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AGDC 2005 Entry price changes

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Submitted by souri on

It looks like the [url=""]AGDC 2005 entry price[/url] has changed a little bit. 3 day delegation has come down, student entry has gone slightly up.

Anyway, does anyone know of the entry price changes for the last 7 years? I'm sure we can compile something. I remember the 3 day delegation pass increased $100 for two consecutive years. It would be nice to have a small chart of the changes, just for curiosity sakes.

I'm glad at least the 3 day delegation pass has come down. [url=""]Maybe the Sumea vote[/url] had a contributing influence in that? (who knows)

Submitted by LiveWire on Mon, 24/10/05 - 6:58 PMPermalink

having looked at the latest timetable, i think there's enough there for me to get a pass. Enough for a student pass (which i can still get untli the end of the year), but certainly not enough to warrent a full priced pass. if i were still a full time student though with little income i would probably reconsider again, but as it stands, i'm going this year. but not again if the quality dosn't pick up dramatically.

Submitted by lorien on Wed, 26/10/05 - 5:34 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by junkers

Hey lorien, i beleive you forgot to flame AIE in your last two posts...

Just thought you should know.

[:D] Flaming the AGDC IS flaming the AIE...

I see here that the AGDC is largely at ACMI. Thought you'd better admit it?

Freeplay was able to do full price tickets for $50 in the same venue.

Visiting the agdc site I see the AIE thanked as a "sponsor". Funny, they (or MF) started it, pretty much own it, run it, and let their own students in free while making it more expensive for students from everywhere else.

Still want to go Livewire?

Submitted by TheBigJ on Tue, 01/11/05 - 3:55 AMPermalink

Actually, the AGDC website [url=""]makes it known[/url] that AIE established and runs AGDC.

With that objection being stated, lorien, I do agree with your position on AGDC ticket pricing. Now that AGDC is being held at the same venue as Freeplay, I have to wonder where the money is going. Additionally, student prices should be going down, not up. I know few full-time students who would be in a position to pay that kind of money for a conference.

I have to say though, that this sort of pricing on conferences is hardly uncommon. A google search on professional conferences and symposia will likely provide similar registration figures. Some, in fact, [url="…"]far greater[/url]. I am, of course, not trying to justify it.

I've only attended one AGDC (2003), and I was thoroughly impressed. I'll probably attend this year, but I do agree that we need a conference (maybe in Brisbane?) that caters to students as well as professionals, and independent developers as well as the corporate guys.

Submitted by LiveWire on Tue, 01/11/05 - 4:35 AMPermalink

yes i'm still going, i booked my fights yesterday. but i'm only going because i can get in on a student pass, and ene then it's a stretch (only a few interesting lectures annouced so far, but a few that have convinced me to go). i certainly wont be going again though. full price is far to expensive. simply not worth it.

Submitted by junkers on Tue, 01/11/05 - 9:00 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by lorien

quote:Originally posted by junkers

Hey lorien, i beleive you forgot to flame AIE in your last two posts...

Just thought you should know.

Visiting the agdc site I see the AIE thanked as a "sponsor". Funny, they (or MF) started it, pretty much own it, run it, and let their own students in free while making it more expensive for students from everywhere else.

The prices for the Game Development class went up quite abit this year, therefore i think its actaully more worthwhile for us students to be able to get in for nothing. So, its hardly free, its just included in the course fee's. Please read you facts more throughly before you start insulting an education and training facility over free tickets etc.

Submitted by lorien on Tue, 01/11/05 - 9:44 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by junkers

Please read you facts more throughly before you start insulting an education and training facility over free tickets etc.

Right back at you. See John De Margheriti said they're getting in free, and the course fees have not increased to cover the costs. From

7. Monday, November 22, 2004 - 9:32:08 PM - John De Margheriti
2005 Game Development course students at both the Melbourne and Canberra campus will be able to enter AGDC 2005 for free. The course fees will not increase.

Not only that, but they were listing "free entry to the 2005 AGDC" in the "Reasons to join us for 2005" page not so long ago, along with "You can get a bank loan to pay your fees".

Interesting reasons to choose an institution.

You might want to read this one too

and might as well link to this just to illustrate that they've been ignoring problems for quite a while.

I'm an AIE (Canberra) graduate and I've been an AGDC volunteer, try to tell me the facts and they're going to come right back at you with plenty of extra heat.

Submitted by junkers on Tue, 01/11/05 - 10:21 AMPermalink

I am not willing to comment on this any longer as i beleive that people who could possibly be future employers read this forum, and i dont want to tarnish my opportunities due to a futile, immiture debate.
Ill state some reasons why, in my opinion the AGDC is a worthwhile conference to attend to. (1) It allows me to make contancts with a bunch of people who share similar focus' and idea's on the video game industry.
(2) Ive worked bloody hard all year (3 jobs, as well as attending AIE, i need a break and its the perfect chance to take one)
(3) We get some great info on new game ideas, ways people are presenting idea's and new innovations relative to the industry i wish to work in.. one day :p
(4) Its just a great bunch of fun, i attended last year, i payed an arm and a leg, but i didnt regret it.

I think everyone should give AGDC a break, and just take it as a chance to have a friendly chat, meet some new people and relax. Money is money, it comes and goes, theres no point in having any money if you dont have some fun, and personally, i find AGDC a great experience to attend.

Continue to bag aie if you want lorien, it really doesnt upset me either way, but im sure alot of people respect the work that the dedicated and skilled staff do for the newcomes to the australian game development industry.

Submitted by lorien on Tue, 01/11/05 - 10:34 AMPermalink

Except for a couple of them I have no problem with AIE teaching staff at all. Management is another story.

Of course people who could be future employers read this forum. LOTS of people from all sorts of different fields read sumea.

My attitude is if a studio wouldn't hire me because of things said on sumea then that's a studio I'd never work for anyway.

Submitted by LiveWire on Tue, 01/11/05 - 5:36 PMPermalink

AGDC is great for students. I went in 2003 and 2004 as a full time student, as did several others from my course on both occasions, and we all got a lot out of it. However, it really is far more benificial to students than those already in the industry i think, and the full delegate price is simply not worth it, but the student cost it. Unfortunatly, that price is still very high for a student, still for al thoses students out there: if you can find the cash (for the conference, not to mention the flights and accomidation if you're interstate) then it's a worth while experience.

Submitted by junkers on Wed, 02/11/05 - 9:18 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by lorien

My attitude is if a studio wouldn't hire me because of things said on sumea then that's a studio I'd never work for anyway.

Well, to be honest there are not many game companies in australia so to start off your career by making yourself look like a fool, you're really limiting your options.

Submitted by Dragoon on Thu, 03/11/05 - 2:56 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by lorien
But how the hell do you people justify putting the general student price up, and letting your own students in free.

quote:Originally posted by lorien

One more little not widely known fact about the AGDC: when I was an AIE student we got a substantial discount off the normal student prices.

Sorry I didn't quite catch that, do they get in free or get a discount? You're kinda contradicting yourself.

Submitted by TheBigJ on Thu, 03/11/05 - 3:32 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Dragoon
Sorry I didn't quite catch that, do they get in free or get a discount? You're kinda contradicting yourself.
No he isn't. Those quotes are chronologically distinct. They were getting discounts; now they're getting in for free. This much is clear.

Submitted by pb on Thu, 03/11/05 - 4:49 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by junkers

quote:Originally posted by lorien

My attitude is if a studio wouldn't hire me because of things said on sumea then that's a studio I'd never work for anyway.

Well, to be honest there are not many game companies in australia so to start off your career by making yourself look like a fool, you're really limiting your options.

I'll bet you a case of beer that no studio will even bother checking to see what you've said, and even if they did, they wouldn't care, and even if they did care, dissing the AGDC/AIE/GDAA is certainly not an issue that will make a difference and even if it was, critism is just as likely to get you in/out as praise.

Most people who are invested in the industry have views that fall in the range of "its good, kind of worthwhile" to "seems like a bit of a waste of time". Few have strong views on the issue, and why should they? For a student its an event that can change their entire career (and life).

The fate of a studio is dictated by their ability to deliver a game on time and on budget and their relationship with their publisher(s) - something they pursue independently of AGDC, GDC, E3, etc...


Submitted by lorien on Thu, 03/11/05 - 7:17 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by pb
I'll bet you a case of beer that no studio will even bother checking to see what you've said, and even if they did, they wouldn't care, and even if they did care, dissing the AGDC/AIE/GDAA is certainly not an issue that will make a difference and even if it was, critism is just as likely to get you in/out as praise.

Most people who are invested in the industry have views that fall in the range of "its good, kind of worthwhile" to "seems like a bit of a waste of time". Few have strong views on the issue, and why should they? For a student its an event that can change their entire career (and life).

Good post (imho). Though I should point out that my class, shortly before graduation, were told "DON'T flame the AIE, you'll never work in the industry"

Don't know if they are still saying it... If they are don't believe it. The first time I did it I actually got some job offers from people who'd read it [:)]. That was on a blog of Yusuf Pisan's.

I suggest only doing it if you're prepared to accept the consequences and have good reasons though. Don't do instense flames casually.

Incidentally Ian Gibson (head of school,Canberra AIE) was fairly obvious about trying to poach me from La Trobe to become a member of AIE teaching staff at the 2003 AGDC [:)] He asked me if I was happy at La Trobe and if I'd like to work somewhere else.

I was biting my tongue [:)]

Submitted by spudbog on Thu, 03/11/05 - 9:26 PMPermalink

I just know that you are waiting for some one to argue with your points about AIE and AGDC and in some ways it?s not even worth it, you will have an answer to everything but I will say this,
There is no way that AIE would off asked you to be on the teaching staff at the 2003 AGDC.
So bit your tongue all you want, at least this will shut you up.

also why the teaching staff, they dont teach at the AGDC, AIE is on the booth or going to the talks, why would they bring you on the teaching staff,only for the AGDC?

Submitted by spudbog on Thu, 03/11/05 - 10:22 PMPermalink

ooopsss sorry people, I miss wrote when saying :

also why the teaching staff, they dont teach at the AGDC, AIE is on the booth or going to the talks, why would they bring you on the teaching staff,only for the AGDC?

that bit was wrong, i miss read Ioriens comment about poach me bit, by the way he is wrong about that was well.

got to remember this is all hear say and one person opinion, don?t believe all that is written. I ant saying Iorien is wrong, Im just saying it does not sound right.

lets get back to the student pricing for AGDC, like this thred was meant to be about.

Submitted by junkers on Fri, 04/11/05 - 4:32 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by lorien

Good post (imho). Though I should point out that my class, shortly before graduation, were told "DON'T flame the AIE, you'll never work in the industry"

I guess you didnt take the advice too seriously now did you, because the truth speaks for itself.

quote:Originally posted by spudbog

lets get back to the student pricing for AGDC, like this thred was meant to be about.

That will just give lorien, yet another chance, to take a stab at some other organisation or something totally rediculous.

Well, i will get into the AGDC and its gonna be awsome!

Submitted by lorien on Sat, 05/11/05 - 9:09 AMPermalink

Couple of points:
firstly I suspect my classmates will probably find the AIE teaching staff thing quite easy to believe: you see there was much talk of it while I was a student there, and I began to design an audio course that I was to teach while I was a student working on Hail. All this was with Ian's full knowledge and blessing, he handed me all the accreditation guidelines that I was to fit in with. I showed them around and explained what I was doing to some of my classmates [:)] Remember the new AIE campus that was being organised at the end of 2003? Others here are likely to find it easy to believe too. Maybe you should have a look at everything I'm credited for in the game I helped make while at the AIE [:)] . Pity the Hail website at the AIE isn't up anymore, I was personally thanked on it for going above and beyond the call of duty.

I was also the only programmer who even showed up for graduation.

When Ian tried to poach me I was fully acting as a representative of La Trobe: they put photos up on the AGDC website showing myself and one other under the La Trobe banner. Believe me my superiors heard about it. Edit: it was at the academic summit, where I was representing La Trobe because of a double booking by someone else. My name tag said La Trobe, and you should see the stink they kick up if you show up representing an institution with all the handouts and banners and everything, but with a ticket that belongs to someone else, along with their business card [:D] Ian knew. I was also at the AGDC the following day representing selectparks (and it was a different ticket)- acmipark was in the unsigned games competition, although we withdrew- we wanted some feedback and real life playtesting, not prizes.

Another edit: here's the photo btw look for
"La Trobe University, Dept of Computer Science & Computer Engineering"

Secondly I'm not waiting to slag anyone off. I'd honestly rather not, I have much better things to do and I'm quite a busy person. Pb said it's really important for students, and who else is more likely or able to make a huge bloody stink about this mess than an AIE grad who is also a post-graduate student and teacher too?

My own students (I don't teach anything to do with games btw) think I'm the only one with the balls to say this stuff.

Enjoy the AGDC.

Edit: Missed a point, actually being threatened about flaming the AIE like that was a big part in my deciding to come out and do it.

Posted by souri on

It looks like the [url=""]AGDC 2005 entry price[/url] has changed a little bit. 3 day delegation has come down, student entry has gone slightly up.

Anyway, does anyone know of the entry price changes for the last 7 years? I'm sure we can compile something. I remember the 3 day delegation pass increased $100 for two consecutive years. It would be nice to have a small chart of the changes, just for curiosity sakes.

I'm glad at least the 3 day delegation pass has come down. [url=""]Maybe the Sumea vote[/url] had a contributing influence in that? (who knows)

Submitted by LiveWire on Mon, 24/10/05 - 6:58 PMPermalink

having looked at the latest timetable, i think there's enough there for me to get a pass. Enough for a student pass (which i can still get untli the end of the year), but certainly not enough to warrent a full priced pass. if i were still a full time student though with little income i would probably reconsider again, but as it stands, i'm going this year. but not again if the quality dosn't pick up dramatically.

Submitted by lorien on Wed, 26/10/05 - 5:34 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by junkers

Hey lorien, i beleive you forgot to flame AIE in your last two posts...

Just thought you should know.

[:D] Flaming the AGDC IS flaming the AIE...

I see here that the AGDC is largely at ACMI. Thought you'd better admit it?

Freeplay was able to do full price tickets for $50 in the same venue.

Visiting the agdc site I see the AIE thanked as a "sponsor". Funny, they (or MF) started it, pretty much own it, run it, and let their own students in free while making it more expensive for students from everywhere else.

Still want to go Livewire?

Submitted by TheBigJ on Tue, 01/11/05 - 3:55 AMPermalink

Actually, the AGDC website [url=""]makes it known[/url] that AIE established and runs AGDC.

With that objection being stated, lorien, I do agree with your position on AGDC ticket pricing. Now that AGDC is being held at the same venue as Freeplay, I have to wonder where the money is going. Additionally, student prices should be going down, not up. I know few full-time students who would be in a position to pay that kind of money for a conference.

I have to say though, that this sort of pricing on conferences is hardly uncommon. A google search on professional conferences and symposia will likely provide similar registration figures. Some, in fact, [url="…"]far greater[/url]. I am, of course, not trying to justify it.

I've only attended one AGDC (2003), and I was thoroughly impressed. I'll probably attend this year, but I do agree that we need a conference (maybe in Brisbane?) that caters to students as well as professionals, and independent developers as well as the corporate guys.

Submitted by LiveWire on Tue, 01/11/05 - 4:35 AMPermalink

yes i'm still going, i booked my fights yesterday. but i'm only going because i can get in on a student pass, and ene then it's a stretch (only a few interesting lectures annouced so far, but a few that have convinced me to go). i certainly wont be going again though. full price is far to expensive. simply not worth it.

Submitted by junkers on Tue, 01/11/05 - 9:00 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by lorien

quote:Originally posted by junkers

Hey lorien, i beleive you forgot to flame AIE in your last two posts...

Just thought you should know.

Visiting the agdc site I see the AIE thanked as a "sponsor". Funny, they (or MF) started it, pretty much own it, run it, and let their own students in free while making it more expensive for students from everywhere else.

The prices for the Game Development class went up quite abit this year, therefore i think its actaully more worthwhile for us students to be able to get in for nothing. So, its hardly free, its just included in the course fee's. Please read you facts more throughly before you start insulting an education and training facility over free tickets etc.

Submitted by lorien on Tue, 01/11/05 - 9:44 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by junkers

Please read you facts more throughly before you start insulting an education and training facility over free tickets etc.

Right back at you. See John De Margheriti said they're getting in free, and the course fees have not increased to cover the costs. From

7. Monday, November 22, 2004 - 9:32:08 PM - John De Margheriti
2005 Game Development course students at both the Melbourne and Canberra campus will be able to enter AGDC 2005 for free. The course fees will not increase.

Not only that, but they were listing "free entry to the 2005 AGDC" in the "Reasons to join us for 2005" page not so long ago, along with "You can get a bank loan to pay your fees".

Interesting reasons to choose an institution.

You might want to read this one too

and might as well link to this just to illustrate that they've been ignoring problems for quite a while.

I'm an AIE (Canberra) graduate and I've been an AGDC volunteer, try to tell me the facts and they're going to come right back at you with plenty of extra heat.

Submitted by junkers on Tue, 01/11/05 - 10:21 AMPermalink

I am not willing to comment on this any longer as i beleive that people who could possibly be future employers read this forum, and i dont want to tarnish my opportunities due to a futile, immiture debate.
Ill state some reasons why, in my opinion the AGDC is a worthwhile conference to attend to. (1) It allows me to make contancts with a bunch of people who share similar focus' and idea's on the video game industry.
(2) Ive worked bloody hard all year (3 jobs, as well as attending AIE, i need a break and its the perfect chance to take one)
(3) We get some great info on new game ideas, ways people are presenting idea's and new innovations relative to the industry i wish to work in.. one day :p
(4) Its just a great bunch of fun, i attended last year, i payed an arm and a leg, but i didnt regret it.

I think everyone should give AGDC a break, and just take it as a chance to have a friendly chat, meet some new people and relax. Money is money, it comes and goes, theres no point in having any money if you dont have some fun, and personally, i find AGDC a great experience to attend.

Continue to bag aie if you want lorien, it really doesnt upset me either way, but im sure alot of people respect the work that the dedicated and skilled staff do for the newcomes to the australian game development industry.

Submitted by lorien on Tue, 01/11/05 - 10:34 AMPermalink

Except for a couple of them I have no problem with AIE teaching staff at all. Management is another story.

Of course people who could be future employers read this forum. LOTS of people from all sorts of different fields read sumea.

My attitude is if a studio wouldn't hire me because of things said on sumea then that's a studio I'd never work for anyway.

Submitted by LiveWire on Tue, 01/11/05 - 5:36 PMPermalink

AGDC is great for students. I went in 2003 and 2004 as a full time student, as did several others from my course on both occasions, and we all got a lot out of it. However, it really is far more benificial to students than those already in the industry i think, and the full delegate price is simply not worth it, but the student cost it. Unfortunatly, that price is still very high for a student, still for al thoses students out there: if you can find the cash (for the conference, not to mention the flights and accomidation if you're interstate) then it's a worth while experience.

Submitted by junkers on Wed, 02/11/05 - 9:18 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by lorien

My attitude is if a studio wouldn't hire me because of things said on sumea then that's a studio I'd never work for anyway.

Well, to be honest there are not many game companies in australia so to start off your career by making yourself look like a fool, you're really limiting your options.

Submitted by Dragoon on Thu, 03/11/05 - 2:56 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by lorien
But how the hell do you people justify putting the general student price up, and letting your own students in free.

quote:Originally posted by lorien

One more little not widely known fact about the AGDC: when I was an AIE student we got a substantial discount off the normal student prices.

Sorry I didn't quite catch that, do they get in free or get a discount? You're kinda contradicting yourself.

Submitted by TheBigJ on Thu, 03/11/05 - 3:32 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Dragoon
Sorry I didn't quite catch that, do they get in free or get a discount? You're kinda contradicting yourself.
No he isn't. Those quotes are chronologically distinct. They were getting discounts; now they're getting in for free. This much is clear.

Submitted by pb on Thu, 03/11/05 - 4:49 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by junkers

quote:Originally posted by lorien

My attitude is if a studio wouldn't hire me because of things said on sumea then that's a studio I'd never work for anyway.

Well, to be honest there are not many game companies in australia so to start off your career by making yourself look like a fool, you're really limiting your options.

I'll bet you a case of beer that no studio will even bother checking to see what you've said, and even if they did, they wouldn't care, and even if they did care, dissing the AGDC/AIE/GDAA is certainly not an issue that will make a difference and even if it was, critism is just as likely to get you in/out as praise.

Most people who are invested in the industry have views that fall in the range of "its good, kind of worthwhile" to "seems like a bit of a waste of time". Few have strong views on the issue, and why should they? For a student its an event that can change their entire career (and life).

The fate of a studio is dictated by their ability to deliver a game on time and on budget and their relationship with their publisher(s) - something they pursue independently of AGDC, GDC, E3, etc...


Submitted by lorien on Thu, 03/11/05 - 7:17 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by pb
I'll bet you a case of beer that no studio will even bother checking to see what you've said, and even if they did, they wouldn't care, and even if they did care, dissing the AGDC/AIE/GDAA is certainly not an issue that will make a difference and even if it was, critism is just as likely to get you in/out as praise.

Most people who are invested in the industry have views that fall in the range of "its good, kind of worthwhile" to "seems like a bit of a waste of time". Few have strong views on the issue, and why should they? For a student its an event that can change their entire career (and life).

Good post (imho). Though I should point out that my class, shortly before graduation, were told "DON'T flame the AIE, you'll never work in the industry"

Don't know if they are still saying it... If they are don't believe it. The first time I did it I actually got some job offers from people who'd read it [:)]. That was on a blog of Yusuf Pisan's.

I suggest only doing it if you're prepared to accept the consequences and have good reasons though. Don't do instense flames casually.

Incidentally Ian Gibson (head of school,Canberra AIE) was fairly obvious about trying to poach me from La Trobe to become a member of AIE teaching staff at the 2003 AGDC [:)] He asked me if I was happy at La Trobe and if I'd like to work somewhere else.

I was biting my tongue [:)]

Submitted by spudbog on Thu, 03/11/05 - 9:26 PMPermalink

I just know that you are waiting for some one to argue with your points about AIE and AGDC and in some ways it?s not even worth it, you will have an answer to everything but I will say this,
There is no way that AIE would off asked you to be on the teaching staff at the 2003 AGDC.
So bit your tongue all you want, at least this will shut you up.

also why the teaching staff, they dont teach at the AGDC, AIE is on the booth or going to the talks, why would they bring you on the teaching staff,only for the AGDC?

Submitted by spudbog on Thu, 03/11/05 - 10:22 PMPermalink

ooopsss sorry people, I miss wrote when saying :

also why the teaching staff, they dont teach at the AGDC, AIE is on the booth or going to the talks, why would they bring you on the teaching staff,only for the AGDC?

that bit was wrong, i miss read Ioriens comment about poach me bit, by the way he is wrong about that was well.

got to remember this is all hear say and one person opinion, don?t believe all that is written. I ant saying Iorien is wrong, Im just saying it does not sound right.

lets get back to the student pricing for AGDC, like this thred was meant to be about.

Submitted by junkers on Fri, 04/11/05 - 4:32 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by lorien

Good post (imho). Though I should point out that my class, shortly before graduation, were told "DON'T flame the AIE, you'll never work in the industry"

I guess you didnt take the advice too seriously now did you, because the truth speaks for itself.

quote:Originally posted by spudbog

lets get back to the student pricing for AGDC, like this thred was meant to be about.

That will just give lorien, yet another chance, to take a stab at some other organisation or something totally rediculous.

Well, i will get into the AGDC and its gonna be awsome!

Submitted by lorien on Sat, 05/11/05 - 9:09 AMPermalink

Couple of points:
firstly I suspect my classmates will probably find the AIE teaching staff thing quite easy to believe: you see there was much talk of it while I was a student there, and I began to design an audio course that I was to teach while I was a student working on Hail. All this was with Ian's full knowledge and blessing, he handed me all the accreditation guidelines that I was to fit in with. I showed them around and explained what I was doing to some of my classmates [:)] Remember the new AIE campus that was being organised at the end of 2003? Others here are likely to find it easy to believe too. Maybe you should have a look at everything I'm credited for in the game I helped make while at the AIE [:)] . Pity the Hail website at the AIE isn't up anymore, I was personally thanked on it for going above and beyond the call of duty.

I was also the only programmer who even showed up for graduation.

When Ian tried to poach me I was fully acting as a representative of La Trobe: they put photos up on the AGDC website showing myself and one other under the La Trobe banner. Believe me my superiors heard about it. Edit: it was at the academic summit, where I was representing La Trobe because of a double booking by someone else. My name tag said La Trobe, and you should see the stink they kick up if you show up representing an institution with all the handouts and banners and everything, but with a ticket that belongs to someone else, along with their business card [:D] Ian knew. I was also at the AGDC the following day representing selectparks (and it was a different ticket)- acmipark was in the unsigned games competition, although we withdrew- we wanted some feedback and real life playtesting, not prizes.

Another edit: here's the photo btw look for
"La Trobe University, Dept of Computer Science & Computer Engineering"

Secondly I'm not waiting to slag anyone off. I'd honestly rather not, I have much better things to do and I'm quite a busy person. Pb said it's really important for students, and who else is more likely or able to make a huge bloody stink about this mess than an AIE grad who is also a post-graduate student and teacher too?

My own students (I don't teach anything to do with games btw) think I'm the only one with the balls to say this stuff.

Enjoy the AGDC.

Edit: Missed a point, actually being threatened about flaming the AIE like that was a big part in my deciding to come out and do it.