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Joan of Arc Tute

Submitted by bullet21 on

does anyone know if there is a downloadable verison of the joan of arc tutorial with all the referance images.

In english

Submitted by Malus on Tue, 23/12/03 - 9:29 PM Permalink

If you use this tutorial,(its a great tutorial btw) either use it as a base to make a totally different model or don't put it on a showreel, there are enough Joan of Arc models floating around out there already as you want to show you can model not just copy.

Submitted by bullet21 on Wed, 24/12/03 - 8:18 PM Permalink

No i'am not planning on making a showreel for a while as i'am only 16. I just heard it was a good tute and heard it teaches you most the things you need to know to make characters. Anyway i couldn't download it so i just save it from the internet.

Posted by bullet21 on

does anyone know if there is a downloadable verison of the joan of arc tutorial with all the referance images.

In english

Submitted by Malus on Tue, 23/12/03 - 9:29 PM Permalink

If you use this tutorial,(its a great tutorial btw) either use it as a base to make a totally different model or don't put it on a showreel, there are enough Joan of Arc models floating around out there already as you want to show you can model not just copy.

Submitted by bullet21 on Wed, 24/12/03 - 8:18 PM Permalink

No i'am not planning on making a showreel for a while as i'am only 16. I just heard it was a good tute and heard it teaches you most the things you need to know to make characters. Anyway i couldn't download it so i just save it from the internet.