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looking for academic supervisor

Submitted by eyeball on

My name is Vicente, currently doing my senior stage research project for an honors degree in perth.
would anyone kindly interested to be my supervisor for the research. i cannot open the topic for security reason. but those who like serious game may really interested in.
it may take 1-2 hours per month, or maybe more if you're interested and would like to participate in.
the one should have an honors degree at least. loving game, trusty, and happy being troubled^_^
thank you very much!

Submitted by lorien on Wed, 27/04/05 - 2:45 AMPermalink

It would probably help if you were more specific about what the research area is (not asking for topic, just general area).
Sumea is also probably not the right place to ask (not many academics in the forums).

Submitted by eyeball on Wed, 27/04/05 - 3:26 AMPermalink

thank you for reply!
My research area is regarding exchangable experience between games and real life. It is industry relative and may draw great deal of profit (ideally ^_^)

I think there should be many people with at least a honors degree. this project is already long-time conceived and ready to be tested. the problem is, I came from China with comparatively bad academic english writting skill. So, my intention is just find someone that would like to cooperate to discovered and try something new in their beloved area.

thank you very much!

Posted by eyeball on

My name is Vicente, currently doing my senior stage research project for an honors degree in perth.
would anyone kindly interested to be my supervisor for the research. i cannot open the topic for security reason. but those who like serious game may really interested in.
it may take 1-2 hours per month, or maybe more if you're interested and would like to participate in.
the one should have an honors degree at least. loving game, trusty, and happy being troubled^_^
thank you very much!

Submitted by lorien on Wed, 27/04/05 - 2:45 AMPermalink

It would probably help if you were more specific about what the research area is (not asking for topic, just general area).
Sumea is also probably not the right place to ask (not many academics in the forums).

Submitted by eyeball on Wed, 27/04/05 - 3:26 AMPermalink

thank you for reply!
My research area is regarding exchangable experience between games and real life. It is industry relative and may draw great deal of profit (ideally ^_^)

I think there should be many people with at least a honors degree. this project is already long-time conceived and ready to be tested. the problem is, I came from China with comparatively bad academic english writting skill. So, my intention is just find someone that would like to cooperate to discovered and try something new in their beloved area.

thank you very much!