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GDAA Student Members...

Submitted by Jacana on

Just curious if any of the students here have signed up for this? What would students like to get from this?

I am not expecting a huge magazine or anything.... but maybe a nice Q&A session in one of the membership letters where students can get questions answered. Or even a small member forum where students can post and other members can respond? I'd love to pick everyones brains *grin*

*edit* Souri - wanna move this to a more general forum, please?

Submitted by tachyon on Tue, 06/05/03 - 5:24 AMPermalink

i'm considering joining, what sort of things do you get already when you are a member?

Posted by Jacana on

Just curious if any of the students here have signed up for this? What would students like to get from this?

I am not expecting a huge magazine or anything.... but maybe a nice Q&A session in one of the membership letters where students can get questions answered. Or even a small member forum where students can post and other members can respond? I'd love to pick everyones brains *grin*

*edit* Souri - wanna move this to a more general forum, please?

Submitted by tachyon on Tue, 06/05/03 - 5:24 AMPermalink

i'm considering joining, what sort of things do you get already when you are a member?