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To Study or to stay home and do Tutes?

Hello People I'm new here,

I have an issue and maybe you guys can help to clear it up.
I have been drawing for years and animating, I've had some
professional gigs (storyboarding, animation), But I for the last 2 yrs
I've really want to get into games.

Now its not as I've said It's not a new decision, last yr
I went to a Tafe and did a Multimedia course and it was really bad!
(when I say bad I mean SH@T!) i think infiniD was the premiere 3d
I bought me a copy of lightwave (off ebay :) and i have just jumped
in. I have some cycles happening, it's progressing.

But i get frustrated with uvmapping and so forth. I'm sure I will improve
but do I need to pay thousands of dollars for tuition in another state?
or should i just take another yr off and try to hone my skills at home.?

Will companies appreciate my stamina? or should I just fork out
the money and try my luck at another institution?
I know it's ultimately up to me but i would like to hear some
comments... maybe some Industry people would give me some advice.

Thanks people.

What do you guys reckon?

Submitted by Brain on Sun, 16/02/03 - 2:07 AMPermalink

[url][/url] = Totally self taught. Nuff said. @;-)

Actually, I spose it depends on your work and education ethic. Myself, I do well when pointed in a direction. I'll take being taught by someone over teaching myself most of the time, cuz that's what works for me. Whereas other people solely teach themselves cuz that's what works for them. So yeah, essentially I'm saying "it's up to you". Sorry. @;-p

One thing about institutional learning is the networking bit. Yes, my Games Diploma at QANTM wasn't all it could've been, but I met a whole bunch of like minded people who inspired and drove me on, and of whom I still keep in contact with and work on projects with. And if the course is not the greatest, it'll either dishearten you or empower you. Either way, you'll know if you have a passion well placed in what you're training for.

Chris Bowden

Submitted by souri on Tue, 18/02/03 - 1:05 AMPermalink

Like Brain said, it really is up to you..
If you have the passion and the motivation to keep working and learning on your own, day after day for months, then go for it. Some people can do this, some people can't. However, there are benefits from learning at a place like AIE. When you run into problems or have questions, the lecturers are there right at your disposal. So if you're stuck on something specific, you can overcome it on the spot, no matter what it is. Also, learning by yourself is a lot of trial and error, with a lot of "crap, why didn't that work?!". Having help at hand is very beneficial, and in my opinion the faster way of learning. Having deadlines imposed on you, and comments and critics from your peers/teachers are also good too... you can do all this through the net, but having instant feedback is nicer, I think. I'm not saying that paying for an education is the be-all-and-end-all route, (there are plenty of people who have managed on their own) but if you're going it on your own, you gotta have the motivation to do it all yourself.
I think companies like to have that "2 year experience" thing to weed out the potential fluff from applying.. as it has been mentioned on the site, if you have the quality work to back you up, I'm sure they'll waiver that your lack of certificates and whatnot. It's your work that counts.. you can have all the certificates in the world, but if your work sucks, then you're not promised a job.

Submitted by ronald_marc on Tue, 18/02/03 - 5:22 AMPermalink

Thanks Brain and Souri. I appreciate the comments.
hmm I think I will see how I progress till september and then make a decision.
I have the motivation that's not a problem. money and time are my enemy.
Much to think upon.
thanks people.

Hello People I'm new here,

I have an issue and maybe you guys can help to clear it up.
I have been drawing for years and animating, I've had some
professional gigs (storyboarding, animation), But I for the last 2 yrs
I've really want to get into games.

Now its not as I've said It's not a new decision, last yr
I went to a Tafe and did a Multimedia course and it was really bad!
(when I say bad I mean SH@T!) i think infiniD was the premiere 3d
I bought me a copy of lightwave (off ebay :) and i have just jumped
in. I have some cycles happening, it's progressing.

But i get frustrated with uvmapping and so forth. I'm sure I will improve
but do I need to pay thousands of dollars for tuition in another state?
or should i just take another yr off and try to hone my skills at home.?

Will companies appreciate my stamina? or should I just fork out
the money and try my luck at another institution?
I know it's ultimately up to me but i would like to hear some
comments... maybe some Industry people would give me some advice.

Thanks people.

What do you guys reckon?

Submitted by Brain on Sun, 16/02/03 - 2:07 AMPermalink

[url][/url] = Totally self taught. Nuff said. @;-)

Actually, I spose it depends on your work and education ethic. Myself, I do well when pointed in a direction. I'll take being taught by someone over teaching myself most of the time, cuz that's what works for me. Whereas other people solely teach themselves cuz that's what works for them. So yeah, essentially I'm saying "it's up to you". Sorry. @;-p

One thing about institutional learning is the networking bit. Yes, my Games Diploma at QANTM wasn't all it could've been, but I met a whole bunch of like minded people who inspired and drove me on, and of whom I still keep in contact with and work on projects with. And if the course is not the greatest, it'll either dishearten you or empower you. Either way, you'll know if you have a passion well placed in what you're training for.

Chris Bowden

Submitted by souri on Tue, 18/02/03 - 1:05 AMPermalink

Like Brain said, it really is up to you..
If you have the passion and the motivation to keep working and learning on your own, day after day for months, then go for it. Some people can do this, some people can't. However, there are benefits from learning at a place like AIE. When you run into problems or have questions, the lecturers are there right at your disposal. So if you're stuck on something specific, you can overcome it on the spot, no matter what it is. Also, learning by yourself is a lot of trial and error, with a lot of "crap, why didn't that work?!". Having help at hand is very beneficial, and in my opinion the faster way of learning. Having deadlines imposed on you, and comments and critics from your peers/teachers are also good too... you can do all this through the net, but having instant feedback is nicer, I think. I'm not saying that paying for an education is the be-all-and-end-all route, (there are plenty of people who have managed on their own) but if you're going it on your own, you gotta have the motivation to do it all yourself.
I think companies like to have that "2 year experience" thing to weed out the potential fluff from applying.. as it has been mentioned on the site, if you have the quality work to back you up, I'm sure they'll waiver that your lack of certificates and whatnot. It's your work that counts.. you can have all the certificates in the world, but if your work sucks, then you're not promised a job.

Submitted by ronald_marc on Tue, 18/02/03 - 5:22 AMPermalink

Thanks Brain and Souri. I appreciate the comments.
hmm I think I will see how I progress till september and then make a decision.
I have the motivation that's not a problem. money and time are my enemy.
Much to think upon.
thanks people.