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What to study next?

Submitted by Gibbz on

ok im currently studying Diploma in Multimedia(at i just want to know what i should study next?

ive also got 1 of a few possible Discreet(3d max maker) acredited short courses, should i do more of these( ?

ive appled at a few game companys but they dont give any feed back on what areas im lacking....

my portfolio

Submitted by Gibbz on Fri, 23/01/04 - 1:04 AMPermalink

also would i be better off moving to anotehr state, as uni is really more for coders here in SA hardly an prctical :|

Submitted by jacobt on Sat, 24/01/04 - 12:50 AMPermalink

I wouldn't study anything more, just practice your stuff. I graduated from that course in August last year and wouldn't pay for any other education, with the exception of some traditional art training. How far into the course are you?

I had a look at your folio, some if it is really cool but I think there might be too many guns. More characters, vehicles and other textured models would round your folio out a lot more. If you want more feedback just work on some more gear and post it onto some forums... someone will always give advice and opinions.

Good stuff... I didn't come across a single other student there who could properly lay out uvs!

Submitted by jacobt on Sat, 24/01/04 - 6:10 AMPermalink

Well 15 weeks is a long time! If anything I would say that completing say a character every few weeks, some vehicle work and low poly environments all with textures would do the trick... just go hard at it.

That course looks really good.... aah if only we could be students forever ;)

Submitted by Gibbz on Sat, 24/01/04 - 6:14 AMPermalink

hehe ah but we can be student forever :P theheh

okay ill find out more about the course. and work on some vechiles and characters. do you suggest mainly unrealistic or unrealistic models/designs?

Submitted by jacobt on Sat, 24/01/04 - 11:25 PMPermalink

Well some other people might be better at answering this. I think Souri is organising a questionnaire based on this topic... [URL][/URL]. If I had to suggest anything it would be to lean towards realism, and if you are creating fictional designs make sure they are believable ie realistic anatomy, muscle groups etc. That's just my 2c, like I said the questionnaire will give you a more definitive answer.

Posted by Gibbz on

ok im currently studying Diploma in Multimedia(at i just want to know what i should study next?

ive also got 1 of a few possible Discreet(3d max maker) acredited short courses, should i do more of these( ?

ive appled at a few game companys but they dont give any feed back on what areas im lacking....

my portfolio

Submitted by Gibbz on Fri, 23/01/04 - 1:04 AMPermalink

also would i be better off moving to anotehr state, as uni is really more for coders here in SA hardly an prctical :|

Submitted by jacobt on Sat, 24/01/04 - 12:50 AMPermalink

I wouldn't study anything more, just practice your stuff. I graduated from that course in August last year and wouldn't pay for any other education, with the exception of some traditional art training. How far into the course are you?

I had a look at your folio, some if it is really cool but I think there might be too many guns. More characters, vehicles and other textured models would round your folio out a lot more. If you want more feedback just work on some more gear and post it onto some forums... someone will always give advice and opinions.

Good stuff... I didn't come across a single other student there who could properly lay out uvs!

Submitted by jacobt on Sat, 24/01/04 - 6:10 AMPermalink

Well 15 weeks is a long time! If anything I would say that completing say a character every few weeks, some vehicle work and low poly environments all with textures would do the trick... just go hard at it.

That course looks really good.... aah if only we could be students forever ;)

Submitted by Gibbz on Sat, 24/01/04 - 6:14 AMPermalink

hehe ah but we can be student forever :P theheh

okay ill find out more about the course. and work on some vechiles and characters. do you suggest mainly unrealistic or unrealistic models/designs?

Submitted by jacobt on Sat, 24/01/04 - 11:25 PMPermalink

Well some other people might be better at answering this. I think Souri is organising a questionnaire based on this topic... [URL][/URL]. If I had to suggest anything it would be to lean towards realism, and if you are creating fictional designs make sure they are believable ie realistic anatomy, muscle groups etc. That's just my 2c, like I said the questionnaire will give you a more definitive answer.