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Land of Blood and Gold

Hello everyone,

I am currently developing a game called 'Land of blood and gold' which is a textual online virtual world (RPG style) written in HTML/ASP. This means that players only need an Internet connection to play

The game is at

I have designed the first areas of the game and got a basic combat system up and running.

But the graphics are terrible as I only do them with a 2D paint program and quickly as I am no artist. I really need artists to improve these pictures.

What I am looking for - 2D and 3D artists.

Others that can ask to do work but I am not desperate for -
Sound - Background sounds; These must be small as they are to be downloaded with the page. You must remember that 60% of players are on dial up, these people are my main market.

Game Designers - I can't design a whole world myself .

Security - Make the game and database more secure.

Testers - My only Beta tester is my 8 year old!! I really need help balancing the game.

First question I always get asked is - "How much will you pay?"
Short answer - "NOTHING!" Long answer - "Any one who helps will get 'shares' in the game and any profit will be split."
I'll say it again even more simply - "Don't do this game for the money (if we make any then good) but do it for the experiance. If could take over a year before the game makes a profit IF EVER!"

I have made games before but Bloody Football is the only 'succesful' one I have made; and makes about $20/month

I can be contacted at 19:16:04

Hello everyone,

I am currently developing a game called 'Land of blood and gold' which is a textual online virtual world (RPG style) written in HTML/ASP. This means that players only need an Internet connection to play

The game is at

I have designed the first areas of the game and got a basic combat system up and running.

But the graphics are terrible as I only do them with a 2D paint program and quickly as I am no artist. I really need artists to improve these pictures.

What I am looking for - 2D and 3D artists.

Others that can ask to do work but I am not desperate for -
Sound - Background sounds; These must be small as they are to be downloaded with the page. You must remember that 60% of players are on dial up, these people are my main market.

Game Designers - I can't design a whole world myself .

Security - Make the game and database more secure.

Testers - My only Beta tester is my 8 year old!! I really need help balancing the game.

First question I always get asked is - "How much will you pay?"
Short answer - "NOTHING!" Long answer - "Any one who helps will get 'shares' in the game and any profit will be split."
I'll say it again even more simply - "Don't do this game for the money (if we make any then good) but do it for the experiance. If could take over a year before the game makes a profit IF EVER!"

I have made games before but Bloody Football is the only 'succesful' one I have made; and makes about $20/month

I can be contacted at 19:16:04