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SoftArtisans.SAFile.1 error '80020009'

Error occurred when moving cached file to final destination. Please check the NTFS permissions for the directory "d:homesumeasimages2" and the directory containing the file "d:homesumeasimages27_gd3d_prev01.jpg". These directories require Read, Write and Delete permissions by the anonymous user ( NT account: IUSR_computername ) and/or by your authenticated users.

/admin/membernewsupload.asp, line 14

has anyone else been getting this error message on trying to load images? about to email souri to delete all my images so i can start afreash...

Submitted by inglis on Tue, 11/11/03 - 11:03 AM Permalink

i got an error when i tried to upload before. i dont know if its the same error, probably.
i dont have many images up there though. probably less than 4.

Submitted by souri on Tue, 11/11/03 - 5:43 PM Permalink

Whoops.. I forgot that some folders needed their write permissions changed when the website got put on another server. I've sent a msg to the server admin guy to change it, so it should be fixed real soon. No wonder no one was uploading any pics!

Posted by davidcoen on

SoftArtisans.SAFile.1 error '80020009'

Error occurred when moving cached file to final destination. Please check the NTFS permissions for the directory "d:homesumeasimages2" and the directory containing the file "d:homesumeasimages27_gd3d_prev01.jpg". These directories require Read, Write and Delete permissions by the anonymous user ( NT account: IUSR_computername ) and/or by your authenticated users.

/admin/membernewsupload.asp, line 14

has anyone else been getting this error message on trying to load images? about to email souri to delete all my images so i can start afreash...

Submitted by inglis on Tue, 11/11/03 - 11:03 AM Permalink

i got an error when i tried to upload before. i dont know if its the same error, probably.
i dont have many images up there though. probably less than 4.

Submitted by souri on Tue, 11/11/03 - 5:43 PM Permalink

Whoops.. I forgot that some folders needed their write permissions changed when the website got put on another server. I've sent a msg to the server admin guy to change it, so it should be fixed real soon. No wonder no one was uploading any pics!