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anyone doin the canberra AIE courses (read)

Submitted by racrevel on

hey all im applying for AIE certIV at the end of this year and I have a few questions

1. whats the course like how many of you have loved/hated it and what did u include in your portfolio's for your entry
(I got half a portfollio till new pc gets here on wednesday) [:(]

2. how indepth into 3d and animation does the certIV go

3. how far away is the nearest ninjutsu dojo (MUST KNOW) *town im stuck in at the moment is a hole*

4. how far is the nearest videogame store [:D]

5. (for anyone at the CIT campus with the phonelines does internet cost extra)

Submitted by souri on Wed, 15/09/04 - 11:18 AMPermalink

I'll move this into the game industry/education section. I'll also make it sticky until someone answers it!

Submitted by Aven on Thu, 16/09/04 - 4:56 AMPermalink

I went a while ago so they have restructured it. Take this as a rough guide and not too solidly :)

1. First year? Beginners Animation with Max? My folio just had some 3d art and some multimedia work (websites and flash work from college). Nothing overly great, but they liked it enough. Of course at that time they were looking for people to join up instead of turning them away. I landed more towards the liked scale, but not loved :) There were always technical problems in the first year as they were running NT4. They fixed that up in the second year I went there. Most of the students there were really cool and willing to help out and show their little secrets. That is where you end up learning most things from. I hated the group projects (all three of them from first and second year).

2. Depends what you mean by in depth. Making a walking, talking character? YOu have a very good chance to if you want to give it a shot. Learn all the tricks to making a whole short movie with all the trimmings by yourself? A little less likely :) You get out what you put in. If you just learn what they try to teach you, then that is what you will learn. If you try to push yourself further, you have a very good chance to get further.

3. Don't know. Never thought about it. Probably will never know. You do realise you will be moving from hole to another don't you? (personal oppinion)

4. Not sure if their are any new ones in the AIE area, so probably Civic. EB, Rev CD and your usual large department stores.

5. Didn't live on Campus. Didn't know anyone who did. Can't help you out with that one. Try calling CIT and asking them.

Posted by racrevel on

hey all im applying for AIE certIV at the end of this year and I have a few questions

1. whats the course like how many of you have loved/hated it and what did u include in your portfolio's for your entry
(I got half a portfollio till new pc gets here on wednesday) [:(]

2. how indepth into 3d and animation does the certIV go

3. how far away is the nearest ninjutsu dojo (MUST KNOW) *town im stuck in at the moment is a hole*

4. how far is the nearest videogame store [:D]

5. (for anyone at the CIT campus with the phonelines does internet cost extra)

Submitted by souri on Wed, 15/09/04 - 11:18 AMPermalink

I'll move this into the game industry/education section. I'll also make it sticky until someone answers it!

Submitted by Aven on Thu, 16/09/04 - 4:56 AMPermalink

I went a while ago so they have restructured it. Take this as a rough guide and not too solidly :)

1. First year? Beginners Animation with Max? My folio just had some 3d art and some multimedia work (websites and flash work from college). Nothing overly great, but they liked it enough. Of course at that time they were looking for people to join up instead of turning them away. I landed more towards the liked scale, but not loved :) There were always technical problems in the first year as they were running NT4. They fixed that up in the second year I went there. Most of the students there were really cool and willing to help out and show their little secrets. That is where you end up learning most things from. I hated the group projects (all three of them from first and second year).

2. Depends what you mean by in depth. Making a walking, talking character? YOu have a very good chance to if you want to give it a shot. Learn all the tricks to making a whole short movie with all the trimmings by yourself? A little less likely :) You get out what you put in. If you just learn what they try to teach you, then that is what you will learn. If you try to push yourself further, you have a very good chance to get further.

3. Don't know. Never thought about it. Probably will never know. You do realise you will be moving from hole to another don't you? (personal oppinion)

4. Not sure if their are any new ones in the AIE area, so probably Civic. EB, Rev CD and your usual large department stores.

5. Didn't live on Campus. Didn't know anyone who did. Can't help you out with that one. Try calling CIT and asking them.