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State of SA Game development

Submitted by Shardy on

Hi All,

My name is Andrew Osborne and I am currently completing my Masters of Digital Media at Adelaide Uni.

Part of my Final Project is to look into the current status of game development (healthy or otherwise) in SA, be it PC, console, or mobile.

I am rather stuck as to where to begin so I am putting out a feeler here for anyone who doesnt mind me contacting them probobly just with a few questions, or general conversation about the Games industry at this point in time to either reply here, or drop me an email at ' andrew.osborne _at_ '

Alternatively if anyone has suggestions of a better place to be asking, or someone worth talking to (be it a development studio, or publisher, or funding body) I would appreciate if your able to pass the information onto me again through here or my email address.

Any help or pointers would be much appreciated.
Thanks for your time!

Submitted by souri on Tue, 14/03/06 - 2:42 AMPermalink

Check out the developers listing on Sumea of those in [url=""]South Australia[/url], check out the threads [url=""]on the why and how Ratbag went down[/url]. new emerging studio like [url=""]HardCover Entertainment[/url]. Education wise, look up the [url=""]Heinz school branch[/url] that is [url=""]establishing in SA[/url].

Submitted by Jacana on Tue, 14/03/06 - 7:04 PMPermalink

Don't forget the Krome offshoot that started up in SA after Ratbag got closed.

Submitted by Grover on Sun, 19/03/06 - 4:13 PMPermalink

Hrm - Just had a look at that SA list, and I think there is 4 that should probably be removed? (Or is it a historical list too - dont know?)
Ellispe (gone 5 yrs ago), R3 (gone 2 yrs ago), Ratbag (gone recently) and Sydac - not a game dev company? They develop Sim and defense gear?

Submitted by souri on Mon, 20/03/06 - 11:15 AMPermalink

It's probably not as obvious as it should be, but those developers are listed as inactive. I'll have to get rid of Sydac though.

Posted by Shardy on

Hi All,

My name is Andrew Osborne and I am currently completing my Masters of Digital Media at Adelaide Uni.

Part of my Final Project is to look into the current status of game development (healthy or otherwise) in SA, be it PC, console, or mobile.

I am rather stuck as to where to begin so I am putting out a feeler here for anyone who doesnt mind me contacting them probobly just with a few questions, or general conversation about the Games industry at this point in time to either reply here, or drop me an email at ' andrew.osborne _at_ '

Alternatively if anyone has suggestions of a better place to be asking, or someone worth talking to (be it a development studio, or publisher, or funding body) I would appreciate if your able to pass the information onto me again through here or my email address.

Any help or pointers would be much appreciated.
Thanks for your time!

Submitted by souri on Tue, 14/03/06 - 2:42 AMPermalink

Check out the developers listing on Sumea of those in [url=""]South Australia[/url], check out the threads [url=""]on the why and how Ratbag went down[/url]. new emerging studio like [url=""]HardCover Entertainment[/url]. Education wise, look up the [url=""]Heinz school branch[/url] that is [url=""]establishing in SA[/url].

Submitted by Jacana on Tue, 14/03/06 - 7:04 PMPermalink

Don't forget the Krome offshoot that started up in SA after Ratbag got closed.

Submitted by Grover on Sun, 19/03/06 - 4:13 PMPermalink

Hrm - Just had a look at that SA list, and I think there is 4 that should probably be removed? (Or is it a historical list too - dont know?)
Ellispe (gone 5 yrs ago), R3 (gone 2 yrs ago), Ratbag (gone recently) and Sydac - not a game dev company? They develop Sim and defense gear?

Submitted by souri on Mon, 20/03/06 - 11:15 AMPermalink

It's probably not as obvious as it should be, but those developers are listed as inactive. I'll have to get rid of Sydac though.