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Aussie Nintendo DS / Revolution developers

Submitted by transit on


I'm currently working as an animator/video editor at an advertising company, but where my real interest is is in game development, particularly Nintendo.

Recently purchasing a Nintendo DS system and seeing demos for Revolution, they are doing something different, which is a breath of fresh air for the industry who are loathe to take a step in any new direction.

So, are there any companies in Australia, (hopefully in Sydney) that are developing for the DS or Revolution? And are they hiring or looking for freelancers?


Submitted by Angel on Sat, 29/04/06 - 10:26 AMPermalink

We're doing DS work at Torus Games, with Revolution (aka Wii) in discussion. We're in Melbourne but you're welcome to submit your resume & portfolio as well. I'm not sure which other companies have Nintendo work lined up but you could browse company websites if you don't find many responses here.

Submitted by transit on Sun, 30/04/06 - 9:30 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Angel

We're doing DS work at Torus Games, with Revolution (aka Wii) in discussion. We're in Melbourne but you're welcome to submit your resume & portfolio as well. I'm not sure which other companies have Nintendo work lined up but you could browse company websites if you don't find many responses here.

Thanks, I'll keep Torus in mind when I'm actively seeking a new job and willing to make the move to Melbourne.

Is there room in the industry for someone with both an understanding of coding (C++ and MEL) and the arts/graphics(Maya, Shake, Photoshop) side of things. I don't want to be pinned down to one particular area.

Submitted by Brett on Tue, 02/05/06 - 10:43 AMPermalink

We just released FMOD for revolution to registered developers, though we're not hiring right now, maybe in a month or 2.

Posted by transit on


I'm currently working as an animator/video editor at an advertising company, but where my real interest is is in game development, particularly Nintendo.

Recently purchasing a Nintendo DS system and seeing demos for Revolution, they are doing something different, which is a breath of fresh air for the industry who are loathe to take a step in any new direction.

So, are there any companies in Australia, (hopefully in Sydney) that are developing for the DS or Revolution? And are they hiring or looking for freelancers?


Submitted by Angel on Sat, 29/04/06 - 10:26 AMPermalink

We're doing DS work at Torus Games, with Revolution (aka Wii) in discussion. We're in Melbourne but you're welcome to submit your resume & portfolio as well. I'm not sure which other companies have Nintendo work lined up but you could browse company websites if you don't find many responses here.

Submitted by transit on Sun, 30/04/06 - 9:30 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Angel

We're doing DS work at Torus Games, with Revolution (aka Wii) in discussion. We're in Melbourne but you're welcome to submit your resume & portfolio as well. I'm not sure which other companies have Nintendo work lined up but you could browse company websites if you don't find many responses here.

Thanks, I'll keep Torus in mind when I'm actively seeking a new job and willing to make the move to Melbourne.

Is there room in the industry for someone with both an understanding of coding (C++ and MEL) and the arts/graphics(Maya, Shake, Photoshop) side of things. I don't want to be pinned down to one particular area.

Submitted by Brett on Tue, 02/05/06 - 10:43 AMPermalink

We just released FMOD for revolution to registered developers, though we're not hiring right now, maybe in a month or 2.