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AGDC website update, schedule + more

Submitted by Blitz on

Schedule has finally been added!
Also a new keynote speaker and some other little bits and pieces.
Which discussions etc. is everyone looking forward to?
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by JonathanKerr on Thu, 17/10/02 - 6:41 AMPermalink

I'm looking forward to Daz's texture talk and the Xbox one as well. It's a no brainer that the keynote speakers will be ones to watch. Xbox Live and the game design ones appeal to me.

Does anyone know what the conference dinners are like?? Alien Infeastation?


Submitted by Daemin on Thu, 17/10/02 - 10:21 AMPermalink

I'm more interested to go and see the non-console talks, especially the one's in the business track that deal with startups (not getting into the industry, but once you're started). I feel that we should actually have that console development kit, or at least that console in order to fully appreciate those talks. Now I gotta get the cash together to attend the damn thing. *sigh*

Submitted by souri on Thu, 17/10/02 - 12:59 PMPermalink

If I were attending (and I wish I could!), I'd pretty much be seeing as much of the lectures as I could.. some very, very interesting talks there! I would love to sit at the PS2 Character Animation (by Gareth White/Ratbag Games.. I'm guessing that he'll be talking about Ikon or one of the new projects, since it's about character animation), John Passfield's talk, The Making of Neverwinter Nights, The Art of Directing & Creating Cinematics - I'd definately be in for this one. Oh, and Cruelness Under Fire: Tales From the Frontline of Game Design (Mark Angeli - Infogrames Melbourne House).. that definately sounds interesting.. Romero on the future of mobile gaming - I'd prefer to hear him talk about Doom, Daikatana, and game design related issues instead.. [:)] ..And with the dinners and parties, it certainly is something worth going to!

Posted by Blitz on

Schedule has finally been added!
Also a new keynote speaker and some other little bits and pieces.
Which discussions etc. is everyone looking forward to?
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by JonathanKerr on Thu, 17/10/02 - 6:41 AMPermalink

I'm looking forward to Daz's texture talk and the Xbox one as well. It's a no brainer that the keynote speakers will be ones to watch. Xbox Live and the game design ones appeal to me.

Does anyone know what the conference dinners are like?? Alien Infeastation?


Submitted by Daemin on Thu, 17/10/02 - 10:21 AMPermalink

I'm more interested to go and see the non-console talks, especially the one's in the business track that deal with startups (not getting into the industry, but once you're started). I feel that we should actually have that console development kit, or at least that console in order to fully appreciate those talks. Now I gotta get the cash together to attend the damn thing. *sigh*

Submitted by souri on Thu, 17/10/02 - 12:59 PMPermalink

If I were attending (and I wish I could!), I'd pretty much be seeing as much of the lectures as I could.. some very, very interesting talks there! I would love to sit at the PS2 Character Animation (by Gareth White/Ratbag Games.. I'm guessing that he'll be talking about Ikon or one of the new projects, since it's about character animation), John Passfield's talk, The Making of Neverwinter Nights, The Art of Directing & Creating Cinematics - I'd definately be in for this one. Oh, and Cruelness Under Fire: Tales From the Frontline of Game Design (Mark Angeli - Infogrames Melbourne House).. that definately sounds interesting.. Romero on the future of mobile gaming - I'd prefer to hear him talk about Doom, Daikatana, and game design related issues instead.. [:)] ..And with the dinners and parties, it certainly is something worth going to!