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EVENT : PERTH : SymbioticA : Artists in the Science Shrine

Submitted by gmb on

Dear all,

SymbioticA is running ‘Artists in the Science Shrine’, a seminar that will introduce the local arts/science community to the national and international opportunities and models of art/science organisations. Speakers include Denisa Kera (Transgenesis, Czech Republic) Marta de Menezes (Ectopia, Portugal) Anne Kienhuis (Arts & Genomics Center, Netherlands), Vicki Sowry (Australian Network for Art and Technology) MC: Oron Catts (SymbioticA, Australia). It will be held on Tuesday 22 July 2008, between 12.30-1.30pm in the Social Science Lecture Theatre 1, G28 at The University of Western Australia

This event is FREE.
For more information please visit
Please feel free to circulate this invitation to anyone who may be interested.

Warm regards,

Amanda Alderson
SymbioticA- Centre of Excellence in Biological Arts

School of Anatomy & Human Biology, University of Western Australia
Mail Bag Delivery Point M309, 35 Stirling Highway, CRAWLEY WA 6009
Phone:+61 (0)8- 6488 7116 | Fax: +61 (0)8- 6488 1051 |
CRICOS Provider No. 00126G

Submitted by symbiotica (not verified) on Wed, 06/07/11 - 5:50 PMPermalink

What is the experience of listening at the nanoscale?

A Live performance‐installation by Joel Ong

John Curtin Gallery on Sunday 10th July 2011

Gallery open: 4:30‐7:00pm

Nanovibrancy explores nanoscale activity through sound by amplifying the oscillations at the
surface of a model tympanic membrane in real time.

The culmination of his Masters in Biological Art degree, Joel Ong will present a sound piece which
repurposes the Atomic Force Microscope as a super‐sensitive listening device.

The AFM listens by scanning the surface vibrations on a silk membrane. The sample, currently
researched in otology as a graft material for chronic eardrum perforations, is probed in extension of
its research value, creating an audible documentation of cellular activity in situ.

Moving from the laboratory into the art gallery, the project shifts the observations of matter at the
nanoscale from the scientific eye to the artistic ear, amplifying the resonances of fact and fiction,
purity and interference through a site‐specific confluence of nano‐ and human‐scale listening.

In so doing, Nanovibrancy asks; "what is the experience of listening at the nanoscale?" Visitors
acquire a first‐hand experience of the vibrancy of matter at its smallest perspectival scale.

Nanovibrancy is an Artscience project realised at SymbioticA, the Centre of Excellence in Biological
Arts at the University of Western Australia and has the generous support of the Ear Science Institute
of Australia, the Nanochemistry Research Institute and the John Curtin Gallery at Curtin University.

Posted by gmb on

Dear all,

SymbioticA is running ‘Artists in the Science Shrine’, a seminar that will introduce the local arts/science community to the national and international opportunities and models of art/science organisations. Speakers include Denisa Kera (Transgenesis, Czech Republic) Marta de Menezes (Ectopia, Portugal) Anne Kienhuis (Arts & Genomics Center, Netherlands), Vicki Sowry (Australian Network for Art and Technology) MC: Oron Catts (SymbioticA, Australia). It will be held on Tuesday 22 July 2008, between 12.30-1.30pm in the Social Science Lecture Theatre 1, G28 at The University of Western Australia

This event is FREE.
For more information please visit
Please feel free to circulate this invitation to anyone who may be interested.

Warm regards,

Amanda Alderson
SymbioticA- Centre of Excellence in Biological Arts

School of Anatomy & Human Biology, University of Western Australia
Mail Bag Delivery Point M309, 35 Stirling Highway, CRAWLEY WA 6009
Phone:+61 (0)8- 6488 7116 | Fax: +61 (0)8- 6488 1051 |
CRICOS Provider No. 00126G

Submitted by symbiotica (not verified) on Wed, 06/07/11 - 5:50 PMPermalink

What is the experience of listening at the nanoscale?

A Live performance‐installation by Joel Ong

John Curtin Gallery on Sunday 10th July 2011

Gallery open: 4:30‐7:00pm

Nanovibrancy explores nanoscale activity through sound by amplifying the oscillations at the
surface of a model tympanic membrane in real time.

The culmination of his Masters in Biological Art degree, Joel Ong will present a sound piece which
repurposes the Atomic Force Microscope as a super‐sensitive listening device.

The AFM listens by scanning the surface vibrations on a silk membrane. The sample, currently
researched in otology as a graft material for chronic eardrum perforations, is probed in extension of
its research value, creating an audible documentation of cellular activity in situ.

Moving from the laboratory into the art gallery, the project shifts the observations of matter at the
nanoscale from the scientific eye to the artistic ear, amplifying the resonances of fact and fiction,
purity and interference through a site‐specific confluence of nano‐ and human‐scale listening.

In so doing, Nanovibrancy asks; "what is the experience of listening at the nanoscale?" Visitors
acquire a first‐hand experience of the vibrancy of matter at its smallest perspectival scale.

Nanovibrancy is an Artscience project realised at SymbioticA, the Centre of Excellence in Biological
Arts at the University of Western Australia and has the generous support of the Ear Science Institute
of Australia, the Nanochemistry Research Institute and the John Curtin Gallery at Curtin University.