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Suggestions for next comp here

I thought the suggestions might get lost in that other thread so how about we start a new one to list them here.

Well? Go on then! Fire away!

Submitted by Makk on Sun, 18/01/04 - 9:39 AMPermalink

*shoots Jon in the head*

ooh, you meant ideas not guns!!

Well, going on that "nintendo kiddy" idea, how about design a pokemon monster. I have always enjoyed those designs. Plus they would be fairly simple to do.

Another idea would be "Weapons Master" Design an old, wise looking warrior who has spent many years mastering the many techniqeus of his chosen weapon. Doesnt have to be a warrior, could just enjoy usning the weapon. Obvisouly, you would have to design/model the weapon.

Pirates, they are always fun *shrugs*

And finally, it was mentioned awhile ago, but we could possibly do this in teams. *cough* since I cant model *cough*

Submitted by Aven on Sun, 18/01/04 - 10:03 AMPermalink

I had a bit of a think. How about,

Personify yourself as a God.
Basically, you have been honored to become a God. What would you be the God of? This should really be something that is related to your personality more than a representation of a physical thing. ie, the God Of Happiness as opposed to something like the God Of Death. This has the ability to suit both people who want to make a big warrior, and those who want to make someone a little more somber and less cliched. The God should also look somewhat like you (photos should be produced :) ). You wont be put down for either your physical appearance or your artistical skills. Obviously, if you wanted to make yourself buffer, that is cool, but you should look somewhat like you do now. Decisions should also bee made as to if you want to live in the real world (more realistic clothing), or some other plane.

Just a thought.

I like Makk's idea of the Weapon Master. It could possibly be broadened to include all martial forms (Tai Chi, and so on).

The team idea should be given good thought. It would be nice to see some 2D artists (like Makk), flexing their texturing skills :D

Submitted by JonathanKerr on Sun, 18/01/04 - 10:32 AMPermalink

Weapon Master is very cool - I'd quite like to do this but I guess I was harping on in the other thread about doing less aggressive concepts so I dunno...

The Pokemon idea was sorta along the lines I was thinking of too. Perhaps as part of that challenge could be to create 1.) A concept 2.) An illustration showing a range of attacks or the 'defining' features of the creature -- ie 'growing twice its size etc 3.) 3d model 4.)A card with the specs of the creature with a wee write up and mock stats.

The god idea is pretty cool. It could be tweaked to be yourself as a superhero/Xman. Not necessarily aggressive. Show your power and your alignment.

I'd like to see some more conceptual stuff in this challenge -- I keep hearing how traditional drawing skills are so important so perhaps incorporating some sort system like this into the challenge. Concept Design, Sketches, 3d with wires etc, Textures, Money Shot would make up the criteria. This gives guys like myself and other 2d artists a shot at competing on a good level with guys like (off the top of my head) Malus, Aven and JI Styles (among others) who have a broad spectrum of skills. It also puts those who lean more towards either one of 2d or 3d on even footing to compete with others. Or maybe I don't know what I'm talking about -- the point of the challenges is to challenge yourself, but I detect a bit of reticency in both 2d artists who cant do 3d and 3d artists with not-so-developed 2d skills. Those who can do both well reap the benefits of having put practice into both disciplines but (I think) I'm getting at that the criteria should have an equal number of 2d and 3d aspects (say three each).

I'm babbling.

Submitted by JonathanKerr on Mon, 19/01/04 - 7:53 AMPermalink

I've just completed Knights of the Old Republic (light side max) and I was thinking how cool it would be to take a concept for this competition and make an 'evil' as well as a 'good' version of the character or topic.

Submitted by Aven on Mon, 19/01/04 - 8:20 AMPermalink

Jonathan, the Good/Evil thing isn't too shabby an idea, but there are a few people just starting to get involved with the whole 3D thing, so it would be best not to throw too many people into the deep end. Plus I haven't made a low poly character since the first year AIE course (man I'm gonna be rusty :D). The idea of 2D and 3D teams could also help some people out. I'm sure that some of then newer people learning to model would love to have the help from someone like Mr. Kerr or Makk with design and drawing.

Another more varied character idea.

Create a character for an MMORPG. If you would want to play as a warrior, that is cool. If you want to be a merchant, great. If you want to be some fantasy Pimp, then even better :D I guess that a game would have to be picked to keep the style consistant (Everquest, Linage, Star Wars Galaxies, World Of Warcraft, so on), or it could be made freestyle.

Submitted by JonathanKerr on Mon, 19/01/04 - 9:04 AMPermalink

I think it was Doord who suggested this many aeons ago - but how about a challenge where the entrants find some reference art and they have to create a level/character/mech etc that is done in the style of that game. ie - show some pics of cloud, sephiroth and design a character for the FFVII universe - try and draw the concept in the style of the concept artists. Then create a model (for the battle part of the game) that would fit into the game. Alternatively, you could do something simpler like Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh! or you might decide to try and copy Yoji Shinkawa's brush pen style and design a character to fit into the Metal Gear Solid universe. Other examples might include: Mario, Halo, KOTOR, Viewtiful Joe, Shenmue, HalfLife2, Crash Bandicoot, Ty the Tiger or some other Australasian teams game and so on. If you're trying to get work in an Australasian company - what better way to show that you can do what they're doing!? (dont quote me on that tho')

You would be expected to provide:

1. 3 examples of the existing concept art so that judges can compare what you're trying to emulate.
2. create a concept that meshes well (ie looks like the original concept artists work) and fits into the universe. No copying the poses! If the artist uses a brush pen, you should too. Likewise for pen and ink, Manga or whatever medium the artist is known for.
3. a model that fits the universe with similar specs to the game. Could this mean that 2d artists could create a sprite? If you're fitting something into the DoomIII universe, make sure you use some normal maps. Viewtiful Joe or JSRF - get that cel-shading down fool! Texture accordingly.
4. (optional) If the topic choice is a sprite or some extremely low poly character -- do a 3d version of the model to competiton (standard) specs. This is to stop all you funny guys and gals out there from doing a Pong sprite. You know who you are...
5. Money Shot - 1.) of your character in a suitable environment 2.) Put your character in the game. Eg - find a screen shot (decent sized at least 800X600) and make your character look seamless in it. There are many numerous ways to do this... use your noggin.

I think this is a pretty good idea (not just coz I thought of it -- hold on, Doord thought of this. Don't tell him) although I think there's only one thing that I can think of that might hold it back - how would you compare a Pokemon emulated design and low poly Pokemon Stadium character against a Doom 3 character? That's why I put in No4 - create a model based on a standard specification. So even if you do decide to do a sprite (not that many will), you still gotta attempt a 3d model like everyone else.

Contestants judged on:
1. Design of character (unrelated to technical expertise)
2. How well it fits in the universe.
3. Copying of artistic style.
4. The usual 3d criteria (model, texture, poly usage)
5. Moneyshot/Fake Screenshot.

Submitted by J I Styles on Mon, 19/01/04 - 8:14 PMPermalink

This type of brief has been ran before on other forums - cgchat iirc; not too keen on the open brief idea like that.

Submitted by Aven on Mon, 19/01/04 - 8:41 PMPermalink

I don't particulary like the 'adopt someone else's style either'. I have always felt that the reason for running these comps is for people to further their own style.

The cutsie idea is cool, but I don't know if a Pokemon is the best thing to make. Half of the Pokemon designs are just balls with eyes. There are only so many people who could make Ballachu :p If you wanted to do something like that, you should perhaps have a look into Digimon. People could have to design the evolution of their own Digimon partner. Maybe just make it four levels. All the little monsters start off as balls with eyes and then start going up from there. When you start evolving it, you can chose to make a girly mon that will be cuter (or sexier as is mainly the case), or one of the more male oriented ones (a big grisly monster with massive cannons all over it). If this idea were to be done, it would be best to go for season 1,2 or 3 style evolutions. Stay away from season 4 (Digimon Frontier), as they start turning humans into digimons and the show was just crap :)

Otherwise xyz's original idea of a flying creature/character is a fairly good one.

Submitted by Doord on Mon, 19/01/04 - 10:54 PMPermalink

Cute Kiddy Funny

Can't every body just get along??

Submitted by JonathanKerr on Mon, 19/01/04 - 11:38 PMPermalink

The evolution idea is pretty good - it could be interpreted in either kiddie or 'adult' form.

Perhaps design a character and then do 2 or 3 successive iterations. OR (and this would be kinda cool) -- Souri finds a number of pictures of say 'anything' then everyone has to do 3 evolutions from that. It'd be cool to see all the different 'evolutions' from 1 original idea. Even if it were something as simple as a turtle or a carrot. A vege-mon, if you will.

Submitted by Sorceror Bob on Tue, 20/01/04 - 12:55 AMPermalink

Some great ideas here(I like the god one), cute kiddy not being one of them in my opinion :/ if that happens I guess I can skip this comp.

I think the best idea would be for Souri to give the topic to one of the people who finished the last challenge, as a prize. Maybe Ninja, or Joel. Someone that can come up with something finishable by the timeframe (taking into account most people have jobs and little spare time in which to do overly elaborate things).

Submitted by Doord on Tue, 20/01/04 - 1:31 AMPermalink

One cute character, with a 10-15 sec animation. Easy, fast, room for you mind to go wild and surly very funny.

Submitted by Sorceror Bob on Tue, 20/01/04 - 1:35 AMPermalink

with animation is a different story..

Still, I have a fairly big project lined up that is going to eat my spare time like a family of fat people at an all you can eat restaurant..

The topic is really going to have to inspire me to get me going.

Submitted by Fluffy CatFood on Tue, 20/01/04 - 1:39 AMPermalink

Shit I missed this thread well anyway:

Even though I havent bothered with these comps (Although I will one day in the distant future) How about architecture, like a castle, houses , buildinggs etc set in a scene. If you've played morrowind that has some very creative work, especially the buildings of House telvani which are organic, they are like twisted trees with seed pods or fruit that house all the rooms etc etc. I think the theme should be open to any sort of setting and you should be able to show either internal or external and it should be something that can be displayed in real time. Maybe a polycount of around 15000.

Another suggestion I have is for a nature scene (No Bryce models arent allowed) that has to show off certain things like a body of water, grass and shrubs, trees and maybe one or two man made objects if you like. I also think having a weather effect like rain, snow, a flood, a drought etc in the scene should be mandatory.

What do you all think?

Submitted by MoonUnit on Tue, 20/01/04 - 1:52 AMPermalink

i like the idea of picking something then everyone making there own evolved versions from it, that would be really interesting to compare and people have enough room for variation yet you can still judge them against each other

Submitted by Sorceror Bob on Tue, 20/01/04 - 2:29 AMPermalink

Fluffy, good ideas, but I'd say those are more level design.. Maybe it's something souri can make a seperate challenge about.

Submitted by Makk on Tue, 20/01/04 - 3:16 AMPermalink

I think we should try to keep it fairly simple. Not too much work that it gets time consuming and nobody finishes.

Submitted by jwalduck on Tue, 20/01/04 - 5:05 AMPermalink

I liked the suggestion for some form of industrial machinery/mech. How about a mech for cutting down trees, with the briefing including a scale image of the trees to be cut down in scale to a human.

Submitted by Fluffy CatFood on Tue, 20/01/04 - 5:09 AMPermalink

HMMM Ok then, a tree, simple enough, not something that you model every day.
How about vehicles?

Submitted by JonathanKerr on Tue, 20/01/04 - 5:31 AMPermalink

If we're doing mechs, robots and the like - why not create your own Transformer! (PS - if you wanna apply at Melbourne House, I'm sure this could be a cool thing to do). Include the vehicle and robot form - it'd be a good challenge to make a design that 'works'.

To Fluffy: could you be more specific about 'vehicles'? What sort of vehicles? Futuristic? Archaic? Organic? Automotive?

Submitted by Malus on Tue, 20/01/04 - 5:59 AMPermalink

Pretty sure they'd be full of guys doing transformer models myself. [:P]

Submitted by Aven on Tue, 20/01/04 - 12:00 PMPermalink

I have to agree with Bob on this one. It would be best if either Souri or a previous winner choses the subject. This may sound a little Nazi-ish, but their word should be final, if you don't like the topic then you don't have to participate this time around. You can just wait for the next time. After all, there really isn't anything stopping people working on their own ideas :) Between this thread and the other one, plenty of ideas have been surfaced. Let's just get one up and going :D

Submitted by Piss Poor on Tue, 20/01/04 - 7:45 PMPermalink

i agree that the job should be given to one person only, i?m doubtful that anything will be decided otherwise, but more importantly it?s good practice to work outside your comfort zone and to work on something that you wouldn?t normally do but still put your all into it. it?s good practice for work and will give you something different then all your other stuff in your showreel.
and as Aven said you can do your own thing whenever you want.

Submitted by JonathanKerr on Tue, 20/01/04 - 7:47 PMPermalink

This is just a thread for suggestions - in the end it will be up to one person, just like it was last time (Malus?). I find it unlikely that one person could have come up with as many ideas as people so far have.

Agreed -- if you don't like it, you don't have to enter.

Submitted by Doord on Tue, 20/01/04 - 8:39 PMPermalink

Yeah, this thread is just an ideas thing, there is no possible way that everyone will want to do the same thing.

Just a little side qusetion are poeple here scared doing animation??

Submitted by JonathanKerr on Tue, 20/01/04 - 9:22 PMPermalink

Tee hee - that sounds like a 7 year old trying to get someone to shoplift. "Do it man! Are you scaaaaared?!"

Animation is probably not everyone's strong suit (it's certainly not mine) but a.)lack storage space and b.)This is a *modelling* comp would probably suitable excuses as well.

Submitted by Aven on Tue, 20/01/04 - 9:59 PMPermalink

As Jonothan said, this is a modelling challenge. The first time I saw, it I was supprised to see that texture maps were a requirement (although mapping is fairly closely linked to modelling - displacement, bump). Animation would properly work best as a different challenge.

Another idea to throw around.

Not your typical wizard or sorcerer. Something that hasn't been seen before. A school of magic that isn't known. JI has a good example with his Quick Activity. Again, the mage doesn't have to be agressive. They can be rather placid and use their powers to aid others. Doesn't have to be human, doesn't have to be fantasy.

Submitted by Malus on Wed, 21/01/04 - 6:20 AMPermalink

I don't think people are scared of animation, just that its time consuming to first model, texture, rig then animate and peoples interest generally wanes alot on these comps.

Its hard enough geting 5 people to finish modelling let alone animating, man I'm notorious for it on these comps lol.

Maybe setup a seperate animation comp? Give out a generic model and let everyone go nuts.

Submitted by souri on Wed, 21/01/04 - 7:14 AMPermalink

I do like the animation challenge idea, but like what has been said, it'll have to be part of another challenge..

It might be nice to try something different this time round than doing the one detailed model. Cute character with 5 steps of evolution, or a team of models (could include a vehicle as well) with different capabilities (ala RTS game - someone mentioned this idea for a previous challenge). It won't be five times the amount of work though with lower polycounts and texture sizes for each model.. anyway, more suggestions!

Submitted by Aven on Wed, 21/01/04 - 10:23 AMPermalink

How about this for a RTS challenge.

Pick a type of RTS game. Fantasy based, Futuristic, Alien, Curent Military, Current SWAT. You get the idea.

Create a list of two to three dozen different units. Soldiers, Mages, Builders, Tanks, Flying Units. People can pick five or so, design how they think a 'heavy armoured rocket tank' should look, and then make the models for them. This will hopefully add a bit of spice and variety.

The squad idea is very cool as well.

I thought the suggestions might get lost in that other thread so how about we start a new one to list them here.

Well? Go on then! Fire away!

Submitted by Makk on Sun, 18/01/04 - 9:39 AMPermalink

*shoots Jon in the head*

ooh, you meant ideas not guns!!

Well, going on that "nintendo kiddy" idea, how about design a pokemon monster. I have always enjoyed those designs. Plus they would be fairly simple to do.

Another idea would be "Weapons Master" Design an old, wise looking warrior who has spent many years mastering the many techniqeus of his chosen weapon. Doesnt have to be a warrior, could just enjoy usning the weapon. Obvisouly, you would have to design/model the weapon.

Pirates, they are always fun *shrugs*

And finally, it was mentioned awhile ago, but we could possibly do this in teams. *cough* since I cant model *cough*

Submitted by Aven on Sun, 18/01/04 - 10:03 AMPermalink

I had a bit of a think. How about,

Personify yourself as a God.
Basically, you have been honored to become a God. What would you be the God of? This should really be something that is related to your personality more than a representation of a physical thing. ie, the God Of Happiness as opposed to something like the God Of Death. This has the ability to suit both people who want to make a big warrior, and those who want to make someone a little more somber and less cliched. The God should also look somewhat like you (photos should be produced :) ). You wont be put down for either your physical appearance or your artistical skills. Obviously, if you wanted to make yourself buffer, that is cool, but you should look somewhat like you do now. Decisions should also bee made as to if you want to live in the real world (more realistic clothing), or some other plane.

Just a thought.

I like Makk's idea of the Weapon Master. It could possibly be broadened to include all martial forms (Tai Chi, and so on).

The team idea should be given good thought. It would be nice to see some 2D artists (like Makk), flexing their texturing skills :D

Submitted by JonathanKerr on Sun, 18/01/04 - 10:32 AMPermalink

Weapon Master is very cool - I'd quite like to do this but I guess I was harping on in the other thread about doing less aggressive concepts so I dunno...

The Pokemon idea was sorta along the lines I was thinking of too. Perhaps as part of that challenge could be to create 1.) A concept 2.) An illustration showing a range of attacks or the 'defining' features of the creature -- ie 'growing twice its size etc 3.) 3d model 4.)A card with the specs of the creature with a wee write up and mock stats.

The god idea is pretty cool. It could be tweaked to be yourself as a superhero/Xman. Not necessarily aggressive. Show your power and your alignment.

I'd like to see some more conceptual stuff in this challenge -- I keep hearing how traditional drawing skills are so important so perhaps incorporating some sort system like this into the challenge. Concept Design, Sketches, 3d with wires etc, Textures, Money Shot would make up the criteria. This gives guys like myself and other 2d artists a shot at competing on a good level with guys like (off the top of my head) Malus, Aven and JI Styles (among others) who have a broad spectrum of skills. It also puts those who lean more towards either one of 2d or 3d on even footing to compete with others. Or maybe I don't know what I'm talking about -- the point of the challenges is to challenge yourself, but I detect a bit of reticency in both 2d artists who cant do 3d and 3d artists with not-so-developed 2d skills. Those who can do both well reap the benefits of having put practice into both disciplines but (I think) I'm getting at that the criteria should have an equal number of 2d and 3d aspects (say three each).

I'm babbling.

Submitted by JonathanKerr on Mon, 19/01/04 - 7:53 AMPermalink

I've just completed Knights of the Old Republic (light side max) and I was thinking how cool it would be to take a concept for this competition and make an 'evil' as well as a 'good' version of the character or topic.

Submitted by Aven on Mon, 19/01/04 - 8:20 AMPermalink

Jonathan, the Good/Evil thing isn't too shabby an idea, but there are a few people just starting to get involved with the whole 3D thing, so it would be best not to throw too many people into the deep end. Plus I haven't made a low poly character since the first year AIE course (man I'm gonna be rusty :D). The idea of 2D and 3D teams could also help some people out. I'm sure that some of then newer people learning to model would love to have the help from someone like Mr. Kerr or Makk with design and drawing.

Another more varied character idea.

Create a character for an MMORPG. If you would want to play as a warrior, that is cool. If you want to be a merchant, great. If you want to be some fantasy Pimp, then even better :D I guess that a game would have to be picked to keep the style consistant (Everquest, Linage, Star Wars Galaxies, World Of Warcraft, so on), or it could be made freestyle.

Submitted by JonathanKerr on Mon, 19/01/04 - 9:04 AMPermalink

I think it was Doord who suggested this many aeons ago - but how about a challenge where the entrants find some reference art and they have to create a level/character/mech etc that is done in the style of that game. ie - show some pics of cloud, sephiroth and design a character for the FFVII universe - try and draw the concept in the style of the concept artists. Then create a model (for the battle part of the game) that would fit into the game. Alternatively, you could do something simpler like Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh! or you might decide to try and copy Yoji Shinkawa's brush pen style and design a character to fit into the Metal Gear Solid universe. Other examples might include: Mario, Halo, KOTOR, Viewtiful Joe, Shenmue, HalfLife2, Crash Bandicoot, Ty the Tiger or some other Australasian teams game and so on. If you're trying to get work in an Australasian company - what better way to show that you can do what they're doing!? (dont quote me on that tho')

You would be expected to provide:

1. 3 examples of the existing concept art so that judges can compare what you're trying to emulate.
2. create a concept that meshes well (ie looks like the original concept artists work) and fits into the universe. No copying the poses! If the artist uses a brush pen, you should too. Likewise for pen and ink, Manga or whatever medium the artist is known for.
3. a model that fits the universe with similar specs to the game. Could this mean that 2d artists could create a sprite? If you're fitting something into the DoomIII universe, make sure you use some normal maps. Viewtiful Joe or JSRF - get that cel-shading down fool! Texture accordingly.
4. (optional) If the topic choice is a sprite or some extremely low poly character -- do a 3d version of the model to competiton (standard) specs. This is to stop all you funny guys and gals out there from doing a Pong sprite. You know who you are...
5. Money Shot - 1.) of your character in a suitable environment 2.) Put your character in the game. Eg - find a screen shot (decent sized at least 800X600) and make your character look seamless in it. There are many numerous ways to do this... use your noggin.

I think this is a pretty good idea (not just coz I thought of it -- hold on, Doord thought of this. Don't tell him) although I think there's only one thing that I can think of that might hold it back - how would you compare a Pokemon emulated design and low poly Pokemon Stadium character against a Doom 3 character? That's why I put in No4 - create a model based on a standard specification. So even if you do decide to do a sprite (not that many will), you still gotta attempt a 3d model like everyone else.

Contestants judged on:
1. Design of character (unrelated to technical expertise)
2. How well it fits in the universe.
3. Copying of artistic style.
4. The usual 3d criteria (model, texture, poly usage)
5. Moneyshot/Fake Screenshot.

Submitted by J I Styles on Mon, 19/01/04 - 8:14 PMPermalink

This type of brief has been ran before on other forums - cgchat iirc; not too keen on the open brief idea like that.

Submitted by Aven on Mon, 19/01/04 - 8:41 PMPermalink

I don't particulary like the 'adopt someone else's style either'. I have always felt that the reason for running these comps is for people to further their own style.

The cutsie idea is cool, but I don't know if a Pokemon is the best thing to make. Half of the Pokemon designs are just balls with eyes. There are only so many people who could make Ballachu :p If you wanted to do something like that, you should perhaps have a look into Digimon. People could have to design the evolution of their own Digimon partner. Maybe just make it four levels. All the little monsters start off as balls with eyes and then start going up from there. When you start evolving it, you can chose to make a girly mon that will be cuter (or sexier as is mainly the case), or one of the more male oriented ones (a big grisly monster with massive cannons all over it). If this idea were to be done, it would be best to go for season 1,2 or 3 style evolutions. Stay away from season 4 (Digimon Frontier), as they start turning humans into digimons and the show was just crap :)

Otherwise xyz's original idea of a flying creature/character is a fairly good one.

Submitted by Doord on Mon, 19/01/04 - 10:54 PMPermalink

Cute Kiddy Funny

Can't every body just get along??

Submitted by JonathanKerr on Mon, 19/01/04 - 11:38 PMPermalink

The evolution idea is pretty good - it could be interpreted in either kiddie or 'adult' form.

Perhaps design a character and then do 2 or 3 successive iterations. OR (and this would be kinda cool) -- Souri finds a number of pictures of say 'anything' then everyone has to do 3 evolutions from that. It'd be cool to see all the different 'evolutions' from 1 original idea. Even if it were something as simple as a turtle or a carrot. A vege-mon, if you will.

Submitted by Sorceror Bob on Tue, 20/01/04 - 12:55 AMPermalink

Some great ideas here(I like the god one), cute kiddy not being one of them in my opinion :/ if that happens I guess I can skip this comp.

I think the best idea would be for Souri to give the topic to one of the people who finished the last challenge, as a prize. Maybe Ninja, or Joel. Someone that can come up with something finishable by the timeframe (taking into account most people have jobs and little spare time in which to do overly elaborate things).

Submitted by Doord on Tue, 20/01/04 - 1:31 AMPermalink

One cute character, with a 10-15 sec animation. Easy, fast, room for you mind to go wild and surly very funny.

Submitted by Sorceror Bob on Tue, 20/01/04 - 1:35 AMPermalink

with animation is a different story..

Still, I have a fairly big project lined up that is going to eat my spare time like a family of fat people at an all you can eat restaurant..

The topic is really going to have to inspire me to get me going.

Submitted by Fluffy CatFood on Tue, 20/01/04 - 1:39 AMPermalink

Shit I missed this thread well anyway:

Even though I havent bothered with these comps (Although I will one day in the distant future) How about architecture, like a castle, houses , buildinggs etc set in a scene. If you've played morrowind that has some very creative work, especially the buildings of House telvani which are organic, they are like twisted trees with seed pods or fruit that house all the rooms etc etc. I think the theme should be open to any sort of setting and you should be able to show either internal or external and it should be something that can be displayed in real time. Maybe a polycount of around 15000.

Another suggestion I have is for a nature scene (No Bryce models arent allowed) that has to show off certain things like a body of water, grass and shrubs, trees and maybe one or two man made objects if you like. I also think having a weather effect like rain, snow, a flood, a drought etc in the scene should be mandatory.

What do you all think?

Submitted by MoonUnit on Tue, 20/01/04 - 1:52 AMPermalink

i like the idea of picking something then everyone making there own evolved versions from it, that would be really interesting to compare and people have enough room for variation yet you can still judge them against each other

Submitted by Sorceror Bob on Tue, 20/01/04 - 2:29 AMPermalink

Fluffy, good ideas, but I'd say those are more level design.. Maybe it's something souri can make a seperate challenge about.

Submitted by Makk on Tue, 20/01/04 - 3:16 AMPermalink

I think we should try to keep it fairly simple. Not too much work that it gets time consuming and nobody finishes.

Submitted by jwalduck on Tue, 20/01/04 - 5:05 AMPermalink

I liked the suggestion for some form of industrial machinery/mech. How about a mech for cutting down trees, with the briefing including a scale image of the trees to be cut down in scale to a human.

Submitted by Fluffy CatFood on Tue, 20/01/04 - 5:09 AMPermalink

HMMM Ok then, a tree, simple enough, not something that you model every day.
How about vehicles?

Submitted by JonathanKerr on Tue, 20/01/04 - 5:31 AMPermalink

If we're doing mechs, robots and the like - why not create your own Transformer! (PS - if you wanna apply at Melbourne House, I'm sure this could be a cool thing to do). Include the vehicle and robot form - it'd be a good challenge to make a design that 'works'.

To Fluffy: could you be more specific about 'vehicles'? What sort of vehicles? Futuristic? Archaic? Organic? Automotive?

Submitted by Malus on Tue, 20/01/04 - 5:59 AMPermalink

Pretty sure they'd be full of guys doing transformer models myself. [:P]

Submitted by Aven on Tue, 20/01/04 - 12:00 PMPermalink

I have to agree with Bob on this one. It would be best if either Souri or a previous winner choses the subject. This may sound a little Nazi-ish, but their word should be final, if you don't like the topic then you don't have to participate this time around. You can just wait for the next time. After all, there really isn't anything stopping people working on their own ideas :) Between this thread and the other one, plenty of ideas have been surfaced. Let's just get one up and going :D

Submitted by Piss Poor on Tue, 20/01/04 - 7:45 PMPermalink

i agree that the job should be given to one person only, i?m doubtful that anything will be decided otherwise, but more importantly it?s good practice to work outside your comfort zone and to work on something that you wouldn?t normally do but still put your all into it. it?s good practice for work and will give you something different then all your other stuff in your showreel.
and as Aven said you can do your own thing whenever you want.

Submitted by JonathanKerr on Tue, 20/01/04 - 7:47 PMPermalink

This is just a thread for suggestions - in the end it will be up to one person, just like it was last time (Malus?). I find it unlikely that one person could have come up with as many ideas as people so far have.

Agreed -- if you don't like it, you don't have to enter.

Submitted by Doord on Tue, 20/01/04 - 8:39 PMPermalink

Yeah, this thread is just an ideas thing, there is no possible way that everyone will want to do the same thing.

Just a little side qusetion are poeple here scared doing animation??

Submitted by JonathanKerr on Tue, 20/01/04 - 9:22 PMPermalink

Tee hee - that sounds like a 7 year old trying to get someone to shoplift. "Do it man! Are you scaaaaared?!"

Animation is probably not everyone's strong suit (it's certainly not mine) but a.)lack storage space and b.)This is a *modelling* comp would probably suitable excuses as well.

Submitted by Aven on Tue, 20/01/04 - 9:59 PMPermalink

As Jonothan said, this is a modelling challenge. The first time I saw, it I was supprised to see that texture maps were a requirement (although mapping is fairly closely linked to modelling - displacement, bump). Animation would properly work best as a different challenge.

Another idea to throw around.

Not your typical wizard or sorcerer. Something that hasn't been seen before. A school of magic that isn't known. JI has a good example with his Quick Activity. Again, the mage doesn't have to be agressive. They can be rather placid and use their powers to aid others. Doesn't have to be human, doesn't have to be fantasy.

Submitted by Malus on Wed, 21/01/04 - 6:20 AMPermalink

I don't think people are scared of animation, just that its time consuming to first model, texture, rig then animate and peoples interest generally wanes alot on these comps.

Its hard enough geting 5 people to finish modelling let alone animating, man I'm notorious for it on these comps lol.

Maybe setup a seperate animation comp? Give out a generic model and let everyone go nuts.

Submitted by souri on Wed, 21/01/04 - 7:14 AMPermalink

I do like the animation challenge idea, but like what has been said, it'll have to be part of another challenge..

It might be nice to try something different this time round than doing the one detailed model. Cute character with 5 steps of evolution, or a team of models (could include a vehicle as well) with different capabilities (ala RTS game - someone mentioned this idea for a previous challenge). It won't be five times the amount of work though with lower polycounts and texture sizes for each model.. anyway, more suggestions!

Submitted by Aven on Wed, 21/01/04 - 10:23 AMPermalink

How about this for a RTS challenge.

Pick a type of RTS game. Fantasy based, Futuristic, Alien, Curent Military, Current SWAT. You get the idea.

Create a list of two to three dozen different units. Soldiers, Mages, Builders, Tanks, Flying Units. People can pick five or so, design how they think a 'heavy armoured rocket tank' should look, and then make the models for them. This will hopefully add a bit of spice and variety.

The squad idea is very cool as well.