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Canceled/Old Event: IGDA BBQ In Brisbane.

Submitted by Mdobele on

An invitation to game developers? pass it on:

We are pleased to announce a meeting for the Greater Brisbane IGDA chapter!

Next event: What, who, when, where
WHAT: A BBQ in the park with chat, food, drink, and games you can play OFF the screen. Bring something to eat or drink, toss it all on the barbie, and spend a sunny afternoon.

WHO: Anyone with an interest in the game development industry, plus friends and family.

WHEN: Sunday, 16 October, from noon into the afternoon.

WHERE: New Farm park, near the barbie by the water. See the map below, and this link:…

FINDING US: There are only two barbies in the park. Our first choice will be the one near the water near the end of Brunswick Street. Our second choice is the other barbie by the playground equipment. We will be standing around a picnic table near the barbie. There will be game boxes on that table to let you know you found the right crowd.

HELP: Superwoman truna?s number (SMS preferred) is 04 0488 4027. Backup number is Matthew?s: 04 2315 7363.

UPDATES: Before the event, check replies to the event thread listed below to see if there have been any changes in plan.

RAIN? Come anyway!!


Our first choice is the barbie at the spot marked A, in sight of the water, but if we are not there, see the barbie at B.

Food and drink
We are but a humble organization and we cannot feed the masses. Please try to bring a little bit of food or drink to share. We will provide cups, plates, napkins, cutlery, and BBQ tools.

Feel free to use the thread below to announce what you are bringing so we do not end up with seventeen plates of Turkish Delight and nothing else.

Please reply
If you think you?ll come, excite and delight us by replying on the forum?s event thread at:

To reply, you will need to become an IGDA member. However, there is a free membership available.

Pass this on
Contagion power! Please forward this message to everyone you know in the game development industry here, and to friends who may be interested in joining you.

Because this IGDA chapter is strictly against poaching practices, we hope you feel safe sending this invitation to others in your game company.

If you got this invitation second-hand, you should join the low-traffic email list so you get future invitations directly. Simply email and follow the directions that ensue. Note that you do not have to get a Yahoo userID; you can elect just to join the mailing list without joining the group itself. There are only a few emails a month on that list so don?t be spam-shy; sign up!

The IGDA mailing list is for announcements only. To ask questions and have discussions, please visit the chapter forum.

What is the IGDA?
The IGDA helps game developers gather together in a non-competitive atmosphere to relax and learn from each other. To learn more about this IGDA chapter, please see our home page at:

To reply to the forums, you will need to become an IGDA member. However, there is a free membership available.

See you there
Please reply to the forum event thread, please come, please pass this on to other game developers!

Matthew Ford


Submitted by LiveWire on Sun, 16/10/05 - 7:46 PMPermalink

It's probably kind of obvious, but due to rain the BBQ has been called off. It will probably be re-scheduled for a later date though.

Posted by Mdobele on

An invitation to game developers? pass it on:

We are pleased to announce a meeting for the Greater Brisbane IGDA chapter!

Next event: What, who, when, where
WHAT: A BBQ in the park with chat, food, drink, and games you can play OFF the screen. Bring something to eat or drink, toss it all on the barbie, and spend a sunny afternoon.

WHO: Anyone with an interest in the game development industry, plus friends and family.

WHEN: Sunday, 16 October, from noon into the afternoon.

WHERE: New Farm park, near the barbie by the water. See the map below, and this link:…

FINDING US: There are only two barbies in the park. Our first choice will be the one near the water near the end of Brunswick Street. Our second choice is the other barbie by the playground equipment. We will be standing around a picnic table near the barbie. There will be game boxes on that table to let you know you found the right crowd.

HELP: Superwoman truna?s number (SMS preferred) is 04 0488 4027. Backup number is Matthew?s: 04 2315 7363.

UPDATES: Before the event, check replies to the event thread listed below to see if there have been any changes in plan.

RAIN? Come anyway!!


Our first choice is the barbie at the spot marked A, in sight of the water, but if we are not there, see the barbie at B.

Food and drink
We are but a humble organization and we cannot feed the masses. Please try to bring a little bit of food or drink to share. We will provide cups, plates, napkins, cutlery, and BBQ tools.

Feel free to use the thread below to announce what you are bringing so we do not end up with seventeen plates of Turkish Delight and nothing else.

Please reply
If you think you?ll come, excite and delight us by replying on the forum?s event thread at:

To reply, you will need to become an IGDA member. However, there is a free membership available.

Pass this on
Contagion power! Please forward this message to everyone you know in the game development industry here, and to friends who may be interested in joining you.

Because this IGDA chapter is strictly against poaching practices, we hope you feel safe sending this invitation to others in your game company.

If you got this invitation second-hand, you should join the low-traffic email list so you get future invitations directly. Simply email and follow the directions that ensue. Note that you do not have to get a Yahoo userID; you can elect just to join the mailing list without joining the group itself. There are only a few emails a month on that list so don?t be spam-shy; sign up!

The IGDA mailing list is for announcements only. To ask questions and have discussions, please visit the chapter forum.

What is the IGDA?
The IGDA helps game developers gather together in a non-competitive atmosphere to relax and learn from each other. To learn more about this IGDA chapter, please see our home page at:

To reply to the forums, you will need to become an IGDA member. However, there is a free membership available.

See you there
Please reply to the forum event thread, please come, please pass this on to other game developers!

Matthew Ford


Submitted by LiveWire on Sun, 16/10/05 - 7:46 PMPermalink

It's probably kind of obvious, but due to rain the BBQ has been called off. It will probably be re-scheduled for a later date though.