (1 game)…

Floating man games - Sydney (1 game)…

Evoke Method - Sydney (2 games)…