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CFP - IE2005: The Second Australasian Conference o

Call for Papers

IE2005: The Second Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment

*23-25 November 2005
Sydney, Australia *

Submission Deadlines:
Full Papers: 15 June 2005
Short Papers: 22 June 2005
Demo Proposals: 29 June 2005


The computer game and interactive entertainment industry is now a
multi-billion industry driving new computer technologies and defining a
new set of cultural conventions. The lack of game-specific academic
conferences has prevented many academics from fully embracing game
development as a serious field of study. As a result, although current
research in games and interactive entertainment is published in a wide
range of specialised conferences/journals, there is limited
collaboration between researchers from different academic fields.

The Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment is a
cross-disciplinary conference that will bring together researchers from
artificial intelligence, cognitive science, media studies, drama, HCI,
psychology, interactive media, cultural studies, graphics, audio, as
well as researchers from other disciplines working on new game specific
technologies or providing critical analysis of games and interactive

The conference will accept different submission types that present new
scientific ideas, improvements to existing techniques or provide a new
ways of examining, designing and using computer games.

Topics of interest

The papers should include original and unpublished contributions.
Suggested research topic included, but are not limited to:

* Artificial Intelligence (pathfinding, learning, agents, ...)
* Advanced/Innovative Interaction Design
* Ambient Intelligence for Entertainment
* Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality
* Art, Design and Media
* Cultural and Media Studies on Computer Games
* Education, Training, and Edutainment Technologies
* Graphics/Animation Techniques
* Human Factors of Games
* Interaction design
* Interactive Digital Storytelling
* Media Theory
* Mobile Entertainment
* Networking (technical and social)
* New Genres, New Standards
* Security (technical and social)
* Social Computing and Presence
* Sound and Music

Submission procedure

All papers will be peer reviewed and evaluated on originality,
significance, technical contribution and accepted papers will be
published in the proceedings.

*Regular papers*: Max 8 pages, selected for oral or poster presentation
*Short papers*: Max 4 pages, poster presentation only
*Demos*: Max 1 page, cutting edge systems or original interactive
environments. The abstract should summarise the system's behaviour and
significance, include a screenshot and optionally include a URL for a
video or a web site. The abstract for accepted demos will be included in
the proceedings.

To prepare your paper for submission, please follow these instructions

1. Download they style file or template from
2. Use only the template fonts and styles.
3. Upload your submission via the submission page.
4. Register for IE05. At least one author must be registered before
the camera ready deadline for your paper to appear in the

IE05 will not accept any regular or short paper which, at the time of
submission, is under review for or has already been published or
accepted for publication in a journal or another conference. This
restriction does not apply to submissions for workshops and other venues
with a limited audience.

For a regular paper, short or a demo to appear in the proceedings, at
least one author must be register by the deadline for camera-ready copy

Important Dates

15 June 2005: Papers Due
22 June 2005: Short Papers Due
29 June 2005: Demo Proposals Due
21 September 2005: Notification of Acceptance
12 October 2004: Final versions of accepted papers due
23-25 November 2005: IE05 Conference

Conference Organisation

Yusuf Pisan, University of Technology, Sydney

*Program Committee*
Matt Adcock, CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia
John Banks, CIRAC, Queensland University of Technology / Auran, Australia
Kirsty Beilharz, University of Sydney, Australia
Marc Cavazza, University of Teesside, UK
Erik Champion, University of Queensland, Australia
Annmarie Chandler, University of Sydney, Australia
Chris Chesher, University of Sydney, Australia
Patrick Crogan, University of Adelaide, Australia
John Debenham, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Penny Drennan, University of Queensland, Australia
Peter Eades, NICTA/University of Sydney, Australia
Ernest Edmonds, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Magy Seif El-Nasr, Penn State University, USA
Martin Gibbs, University of Melbourne, Australia
Andrew Gordon, Institute for Creative Technologies, University of
Southern California, USA
Ian Gwiltt, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Brendan Harkin, X|Media|Lab, Australia
Andrew Johnston, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Mike Lee, Australia
Linda Leung, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Gregory More, RMIT University, Australia
Keith Nesbit, Charles Sturt University, Australia
Maurice Pagnucco, The University of New South Wales, Australia
Mark Pesce, AFTRS, Australia
Toni Robertson, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Cathie Sherwood, Griffith University, Australia
Simeon Simoff, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Liz Sonenberg, University of Melbourne, Australia
Penny Sweetster, University of Queensland, Australia
Nicolas Szilas, Macquarie University, Australia
Jim Tulip, Charles Sturt University, Australia
Anders Tychsen, Macquarie University, Australia
Greg Wadley, University of Melbourne, Australia
Viveka Weiley, Karmanaut, Australia
Mary-Anne Williams, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

(additional PC members are being added,
if you are interested in becoming a PC member, contact Yusuf Pisan

For Additional Information

Please visit or email the
conference organisers at

Submitted by lorien on Sat, 12/03/05 - 3:32 AMPermalink

Thank you Yusuf for doing what the AGDC won't.

Posted by yusuf on

Call for Papers

IE2005: The Second Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment

*23-25 November 2005
Sydney, Australia *

Submission Deadlines:
Full Papers: 15 June 2005
Short Papers: 22 June 2005
Demo Proposals: 29 June 2005


The computer game and interactive entertainment industry is now a
multi-billion industry driving new computer technologies and defining a
new set of cultural conventions. The lack of game-specific academic
conferences has prevented many academics from fully embracing game
development as a serious field of study. As a result, although current
research in games and interactive entertainment is published in a wide
range of specialised conferences/journals, there is limited
collaboration between researchers from different academic fields.

The Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment is a
cross-disciplinary conference that will bring together researchers from
artificial intelligence, cognitive science, media studies, drama, HCI,
psychology, interactive media, cultural studies, graphics, audio, as
well as researchers from other disciplines working on new game specific
technologies or providing critical analysis of games and interactive

The conference will accept different submission types that present new
scientific ideas, improvements to existing techniques or provide a new
ways of examining, designing and using computer games.

Topics of interest

The papers should include original and unpublished contributions.
Suggested research topic included, but are not limited to:

* Artificial Intelligence (pathfinding, learning, agents, ...)
* Advanced/Innovative Interaction Design
* Ambient Intelligence for Entertainment
* Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality
* Art, Design and Media
* Cultural and Media Studies on Computer Games
* Education, Training, and Edutainment Technologies
* Graphics/Animation Techniques
* Human Factors of Games
* Interaction design
* Interactive Digital Storytelling
* Media Theory
* Mobile Entertainment
* Networking (technical and social)
* New Genres, New Standards
* Security (technical and social)
* Social Computing and Presence
* Sound and Music

Submission procedure

All papers will be peer reviewed and evaluated on originality,
significance, technical contribution and accepted papers will be
published in the proceedings.

*Regular papers*: Max 8 pages, selected for oral or poster presentation
*Short papers*: Max 4 pages, poster presentation only
*Demos*: Max 1 page, cutting edge systems or original interactive
environments. The abstract should summarise the system's behaviour and
significance, include a screenshot and optionally include a URL for a
video or a web site. The abstract for accepted demos will be included in
the proceedings.

To prepare your paper for submission, please follow these instructions

1. Download they style file or template from
2. Use only the template fonts and styles.
3. Upload your submission via the submission page.
4. Register for IE05. At least one author must be registered before
the camera ready deadline for your paper to appear in the

IE05 will not accept any regular or short paper which, at the time of
submission, is under review for or has already been published or
accepted for publication in a journal or another conference. This
restriction does not apply to submissions for workshops and other venues
with a limited audience.

For a regular paper, short or a demo to appear in the proceedings, at
least one author must be register by the deadline for camera-ready copy

Important Dates

15 June 2005: Papers Due
22 June 2005: Short Papers Due
29 June 2005: Demo Proposals Due
21 September 2005: Notification of Acceptance
12 October 2004: Final versions of accepted papers due
23-25 November 2005: IE05 Conference

Conference Organisation

Yusuf Pisan, University of Technology, Sydney

*Program Committee*
Matt Adcock, CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia
John Banks, CIRAC, Queensland University of Technology / Auran, Australia
Kirsty Beilharz, University of Sydney, Australia
Marc Cavazza, University of Teesside, UK
Erik Champion, University of Queensland, Australia
Annmarie Chandler, University of Sydney, Australia
Chris Chesher, University of Sydney, Australia
Patrick Crogan, University of Adelaide, Australia
John Debenham, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Penny Drennan, University of Queensland, Australia
Peter Eades, NICTA/University of Sydney, Australia
Ernest Edmonds, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Magy Seif El-Nasr, Penn State University, USA
Martin Gibbs, University of Melbourne, Australia
Andrew Gordon, Institute for Creative Technologies, University of
Southern California, USA
Ian Gwiltt, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Brendan Harkin, X|Media|Lab, Australia
Andrew Johnston, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Mike Lee, Australia
Linda Leung, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Gregory More, RMIT University, Australia
Keith Nesbit, Charles Sturt University, Australia
Maurice Pagnucco, The University of New South Wales, Australia
Mark Pesce, AFTRS, Australia
Toni Robertson, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Cathie Sherwood, Griffith University, Australia
Simeon Simoff, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Liz Sonenberg, University of Melbourne, Australia
Penny Sweetster, University of Queensland, Australia
Nicolas Szilas, Macquarie University, Australia
Jim Tulip, Charles Sturt University, Australia
Anders Tychsen, Macquarie University, Australia
Greg Wadley, University of Melbourne, Australia
Viveka Weiley, Karmanaut, Australia
Mary-Anne Williams, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

(additional PC members are being added,
if you are interested in becoming a PC member, contact Yusuf Pisan

For Additional Information

Please visit or email the
conference organisers at

Submitted by lorien on Sat, 12/03/05 - 3:32 AMPermalink

Thank you Yusuf for doing what the AGDC won't.