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BigWorld in top 100 innovative list

BigWorld and its Massively Multiplayer Online suite of tools and technology is among the most innovative in the world, according to a poll organised by US technology publisher, Red Herring. The poll, which aims to recognise the top 100 companies that push the boundaries of innovation, features a few Australian companies, with BigWorld getting a hefty mention in the Sydney Morning Herald...

"We are the only company in the world that sells truly massively multiplayer online game technology," says Robert Spencer, BigWorld's strategic business manager. "Our games can have millions of players in a single shared world in real time. We are also the only (such game-maker) with telco-grade server reliability."

BigWorld is developing simulation applications using their gaming technology, for example, simulations of war and natural disasters to test a city's response capabilities.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 25/06/09 - 8:17 PMPermalink

...and Auran ditched it shortly afterwards (Aha, that is why Auran failed, they didn't stick to BigWorld!)

Now how many games have been released with BigWorld which has supposedly been going 7-8, even 9 years now? With all those licensee press releases over the years, there should be a few released titles running BigWorld you would think.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 26/06/09 - 9:41 AMPermalink

they bought it, ditched it because it didn't work (according to the Auran guys).... there's some part of the $16 million budget right there... the cost of getting it up and running and then having to replace it.

I agree - which titles use Big World - I am so sick of the spin from that joint... but then Microforte have been in business for over twenty years and have how many titles in that time? They are just experts at skimming cash from schools and government - imo - this is what that they are very, very good at and should be commended for.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 29/06/09 - 8:34 PMPermalink

For as long as they've been in operation -- BigWorld that is. That isn't a very long list or even very impressive one IMHO.

Anyway, I know that this is the wrong place for it, but, has anyone heard anything about Redtribe imploding recently? A friend filled me in on the going ons in that place, yet, there has been nothing on this site about it. You'd think a studio that boasts so much (among other things) coming close to closing if they haven't already; would warrant a long ranting thread, yet, nothing has been mentioned.

What's the deal?