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E3 video of Transformers Armada

Submitted by Zaph on

Just a note to anyone grabbing the E3 video of Transformers Armada:

All the other stuff on IGN's page is from a different Transformers game, only the May 15th video is of the Melbourne House game... I'm contacting them to get it fixed up


Submitted by Blitz on Sat, 17/05/03 - 8:51 PMPermalink

Whaaa, why is it only on PS2, will anyone be doing a conversion to xbox? :)
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by souri on Sun, 18/05/03 - 12:19 AMPermalink

I've downloaded the movie and I have to say it's looking awesome! Will be looking forward to how MH are approaching gameplay, but seeing the robots transform in mid action, run and attack, drive, shoot from FPS view (which I'm assuming from a vehicle with weapons), and fly is very cool. [:)] Looks very smooth too. That glimpse of the galaxy/nebula in there gave me a flash back of the Transformer movie..
I think that other Transformers game is from a company in Japan who are taking a kind of Street Fighter 2 approach with the title.

Posted by Zaph on

Just a note to anyone grabbing the E3 video of Transformers Armada:

All the other stuff on IGN's page is from a different Transformers game, only the May 15th video is of the Melbourne House game... I'm contacting them to get it fixed up


Submitted by Blitz on Sat, 17/05/03 - 8:51 PMPermalink

Whaaa, why is it only on PS2, will anyone be doing a conversion to xbox? :)
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by souri on Sun, 18/05/03 - 12:19 AMPermalink

I've downloaded the movie and I have to say it's looking awesome! Will be looking forward to how MH are approaching gameplay, but seeing the robots transform in mid action, run and attack, drive, shoot from FPS view (which I'm assuming from a vehicle with weapons), and fly is very cool. [:)] Looks very smooth too. That glimpse of the galaxy/nebula in there gave me a flash back of the Transformer movie..
I think that other Transformers game is from a company in Japan who are taking a kind of Street Fighter 2 approach with the title.