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AGDC 2004

Submitted by LiveWire on

Anyone attending this year?

Submitted by Pantmonger on Fri, 05/11/04 - 6:12 AMPermalink

Nope. No one. You are going to be there all by yourself, alone, in a big empty room.


Submitted by Maitrek on Fri, 05/11/04 - 8:19 AMPermalink

Nope, not worth the cost involved the time I have to take off work and, I'm not sure, but I think I have exams on as well :)

Submitted by Kalescent on Fri, 05/11/04 - 10:21 AMPermalink

Well... one of our 2 main goals here @ Kalescent was to attend this years AGDC with a playable version of Urban Brawl - but its been pushed back by the achievement of the 2nd Goal which was to have completed work on an AAA title before the end of 2005. So no AGDC for the team this year!

Submitted by Jacana on Fri, 05/11/04 - 5:33 PMPermalink

I will be there :) I am moderating the Women in Games panel.

Submitted by UniqueSnowFlake on Fri, 05/11/04 - 7:20 PMPermalink

I think alot of people in the industry won't be going. Myself and I know others who see the AGDC As a place for all the big guys to get togeather and have a party, catch up etc. Along with a thing for students. So A. The big guys and girls who can afford it B. Students who get such a discount they can afford it. With that said about the cost. Does the AGDC realy offer anything to anyone going? What you can go to some talks and see the latest stuff in the new 3D packagers.. If you realy want to lean anything get onto the net and you can learn these things anyway. I think the only part of the AGDC I will be going to is the open parts to the community but who knows.

Submitted by Shplorb on Fri, 05/11/04 - 8:54 PMPermalink

AGDC offers one thing that reading stuff on the net can't - networking. There's a world of difference between talking on the net and talking face-to-face and partying with people.

Whilst I do consider it to be overpriced, there are significant savings to be made with an early group booking. It's free if you're giving a talk, and if you're not then the cost is tax-deductable, plus I'd figure that most companies chip in a bit and let you salary sacrifice it.

Submitted by LiveWire on Sat, 06/11/04 - 8:17 AMPermalink

yeah i went down last year and i really enjoyed it (i was and still am a student so i got a better price too). i'm looking forward to it again this year as we've got a demo to present in the unsigned game comp - if we get accepted.

Submitted by Cam on Wed, 17/11/04 - 8:54 PMPermalink

even with the discount its hard for students to afford it!
i know out of our group of about 8 dead-set on getting into games (hopefully) after uni that i'll be the only one going which is a bummer!

Submitted by LiveWire on Wed, 17/11/04 - 10:23 PMPermalink

you've got to really look into cheepo ways of getting down there, cheep flights (or even frequent flyers if you can get it), cheep and dirty accomidation - i never spent much time at the '3 star hotel' (three beds and a sink in a 4x4 room) where i sayed last year anyway, and eat as little as possible!

Posted by LiveWire on

Anyone attending this year?

Submitted by Pantmonger on Fri, 05/11/04 - 6:12 AMPermalink

Nope. No one. You are going to be there all by yourself, alone, in a big empty room.


Submitted by Maitrek on Fri, 05/11/04 - 8:19 AMPermalink

Nope, not worth the cost involved the time I have to take off work and, I'm not sure, but I think I have exams on as well :)

Submitted by Kalescent on Fri, 05/11/04 - 10:21 AMPermalink

Well... one of our 2 main goals here @ Kalescent was to attend this years AGDC with a playable version of Urban Brawl - but its been pushed back by the achievement of the 2nd Goal which was to have completed work on an AAA title before the end of 2005. So no AGDC for the team this year!

Submitted by Jacana on Fri, 05/11/04 - 5:33 PMPermalink

I will be there :) I am moderating the Women in Games panel.

Submitted by UniqueSnowFlake on Fri, 05/11/04 - 7:20 PMPermalink

I think alot of people in the industry won't be going. Myself and I know others who see the AGDC As a place for all the big guys to get togeather and have a party, catch up etc. Along with a thing for students. So A. The big guys and girls who can afford it B. Students who get such a discount they can afford it. With that said about the cost. Does the AGDC realy offer anything to anyone going? What you can go to some talks and see the latest stuff in the new 3D packagers.. If you realy want to lean anything get onto the net and you can learn these things anyway. I think the only part of the AGDC I will be going to is the open parts to the community but who knows.

Submitted by Shplorb on Fri, 05/11/04 - 8:54 PMPermalink

AGDC offers one thing that reading stuff on the net can't - networking. There's a world of difference between talking on the net and talking face-to-face and partying with people.

Whilst I do consider it to be overpriced, there are significant savings to be made with an early group booking. It's free if you're giving a talk, and if you're not then the cost is tax-deductable, plus I'd figure that most companies chip in a bit and let you salary sacrifice it.

Submitted by LiveWire on Sat, 06/11/04 - 8:17 AMPermalink

yeah i went down last year and i really enjoyed it (i was and still am a student so i got a better price too). i'm looking forward to it again this year as we've got a demo to present in the unsigned game comp - if we get accepted.

Submitted by Cam on Wed, 17/11/04 - 8:54 PMPermalink

even with the discount its hard for students to afford it!
i know out of our group of about 8 dead-set on getting into games (hopefully) after uni that i'll be the only one going which is a bummer!

Submitted by LiveWire on Wed, 17/11/04 - 10:23 PMPermalink

you've got to really look into cheepo ways of getting down there, cheep flights (or even frequent flyers if you can get it), cheep and dirty accomidation - i never spent much time at the '3 star hotel' (three beds and a sink in a 4x4 room) where i sayed last year anyway, and eat as little as possible!