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Hi... Can someone help me??

Submitted by Biksubejat on

Hello Everyone,

I'm a new member here, I'm currently a graduated student in Indonesia... I'm really confuse on the course that I should take in Uni... I'm thinking of studying video games, since.. well... I enjoyed playing games and working in front of a computer...
Although, I have some questions about it:
1.) Which university that offers this kind of course (Preferably the animation part), you see, my parents doesn't like me getting a diploma degree, they want me to get a bachelor degree, so things like QANTM or AIE (Private sector) won't work with me... Any suggestion?
2.) Do you need to know about physic? or advance math? I don't take physic and I only take tertiary math... Plus I'm dumb at physic or crazy math calculation (Which why I didn't take physic for my highschool)
3.) Is there any other requirement besides portfolio (Portfolio is just a collection of our own artworks right?) and highschool certificate?
4.) Does this kind of course have a bright future?

Thanks for the help guys, if I didn't get a solid info for my parents they'll put me in Banking and Financial course, which I totally ..... hate.... [:(]

Submitted by Mdobele on Thu, 16/12/04 - 8:28 AMPermalink

I can answer some question with a QANTM bias seeing as thats just where I graduated from. ( Programming myself ) Theres a ton of AIE ppl here as well as other Universities so I am sure they can comment on there respective schools.

1) Currently the degree offered by QANTM. Either programming or animation IS a Bachelor Degree.

2) If you are going to concentrate on modelling and animation then you wont really need to know about physics or advanced maths techniques. ( In my opinion )

3) QANTM really only needs a OP to get into the Bachalor course. I myself actually never finished highschool and entered QANTM by beeing a mature age student doing the diploma then going automatic entry into the Bachalor Degree. As long as you graduated highschool you should be fine. I'd advise you simply ring the school and ask them what their curent entry requirements are for 2005.

QANTM college - 1300 136 933

4) Doing any degree course gives you a bright futre if you apply yourself and have a passion for the games industry to begin with. Alot of the people aroud here have done courses at the various universities and I'm sure they will tell you that it has put them ahead. Also some companies will always look favourably at a person with a degree over someone without.

Submitted by neo an anomaly on Fri, 17/12/04 - 10:51 AMPermalink

Hey Mdobele ,

Does QANTM have a workin' email address that ya know of 'coz they've never replied to any of my queries and messages. That scares me a bit , more actually , for am an international student and the fee amount includin' the livin' expenses is atleast 10 times of what the aussies pay. I've already lodged an application outta desperation thru QTAC , yet no response from them. This is drivin' me crazy. Now are or workin' email addresses?

I dun get an opportunity to call them either due to my crazy work hours and the time zones too. I guess the 1-300 # is a toll-free # when dialled from within australia. I hv a request for ya , MDobele , if ya could give them a call and just get a workin' email address for student enquiries. And qtac is not responsible for any lack of correspondence from the schools the students apply to.

One last question for ya , dude :). Is that school any good ? I hv an intermediate programmin experience and I've planned to go for a diploma in games programmin' from QANTM. Read a lot abt QANTM and AIE and flames alike on both the schools , however , itz more convincin' to hear from a very recent graduate like ya :)...

Thanx for ur help , bro ;)


Submitted by Biksubejat on Fri, 17/12/04 - 11:35 AMPermalink

Thanks a lot Mdobele!! That's very helpful!! :)

Hello Everyone,

I'm a new member here, I'm currently a graduated student in Indonesia... I'm really confuse on the course that I should take in Uni... I'm thinking of studying video games, since.. well... I enjoyed playing games and working in front of a computer...
Although, I have some questions about it:
1.) Which university that offers this kind of course (Preferably the animation part), you see, my parents doesn't like me getting a diploma degree, they want me to get a bachelor degree, so things like QANTM or AIE (Private sector) won't work with me... Any suggestion?
2.) Do you need to know about physic? or advance math? I don't take physic and I only take tertiary math... Plus I'm dumb at physic or crazy math calculation (Which why I didn't take physic for my highschool)
3.) Is there any other requirement besides portfolio (Portfolio is just a collection of our own artworks right?) and highschool certificate?
4.) Does this kind of course have a bright future?

Thanks for the help guys, if I didn't get a solid info for my parents they'll put me in Banking and Financial course, which I totally ..... hate.... [:(]

Submitted by Mdobele on Thu, 16/12/04 - 8:28 AMPermalink

I can answer some question with a QANTM bias seeing as thats just where I graduated from. ( Programming myself ) Theres a ton of AIE ppl here as well as other Universities so I am sure they can comment on there respective schools.

1) Currently the degree offered by QANTM. Either programming or animation IS a Bachelor Degree.

2) If you are going to concentrate on modelling and animation then you wont really need to know about physics or advanced maths techniques. ( In my opinion )

3) QANTM really only needs a OP to get into the Bachalor course. I myself actually never finished highschool and entered QANTM by beeing a mature age student doing the diploma then going automatic entry into the Bachalor Degree. As long as you graduated highschool you should be fine. I'd advise you simply ring the school and ask them what their curent entry requirements are for 2005.

QANTM college - 1300 136 933

4) Doing any degree course gives you a bright futre if you apply yourself and have a passion for the games industry to begin with. Alot of the people aroud here have done courses at the various universities and I'm sure they will tell you that it has put them ahead. Also some companies will always look favourably at a person with a degree over someone without.

Submitted by neo an anomaly on Fri, 17/12/04 - 10:51 AMPermalink

Hey Mdobele ,

Does QANTM have a workin' email address that ya know of 'coz they've never replied to any of my queries and messages. That scares me a bit , more actually , for am an international student and the fee amount includin' the livin' expenses is atleast 10 times of what the aussies pay. I've already lodged an application outta desperation thru QTAC , yet no response from them. This is drivin' me crazy. Now are or workin' email addresses?

I dun get an opportunity to call them either due to my crazy work hours and the time zones too. I guess the 1-300 # is a toll-free # when dialled from within australia. I hv a request for ya , MDobele , if ya could give them a call and just get a workin' email address for student enquiries. And qtac is not responsible for any lack of correspondence from the schools the students apply to.

One last question for ya , dude :). Is that school any good ? I hv an intermediate programmin experience and I've planned to go for a diploma in games programmin' from QANTM. Read a lot abt QANTM and AIE and flames alike on both the schools , however , itz more convincin' to hear from a very recent graduate like ya :)...

Thanx for ur help , bro ;)


Submitted by Biksubejat on Fri, 17/12/04 - 11:35 AMPermalink

Thanks a lot Mdobele!! That's very helpful!! :)