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Need advice on designing for cell-phones

Submitted by javierdl on

Hi there!

It's my 1st post here ;)
I am part of a team of developers, among other things, we are trying to make a game demo. I am the one doing most of the graphics/visual aspects of it. But the thing is, I haven't done any work for such tiny screens before :(
I am sure there are a good number of technical considerations to deal with.
Can anyone here share some advice on this issue? Especifically about the aspects that concern my job position.
For instance, we'll be going by the specifications of a cellular phone one of us has (Nokia 6680), so we can do the tests there. I found out the screen size is 176 x 208, and 266, 144 colors. But I don't supose I can make use of the whole screen, can I?
As for the colors, is there a color palette already defined? Or just as long as yours doesn't go over the total number of colors?

Thanks in advance guys,


Submitted by Caroo on Mon, 12/12/05 - 8:38 AMPermalink

if you want advice for mobile related stuff my best advice is to look up Wicked witch studios. give those guys an e-mail and the'll more then likly get back to you. nice guys^^. They do mobile phone games.

Submitted by Daniel Rona on Mon, 12/12/05 - 9:07 PMPermalink

welcome to the fun of mobile development! So you are doing the graphics, no programming? Is it 2d or 3d? Symbian or J2ME? I have done development in J2ME and Symbian, but I'm more of a programmer than an artist, but feel free to ask me any questions.

In reposense to your questions, yes you can design for the whole screen, it just needs to be set to full screen in the code. I'm not too sure about the colour palette, but you will probably be able to find an answer on [url=""]Forum Nokia[/url] which is an excellent resource!

Oh I just noticed that you're in Canada... So do you also have the option of developing for Brew?

Posted by javierdl on

Hi there!

It's my 1st post here ;)
I am part of a team of developers, among other things, we are trying to make a game demo. I am the one doing most of the graphics/visual aspects of it. But the thing is, I haven't done any work for such tiny screens before :(
I am sure there are a good number of technical considerations to deal with.
Can anyone here share some advice on this issue? Especifically about the aspects that concern my job position.
For instance, we'll be going by the specifications of a cellular phone one of us has (Nokia 6680), so we can do the tests there. I found out the screen size is 176 x 208, and 266, 144 colors. But I don't supose I can make use of the whole screen, can I?
As for the colors, is there a color palette already defined? Or just as long as yours doesn't go over the total number of colors?

Thanks in advance guys,


Submitted by Caroo on Mon, 12/12/05 - 8:38 AMPermalink

if you want advice for mobile related stuff my best advice is to look up Wicked witch studios. give those guys an e-mail and the'll more then likly get back to you. nice guys^^. They do mobile phone games.

Submitted by Daniel Rona on Mon, 12/12/05 - 9:07 PMPermalink

welcome to the fun of mobile development! So you are doing the graphics, no programming? Is it 2d or 3d? Symbian or J2ME? I have done development in J2ME and Symbian, but I'm more of a programmer than an artist, but feel free to ask me any questions.

In reposense to your questions, yes you can design for the whole screen, it just needs to be set to full screen in the code. I'm not too sure about the colour palette, but you will probably be able to find an answer on [url=""]Forum Nokia[/url] which is an excellent resource!

Oh I just noticed that you're in Canada... So do you also have the option of developing for Brew?