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Looking for Students for AGDC Student Panel

Submitted by Jacana on

I am looking for students ? artist & programmer ? who would be willing to speak for a student panel at the AGDC. This panel will be run during the Saturday education track.

The idea I have for the panel is a place to discuss not only what you do and were you want to go but factors like more funding to help students, what could be changed to help future students, areas in curriculum?s that could be changed, etc.

The panel has been proposed to have 4 people ? 2 artists and 2 programmers ? from different schools. This will allow for somewhat of a cross section in presenters and will also keep the panel more focused on student issues then a marketing tool.

If your interested or have any questions feel free to email me!

Submitted by tachyon on Tue, 12/08/03 - 10:01 AMPermalink

sounds good, i'd be interested (programmer). i just shot you off an email :)

Submitted by Jacana on Thu, 21/08/03 - 4:13 AMPermalink

Just a quick update.

Things are looking good for the panel this year. There are a few details that I need to iron out but the abstract for the panel will be submitted on Friday. The panel has been pencilled in for the 11:35 am time slot on the Saturday.

After I get the abstract submitted I will post more details!

Posted by Jacana on

I am looking for students ? artist & programmer ? who would be willing to speak for a student panel at the AGDC. This panel will be run during the Saturday education track.

The idea I have for the panel is a place to discuss not only what you do and were you want to go but factors like more funding to help students, what could be changed to help future students, areas in curriculum?s that could be changed, etc.

The panel has been proposed to have 4 people ? 2 artists and 2 programmers ? from different schools. This will allow for somewhat of a cross section in presenters and will also keep the panel more focused on student issues then a marketing tool.

If your interested or have any questions feel free to email me!

Submitted by tachyon on Tue, 12/08/03 - 10:01 AMPermalink

sounds good, i'd be interested (programmer). i just shot you off an email :)

Submitted by Jacana on Thu, 21/08/03 - 4:13 AMPermalink

Just a quick update.

Things are looking good for the panel this year. There are a few details that I need to iron out but the abstract for the panel will be submitted on Friday. The panel has been pencilled in for the 11:35 am time slot on the Saturday.

After I get the abstract submitted I will post more details!