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The Age blog and the consequent comments

Submitted by baboon on

Okay, in case anyone missed the blog, here it is:…

Please please please archive this for prosterity. A sining example of the maturity of various members of the games industry in Australia. As a1studmuffin posts - "Pass the popcorn"


Submitted by lorien on Tue, 25/07/06 - 4:31 AMPermalink

Pretty impressive.

As an old time Atari computer user I've always found it very strange that Infogrammes would pick that name.

It used to be a joke that people bought Atari computers despite their marketing rather than because of it, and not only did management's right hand not know what the left was doing, but it seemed to have a pretty fuzzy idea about what it was doing itself.

It also used to be a joke that TOS (Atari OS) was itself a bug.

Seems like Infogrammes is keeping the spirit of the Atari name alive.

edit: I'm amazed Katharine was so subdued. That has to be the mildest thing she's said on the topic of AMH in years. Some good comments about a certain Ben towards the end too [;)]

Submitted by souri on Wed, 26/07/06 - 3:15 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by baboon

Okay, in case anyone missed the blog, here it is:…

Please please please archive this for prosterity. A sining example of the maturity of various members of the games industry in Australia. As a1studmuffin posts - "Pass the popcorn"


I don't think that page will be going anywhere, and I'm pretty sure it's been read by pretty much everyone in or interested in the industry by now.

I'm surprised that there's still a lot of bad blood still brewing over some of the situations mentioned (that exodus happened a long, long time ago! Around 2003? Definately after Grand Prix). I guess you had to be there.

Submitted by baboon on Fri, 28/07/06 - 9:52 PMPermalink

Okay...I shouldn't really say this but I'm going to anyway. Most of the bad blood was and is directed towards one person, it's just a real shame that the entire company more or less gets tarred with the same brush.

Posted by baboon on

Okay, in case anyone missed the blog, here it is:…

Please please please archive this for prosterity. A sining example of the maturity of various members of the games industry in Australia. As a1studmuffin posts - "Pass the popcorn"


Submitted by lorien on Tue, 25/07/06 - 4:31 AMPermalink

Pretty impressive.

As an old time Atari computer user I've always found it very strange that Infogrammes would pick that name.

It used to be a joke that people bought Atari computers despite their marketing rather than because of it, and not only did management's right hand not know what the left was doing, but it seemed to have a pretty fuzzy idea about what it was doing itself.

It also used to be a joke that TOS (Atari OS) was itself a bug.

Seems like Infogrammes is keeping the spirit of the Atari name alive.

edit: I'm amazed Katharine was so subdued. That has to be the mildest thing she's said on the topic of AMH in years. Some good comments about a certain Ben towards the end too [;)]

Submitted by souri on Wed, 26/07/06 - 3:15 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by baboon

Okay, in case anyone missed the blog, here it is:…

Please please please archive this for prosterity. A sining example of the maturity of various members of the games industry in Australia. As a1studmuffin posts - "Pass the popcorn"


I don't think that page will be going anywhere, and I'm pretty sure it's been read by pretty much everyone in or interested in the industry by now.

I'm surprised that there's still a lot of bad blood still brewing over some of the situations mentioned (that exodus happened a long, long time ago! Around 2003? Definately after Grand Prix). I guess you had to be there.

Submitted by baboon on Fri, 28/07/06 - 9:52 PMPermalink

Okay...I shouldn't really say this but I'm going to anyway. Most of the bad blood was and is directed towards one person, it's just a real shame that the entire company more or less gets tarred with the same brush.