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what 3d packagea are studios are using

  • ok .. i think i have an idea.

    my guy's name is going to be presto.. he will be a vaudeville magician / prestidigitator and illusionist.

    his calling card will be a magic trick, a tarot card or rabbit or something.

    and i will…

Submitted by tojo on

ok.. before i start a major arguement here...

this isnt about personal preference, it is about what 3d packages studios are using around australasia and current trends.

i know a few studios have switched to maya

are there any studios using xsi?

have any companys switched from maya to max?

are companys using biped/motion builder?

what other 3rd party software is being used?

and to further the question .. do you think this is a time in game development to be a master in one or two software packages of choice, or go for the jack of all trades approach

please lets try not to start a max vs maya argument here. [:X]

Submitted by LiveWire on Sat, 21/01/06 - 1:41 AMPermalink

i'm pretty sure there was another thread like this a while back.

anyway, i found it so easy to switch from Max to Maya (admitedly after two weeks of pure frustration) that i think what one you learn is irrelevant. i'm sure it's handy to have an understanding of several (if you had to jump over to another one suddenly for whatever reason), but it think just being a great modeler, animator, whatever is the most important thing, and that skill can be transfered to whatever program - since all you are really learing are the new tools.

Submitted by Kalescent on Sat, 21/01/06 - 6:05 AMPermalink

Are you a top secret Autodesk rep looking for new studios to pitch to ? [:P]

Ill chip in with our info.

We use Max 8.1 / Biped / CS2 / Various in-house tools.

Having a unique perspective on the siutuation - in our position we use the tool that suits us best, if someone needs lightwave files or maya files for example - we still use MAX and simply supply it in relevant format, testing before hand if somethings broken, we write our own exporters to fix the problem between the two programs.

Submitted by Red 5 on Sat, 21/01/06 - 6:59 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by tojo
are there any studios using xsi?

The smart ones do ;)...although you won't find many in Australia, you will in the UK however.

Actually some of the larger studios use a combination of 3D software, AMH were using Maya,xsi and Max at one stage and probably still do.
There's even a few Lightwave studios about.

quote:Originally posted by tojo
have any companys switched from maya to max?

I wouldn't imagine so ;)... no disrespect but it's generally the other way around.

quote:Originally posted by tojo
do you think this is a time in game development to be a master in one or two software packages of choice, or go for the jack of all trades approach

It's difficult enough to master 1 package, therefore I believe you're much better off putting most of you effort into learning a single package as thoroughly as possible, but it's still good practice to at least have a basic knowledge of other industry standard programs.

Submitted by kingofdaveness on Fri, 23/03/07 - 10:35 PMPermalink

Hi, I am over in the UK at the moment and yep there are a few lightwave and XSI studios clinging on here. God knows why.

Most unreal studios and high-end normal mapping studios I have worked with use 3dsmax because it murders maya for modelling, mapping and level work. Maya usually enters the pipeline for animation- a lot of studios I have talked to have weird combos of both. I know one studio was using maya because a couple of their guys where maya freaks, but teh team where pulling out their hair.
I know a big studio using maya that was crying recently because it couldnt do the skinning and projection tricks that max could.
Most studios seem to be using a combination of things. Modo, max, maya, mudbox mainly M programs - aint that a bit weird.

Games is really max's domain. But hey, EX-Autodesk rep here, I would say that wouldnt I?

kingofdaveness2007-03-23 11:35:49

Submitted by Malus on Sun, 25/03/07 - 11:06 AMPermalink

I started on Max, moved to Maya and recently I have been playing with XSI.

Really its all irrelevant, if you can use one well then you should be able to use then all.Malus2007-03-25 01:07:47

Posted by tojo on

ok.. before i start a major arguement here...

this isnt about personal preference, it is about what 3d packages studios are using around australasia and current trends.

i know a few studios have switched to maya

are there any studios using xsi?

have any companys switched from maya to max?

are companys using biped/motion builder?

what other 3rd party software is being used?

and to further the question .. do you think this is a time in game development to be a master in one or two software packages of choice, or go for the jack of all trades approach

please lets try not to start a max vs maya argument here. [:X]

Submitted by LiveWire on Sat, 21/01/06 - 1:41 AMPermalink

i'm pretty sure there was another thread like this a while back.

anyway, i found it so easy to switch from Max to Maya (admitedly after two weeks of pure frustration) that i think what one you learn is irrelevant. i'm sure it's handy to have an understanding of several (if you had to jump over to another one suddenly for whatever reason), but it think just being a great modeler, animator, whatever is the most important thing, and that skill can be transfered to whatever program - since all you are really learing are the new tools.

Submitted by Kalescent on Sat, 21/01/06 - 6:05 AMPermalink

Are you a top secret Autodesk rep looking for new studios to pitch to ? [:P]

Ill chip in with our info.

We use Max 8.1 / Biped / CS2 / Various in-house tools.

Having a unique perspective on the siutuation - in our position we use the tool that suits us best, if someone needs lightwave files or maya files for example - we still use MAX and simply supply it in relevant format, testing before hand if somethings broken, we write our own exporters to fix the problem between the two programs.

Submitted by Red 5 on Sat, 21/01/06 - 6:59 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by tojo
are there any studios using xsi?

The smart ones do ;)...although you won't find many in Australia, you will in the UK however.

Actually some of the larger studios use a combination of 3D software, AMH were using Maya,xsi and Max at one stage and probably still do.
There's even a few Lightwave studios about.

quote:Originally posted by tojo
have any companys switched from maya to max?

I wouldn't imagine so ;)... no disrespect but it's generally the other way around.

quote:Originally posted by tojo
do you think this is a time in game development to be a master in one or two software packages of choice, or go for the jack of all trades approach

It's difficult enough to master 1 package, therefore I believe you're much better off putting most of you effort into learning a single package as thoroughly as possible, but it's still good practice to at least have a basic knowledge of other industry standard programs.

Submitted by kingofdaveness on Fri, 23/03/07 - 10:35 PMPermalink

Hi, I am over in the UK at the moment and yep there are a few lightwave and XSI studios clinging on here. God knows why.

Most unreal studios and high-end normal mapping studios I have worked with use 3dsmax because it murders maya for modelling, mapping and level work. Maya usually enters the pipeline for animation- a lot of studios I have talked to have weird combos of both. I know one studio was using maya because a couple of their guys where maya freaks, but teh team where pulling out their hair.
I know a big studio using maya that was crying recently because it couldnt do the skinning and projection tricks that max could.
Most studios seem to be using a combination of things. Modo, max, maya, mudbox mainly M programs - aint that a bit weird.

Games is really max's domain. But hey, EX-Autodesk rep here, I would say that wouldnt I?

kingofdaveness2007-03-23 11:35:49

Submitted by Malus on Sun, 25/03/07 - 11:06 AMPermalink

I started on Max, moved to Maya and recently I have been playing with XSI.

Really its all irrelevant, if you can use one well then you should be able to use then all.Malus2007-03-25 01:07:47