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Thanks, Educatational Award

Submitted by 0xBaaDf00d on

Hi, Everyone,

Just thought I should put my hand up and say Thanks.
Thanks for all voting and placing us as number one, educator in Aus / NZ in the Game Development field.

As always we are putting in a serious effort to make our courses better, every year, through consultation with industry representatives and games development organisations throughout Australia.
Also I would like to congratulate all our graduating students on a job well done, and all the best in the industry.

Adam Hay,
Head Of Programming,
Qantm College.

Submitted by souri on Fri, 17/02/06 - 1:29 AMPermalink

There was some pretty tough competition in that category with a fair few established places nominated like AIE Canberra, AIE Melbourne, and QUT.

Anyway, congratulations are in order for Qantm!

Hi, Everyone,

Just thought I should put my hand up and say Thanks.
Thanks for all voting and placing us as number one, educator in Aus / NZ in the Game Development field.

As always we are putting in a serious effort to make our courses better, every year, through consultation with industry representatives and games development organisations throughout Australia.
Also I would like to congratulate all our graduating students on a job well done, and all the best in the industry.

Adam Hay,
Head Of Programming,
Qantm College.

Submitted by souri on Fri, 17/02/06 - 1:29 AMPermalink

There was some pretty tough competition in that category with a fair few established places nominated like AIE Canberra, AIE Melbourne, and QUT.

Anyway, congratulations are in order for Qantm!