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Submitted by willk on

Hi All,

Our new website is up and running at

It has information about our new FPS project: Retribution

We also have a great section for people looking to contribute to a title.

Check it out and give us your feedback!

Thanks guys,
- Will Kruss

Submitted by codyalday on Thu, 30/12/04 - 5:58 AMPermalink

Nice website, good luck with the project.

Posted by willk on

Hi All,

Our new website is up and running at

It has information about our new FPS project: Retribution

We also have a great section for people looking to contribute to a title.

Check it out and give us your feedback!

Thanks guys,
- Will Kruss

Submitted by codyalday on Thu, 30/12/04 - 5:58 AMPermalink

Nice website, good luck with the project.