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sumea account full?

  • Had a break from learning c# by making a new player model, britanny of gold digger.
    Model, basic texture, animation in 3 days (less actually, time also spent rewriting bone spring code (to get tail to work well), like 2 days plus one recovery…

  • combat prototype is done (cough, after a work/ life related pause of 7 months)

    turn based hex combat, 3 stats (rock paper sizzors/ body mind soul) though still needs tweaking, but need to make some contents tools first. have movement,…

  • slowly implementing a hex based combat mode, have player movement (calculation of what movement cost to get to each square, interface for move, interface for changing facing) and player/ opponent take turns

    also lost some time to changing…

  • Nothing that exciting, still a bit to go before seeing game character fight, but the framework for the turnbased combat, and triggering it by walking around in the world, and then generate a hex grid over the current location is slowly…

  • Used up a weeks worth of holiday time from work, but still did not even get started on the combat prototype.
    Took a day to tidy up the prototype code to be more generalise, then another day to refactor the code to run under a state machine…

  • well, there is more i would like to do on the player movement prototype but need to move onto the next prototype, combat.

    did get physics update seperate from the rendering, the animation states being driven by an xml defined state machine…

  • still working on the character movement prototype, adding a few animations and tweaking physics, currently adding push object state, have the jump animations with jump scalled by time the jump button is down, land animation scalled by time in air…

  • have changed to using ogre game engine, and this is after a few weekends of mucking around and making content, with smatterings of code

    some history. got my own 'from scratch' game engine up to runing but was going to be a pain to support…

  • One day to make the model
    (lightwave, drew a front and side profile of a Fred Perry character, 'Gina', from his comic 'Gold Digger', it is rather sexist, but also a lot of fun. converted the tga into a point cloud to have in the modelling…

  • an interesting little exercise that i did back in november, was to make a pac man clone.

    it was good to actually 'finish' something, but a pain in the kahoonas to make something on the pc not using directX (as i already knew how to use…

Submitted by davidcoen on

SoftArtisans.SAFile.1 error '80020009'

Error occurred when moving cached file to final destination. Please check the NTFS permissions for the directory "d:homesumeasimages2" and the directory containing the file "d:homesumeasimages27_gd3d_prev01.jpg". These directories require Read, Write and Delete permissions by the anonymous user ( NT account: IUSR_computername ) and/or by your authenticated users.

/admin/membernewsupload.asp, line 14

has anyone else been getting this error message on trying to load images? about to email souri to delete all my images so i can start afreash...

Submitted by inglis on Tue, 11/11/03 - 11:03 AM Permalink

i got an error when i tried to upload before. i dont know if its the same error, probably.
i dont have many images up there though. probably less than 4.

Submitted by souri on Tue, 11/11/03 - 5:43 PM Permalink

Whoops.. I forgot that some folders needed their write permissions changed when the website got put on another server. I've sent a msg to the server admin guy to change it, so it should be fixed real soon. No wonder no one was uploading any pics!

Posted by davidcoen on

SoftArtisans.SAFile.1 error '80020009'

Error occurred when moving cached file to final destination. Please check the NTFS permissions for the directory "d:homesumeasimages2" and the directory containing the file "d:homesumeasimages27_gd3d_prev01.jpg". These directories require Read, Write and Delete permissions by the anonymous user ( NT account: IUSR_computername ) and/or by your authenticated users.

/admin/membernewsupload.asp, line 14

has anyone else been getting this error message on trying to load images? about to email souri to delete all my images so i can start afreash...

Submitted by inglis on Tue, 11/11/03 - 11:03 AM Permalink

i got an error when i tried to upload before. i dont know if its the same error, probably.
i dont have many images up there though. probably less than 4.

Submitted by souri on Tue, 11/11/03 - 5:43 PM Permalink

Whoops.. I forgot that some folders needed their write permissions changed when the website got put on another server. I've sent a msg to the server admin guy to change it, so it should be fixed real soon. No wonder no one was uploading any pics!