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Kill Bill Vol.2

Submitted by Makk on

I saw it on Thursday and loved it.

Fights scenes were done well especially Uma Vs Darrel Hannah in the trailer, although none topped the House of blue leaves scene, they didnt have to, as the story really excelled in this one for me.
The ending was great. I left the theatre feeling really satisifed with it. I hate it when movies dont have good closure, but Kill Bills was great.
When (Uma) Beatrice's daughter appeared it was a nicely timed surprise, as I thought she was going to go in and woop bills ass. I thought David Caradine did a really good job in this as well.
The scene were Beatrice (or was it Beatrix, or something, cant quite remember) was buried alive was cool, I remember thinking how the hell is she gonna get out of this! Pai Mei was a blast, it felt like some old kung fu movie, which was probably on purpose. Great stuff.
I felt sorry for poor old Budd as well!
So much good stuff in this, story, characters, editing, cinimatography, score, all were top notch.
All up I would say that it was slightly better then Vol.1

*strokes his perfectly groomed white beard*

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sun, 25/04/04 - 2:27 AMPermalink

yeah i thought it rocked aswell, probably better then the first. Pai mai was the most clechei(sp?) character but he was still awesome, that beard stroking thing he did was actually really funny for some reason. Bud was a awesome character compared to the likes of the vernita green (i think that was her name... black girl) and bill was just great. Acted really well. The final piece to the story was done extremely well (yer i thought it was gonna be a sword fight to the death typa thing aswell). Also loved when she took out elle drivers other eye, that was so unexpected yet funny. There was a lot more in the way of black comedy in this film and still some nifty fighting (love how driver could never get the sword out of its sheath because the trailer was too small :P). Top stuff

Submitted by DaMunkee on Tue, 27/04/04 - 12:42 AMPermalink

______________NO SPOILERS :P__________

I thought the best part of KBv2 was the preview at the beginning for Hero. Man that looks sweet!!!! from what I understand, the movie is pretty old but Terrentino paid for the dubbing of the re-release.

As for KBv2 and v1 for that matter, I though it was just Ok... Whether Uma's acting was horrible on purpose or not, really detracted from the movie in my opinion. I'd give it a 7out of 10. Good to see, a few laughs, and not really to in depth.


Submitted by ChaosD on Tue, 27/04/04 - 8:44 AMPermalink

I really enjoyed the film but I think it would have worked better if the second film was edited down and released as the single film it was intended to be. I just thought that some of the scenes were too long, causing it to drag in many sections and leaving the film without a real high point.

Submitted by palantir on Tue, 27/04/04 - 10:08 AMPermalink

Well, here are my rambling thoughts on Kill Bill. Read at your own risk.

SPOILERS, of course.

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed both movies. They really made me feel like I did watching the early Tarantino flicks. It was something new, seeing all these different genres mixing together around a central action/dark comedy story, but done in the classic Tarantino style.

I saw Kill Bill 2 on Thursday, and I was mildly disappointed by the lack of action, but that?s just because the 1st one was so incredible. There is still plenty of action to be had in Kill Bill 2.

That trailer fight scene was pretty full-on! And I really liked the whole oriental martial arts training scenes. That was kind of like the old martial arts classics. [:)]
Also, I loved the part near the beginning, when she lost the sword and got shot and buried, and I was like ?Oh no! No more martial arts!?, but of course there was still plenty more to come. Great use of the time mismatched story-telling style the Quintan loves.

Anyway, I?ve decided Kill Bill volume 2 is a great movie, and I?ll give it a 4 star. Though I think the first volume deserves a 5 star.

-They better make a special edition DVD box set - Put me down for one!

Posted by Makk on

I saw it on Thursday and loved it.

Fights scenes were done well especially Uma Vs Darrel Hannah in the trailer, although none topped the House of blue leaves scene, they didnt have to, as the story really excelled in this one for me.
The ending was great. I left the theatre feeling really satisifed with it. I hate it when movies dont have good closure, but Kill Bills was great.
When (Uma) Beatrice's daughter appeared it was a nicely timed surprise, as I thought she was going to go in and woop bills ass. I thought David Caradine did a really good job in this as well.
The scene were Beatrice (or was it Beatrix, or something, cant quite remember) was buried alive was cool, I remember thinking how the hell is she gonna get out of this! Pai Mei was a blast, it felt like some old kung fu movie, which was probably on purpose. Great stuff.
I felt sorry for poor old Budd as well!
So much good stuff in this, story, characters, editing, cinimatography, score, all were top notch.
All up I would say that it was slightly better then Vol.1

*strokes his perfectly groomed white beard*

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sun, 25/04/04 - 2:27 AMPermalink

yeah i thought it rocked aswell, probably better then the first. Pai mai was the most clechei(sp?) character but he was still awesome, that beard stroking thing he did was actually really funny for some reason. Bud was a awesome character compared to the likes of the vernita green (i think that was her name... black girl) and bill was just great. Acted really well. The final piece to the story was done extremely well (yer i thought it was gonna be a sword fight to the death typa thing aswell). Also loved when she took out elle drivers other eye, that was so unexpected yet funny. There was a lot more in the way of black comedy in this film and still some nifty fighting (love how driver could never get the sword out of its sheath because the trailer was too small :P). Top stuff

Submitted by DaMunkee on Tue, 27/04/04 - 12:42 AMPermalink

______________NO SPOILERS :P__________

I thought the best part of KBv2 was the preview at the beginning for Hero. Man that looks sweet!!!! from what I understand, the movie is pretty old but Terrentino paid for the dubbing of the re-release.

As for KBv2 and v1 for that matter, I though it was just Ok... Whether Uma's acting was horrible on purpose or not, really detracted from the movie in my opinion. I'd give it a 7out of 10. Good to see, a few laughs, and not really to in depth.


Submitted by ChaosD on Tue, 27/04/04 - 8:44 AMPermalink

I really enjoyed the film but I think it would have worked better if the second film was edited down and released as the single film it was intended to be. I just thought that some of the scenes were too long, causing it to drag in many sections and leaving the film without a real high point.

Submitted by palantir on Tue, 27/04/04 - 10:08 AMPermalink

Well, here are my rambling thoughts on Kill Bill. Read at your own risk.

SPOILERS, of course.

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed both movies. They really made me feel like I did watching the early Tarantino flicks. It was something new, seeing all these different genres mixing together around a central action/dark comedy story, but done in the classic Tarantino style.

I saw Kill Bill 2 on Thursday, and I was mildly disappointed by the lack of action, but that?s just because the 1st one was so incredible. There is still plenty of action to be had in Kill Bill 2.

That trailer fight scene was pretty full-on! And I really liked the whole oriental martial arts training scenes. That was kind of like the old martial arts classics. [:)]
Also, I loved the part near the beginning, when she lost the sword and got shot and buried, and I was like ?Oh no! No more martial arts!?, but of course there was still plenty more to come. Great use of the time mismatched story-telling style the Quintan loves.

Anyway, I?ve decided Kill Bill volume 2 is a great movie, and I?ll give it a 4 star. Though I think the first volume deserves a 5 star.

-They better make a special edition DVD box set - Put me down for one!